Examples of the the word, iteration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( iteration ), is the 9386 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. L and R pointers in favor of a current position p and a width w where at each, iteration , p is adjusted by + or − w and w is halved. Professor Knuth remarks" It is
  2. 1 and N/2 elements. If the original number of items is N then after the first, iteration ,there will be at most N/2 items remaining, then at most N/4 items, at most N/8
  3. Yields a one-dimensional array, or vector, from 1 to N) can replace for-loop, iteration , More recent implementations of APL generally include comprehensive control
  4. Between all games in the series, the interface went through many changes. Each, iteration ,sported a new layout and color scheme, as well the individual elements, like
  5. Instructions: assignment, object creation, routine call, condition,and, iteration , Eiffel's control structures are strict in enforcing structured programming:
  6. Appeared on the June 29, 1998,cover of Time magazine, placed as the newest, iteration ,in the evolution of feminism, relating to the ongoing debate about the role
  7. Approach is known as iterated block cipher (see also product cipher). Each, iteration ,is termed a round, and the repeated function is termed the round function;
  8. Early 1990s Lucasarts games; during play, the music will change to a different, iteration ,of the currently playing song based on the player's actions, such as when the
  9. Every odd column while steps 3,4,1,2 occur for every even column. Steps Each, iteration ,creates a new result, and is accomplished in four steps corresponding to four
  10. But, all of what she says is equally her word (even if it contradicts another, iteration ,of her word). Most Episcopizes have an assumed name and/or title of bizarre
  11. Of an iteration ; then an equals rk−2,since rk−2 > rk−1. During the loop, iteration , an is reduced by multiples of the previous remainder b until an is smaller than
  12. Computer. Much of the mathematics of chaos theory involves the repeated, iteration ,of simple mathematical formulas, which would be impractical to do by hand.
  13. Or data to mimic other stories which might not be played out during an, iteration ,(as those stories may have been relatively lower business priority). A user
  14. Is returned. A binary search halves the number of items to check with each, iteration , so locating the item (or determining its absence) takes logarithmic time.
  15. CISC instruction. Thus, the Christine score counts only the number of program, iteration ,completions per second, allowing individual machines to perform this
  16. Most applications. Examples are methods such as Newton's method, fixed point, iteration , and linear approximation. For instance, spacecraft use a variation of the
  17. Substitution, variables and control structures for condition-testing and, iteration , The keywords, syntax and other basic features of the language were all copied
  18. Member Plurality election the counting of the ballot uses an exhaustive, iteration ,process using the same ballot papers to elect one person each iteration for
  19. Be recognized and optimized by a compiler into the same code used to implement, iteration ,in imperative languages. The Scheme language standard requires implementations
  20. The specified condition is true. The condition may be evaluated before each, iteration ,of the loop, or after. * DO ... LOOP or: repeat a section of code Forever or
  21. N^ \sum U (z_j, \hat\zeta) 0 can be solved by a simple fixed-point, iteration ,:: \zeta = U (no U (z, \zeta),- \zeta)\, starting with \zeta = 0. The
  22. One way to classify algorithms is by implementation means. * Recursion or, iteration ,: A recursive algorithm is one that invokes (makes reference to) itself
  23. Loop termination in case of equality),but with two separate comparisons per, iteration , It is not the most efficient solution. Recursive A simple, straightforward
  24. Greater number of votes) are elected. In some cases, the system involves an, iteration ,of the counting of Plurality votes. Historically, FPTP has been a contentious
  25. For N, then (with the appropriate regard for integer division),the first, iteration ,always selects the middle element at N/2,and the second always selects either
  26. Or reaction-limited aggregation clusters. * Strange attractors – Generated by, iteration ,of a map or the solution of a system of initial-value differential equations
  27. And higher derivatives of the polynomial. Timing In the Babbage design, one, iteration ,i.e. one full set of addition and carry operations happens once for four
  28. Done once, is lost by a more complex calculation, and which is done for every, iteration , If that is not enough, the test for an empty span is more complex also, as
  29. Programmers are to embrace this and plan the new requirements for the next, iteration , Practices Extreme programming has been described as having 12 practices
  30. The formal solution of an explicitly time-dependent Schrödinger equation by, iteration , and the corresponding Dyson time-ordering operator \mathcal T\, an entity of
  31. Set invariant up to homomorphism: f_L (C)\Cong f_R (C)\Cong C. Repeated, iteration ,of f_L and f_R can be visualized as an infinite binary tree. That is, at each
  32. The Sleeper. The game has also inspired a number of other spinoffs. The third, iteration ,in the series, with the working title Everest Next, is currently in the early
  33. Of rk−1 while the next remainder OK is being calculated. At the end of the loop, iteration , the variable b holds the remainder OK, whereas the variable a holds its
  34. Need be). Acceptance test cards are ideally created during sprint planning or, iteration ,planning meeting, before development begins so that the developers have a clear
  35. Iterating the relation many times—each advancing time a small step. The, iteration ,procedure is referred to as solving the system or integrating the system. Once
  36. b) while b ≠ 0 t: = b: = a mod b a: = t return an At the beginning of the KTM, iteration , the variable b holds the latest remainder rk−1,whereas the variable a holds
  37. Form of the method, as if x > A (4294967295). Key, then on the final, iteration ,the algorithm will attempt to store 4294967296 into L and fail. Equivalent
  38. Remainders rk−1 and rk−2. Assume that an is larger than b at the beginning of an, iteration ,; then an equals rk−2,since rk−2 > rk−1. During the loop iteration , a is reduced
  39. It is considerably faster than a linear search. It can be implemented using, iteration , or recursion. In some languages it is more elegantly expressed recursively;
  40. To the languages losing their BASIC moniker in later years. History The first, iteration ,of the Blitz language was created for the Amiga platform and published by the
  41. These schemes are that an attacker can only test one specific password on each, iteration ,with the other party, and so the system provides good security with relatively
  42. The release of a 1.3 GHz EV7 variant called the EV7z. This would be the final, iteration ,of Alpha, the 0.13 µm EV79 also being canceled. Alpha was also implemented in
  43. Since each question halves the search space. Note that one less question (, iteration ,) is required than for the general algorithm, since the number is already
  44. At the time of agent definition. For example, if action2 has two arguments,the, iteration ,my_list. Do_all (agent action2 (?, y )) iterates
  45. Operations from the natural numbers to the reals, each built up in terms of, iteration ,of the last, mean that generalizing exponentiation as a binary operation is
  46. Acceptance tests. This means that new acceptance tests must be created for each, iteration ,or the development team will report zero progress. Types of acceptance testing
  47. Visit each of the nodes in a tree and examine the value there, a process called, iteration ,or enumeration. There are several common orders in which the nodes can be
  48. Iteration process using the same ballot papers to elect one person each, iteration ,for each vacant position. Ballot types Generally plurality ballots can be
  49. Agent" mechanism wraps operations into objects. This mechanism can be used for, iteration , event-driven programming, and other contexts in which it is useful to pass
  50. The specified condition is true. The condition may be evaluated before each, iteration ,of the loop, or after. * GOT: jumps to a numbered or labelled line in the

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