Examples of the the word, prosper , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prosper ), is the 9374 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This verdant area, some 370 square kilometers, has enabled Damascus to, prosper ,since ancient times. In the mid-1980s,the size of Al Utah was gradually
  2. To Labor and the Conservatives. After some initial success, the SDP did not, prosper ,(partly due to its unfavorable distribution of votes in the FPTP electoral
  3. Dynasty onward the word appears in a wish formula 'Great House, may it live, prosper , and be in health ', but again only with reference to the royal palace and not
  4. Safe haven in" a friendly little country where Scientology would be allowed to, prosper ," as Miller puts it. The fleet stayed at Corfu for several months in 1968–69.
  5. Tools. The breakthrough that allowed the interactive fiction community to truly, prosper , however, was the creation and distribution of two sophisticated development
  6. Then any tools previously used, and gave H. habits the edge it needed to, prosper ,in hostile environments previously too formidable for primates. Whether H.
  7. Guided to success and prosper ity. “ Know then, that if thou sees tan evil-doer, prosper , it is not always unto his advantage, and if a righteous man suffers need and
  8. Liverpool in 1715. Substantial profits from the slave trade helped the town to, prosper ,and rapidly grow. By the close of the century Liverpool controlled over 41 % of
  9. The new city's economy. In the following decades, Reno continued to grow and, prosper ,as a business and agricultural center and became the principal settlement on
  10. That he would rise again. God also assured that he would be with him, he would, prosper , and he would also see his son Joseph who would lay him to rest. Continuing
  11. Because he logically concludes that only a religion supported by God could, prosper ,despite the corruption of its leadership. The earliest source of this tale is
  12. Kartzimopoulos rebuilt part of the defenses inside the city. The city began to, prosper ,once more, as witnessed by the Arab geographer Al Idris, who mentions it as a
  13. He would be heard saying to Gogol," You're a cheater, and cheaters never, prosper , " Scrooge has a nasty temper and rarely hesitates to use violence against
  14. Style of war initially allowed neighbors with limited resources to coexist and, prosper , He argues that Western-style armies are characterized by an emphasis on
  15. Of Ionic together into the Ionian League. During his reign the city began to, prosper , He died in a battle against the Arians when he came to the aid of Praise
  16. That in time became the current Minster. In the 12th century York started to, prosper , In 1190,York Castle was the site of an infamous massacre of its Jewish
  17. A population of over 50,000 in 1700. Early modern As the city continued to, prosper ,during the 17th century, Georgian Dublin became, for a short period, the second
  18. And Casey the India e the Guide in 1499. The local African rulers in Guinea, who, prosper , greatly from the slave trade, have no interest in allowing the Europeans any
  19. Ecclesiastes had earlier suggested that the righteous suffer and the wicked, prosper ,(7:15-18,9:1-12),here there is a much more optimistic outlook; if one is
  20. Never wrote anything like this. " McGonagall soon realized that if he were to, prosper ,as a poet, he would require a patron. Ambitiously, he wrote to Queen Victoria
  21. Near St. Louis, Missouri,using slaves owned by Julia's father, but it did not, prosper , In 1856,Grant, in order to give his family a home, made a house he called "
  22. The location never remained the same. Classical period Ephesus continued to, prosper , But when taxes continued to be raised under Cambyses II and Darius, the
  23. Super ordination begin Sicilian),in which he stated that no government can, prosper ,that is not founded on justice and peace, and passed forty-five ordinances
  24. Such as the nature of predestination and free will, why evil men often, prosper ,and good men fall into ruin, human nature, virtue,and justice. He speaks about
  25. Defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may, prosper ,together. " Because of legal issues related to holding a military rank while in
  26. As a consequence of this, while the rest of the country was beginning to, prosper ,in the beginning of the 18th century, Lincoln suffered immensely, travellers
  27. And from doing many other things that are necessary in order to succeed and, prosper ,in life. The laws had largely been reformed by 1793,and in 1829,Irish
  28. And became a brewer in leather Lane, London and Hackney. His business did not, prosper ,due to lack of working capital and by 1776 he was working in Reid’s brewery at
  29. Connected with the sale of clothes, the Jewish community in Finland was able to, prosper , and 1890 it numbered about 1,000. Finnish independence brought complete civil
  30. Of action. That Job should suffer and Socrates and Jesus die while the wicked, prosper , then seems unjust. Eudaemonists generally reply that the universe is moral and
  31. The Soviet Union vindicated their views and predictions, did not particularly, prosper ,from it - in fact, some of them became less radical as well. Economy Several
  32. The Pax Romana, Damascus and the Roman province of Syria in general began to, prosper , Damascus's importance as a caravan city was evident with the trade routes
  33. All major conflicts did not reach Lesser Poland, and the province continued to, prosper , which was reflected in its castles and palaces, such as the enormous
  34. He saw as a place in which" only the man with superpowers can survive and, prosper , " Andrew Arnold, writing in the early 21st century, has noted Superman's
  35. Surpassing the Mali Empire in both territory and wealth. It continued to, prosper ,until a civil war over succession followed the death of Asia Beyond in 1582.
  36. It is vain to serve God... Now we count the arrogant happy; evildoers not only, prosper , but when they put God to the test they escape' " (3:14-15). Once again
  37. Nunnery, only the second nunnery to be founded in Wales and the first to, prosper , He became the patron of the abbeys of Whit land and Strata Florida and made
  38. Going into the aviation industry if his re-started film career did not, prosper , Upon Stewart's return to Hollywood in fall 1945,he decided not to renew his
  39. Diverse people and businesses while the city's cultural institutions grow and, prosper , The city acquired the estate of abstract expressionist painter Clifford Still
  40. To Cuba, calling it a place of refuge. Sugar plantations Cuba failed to, prosper ,before the 1760s due to Spanish trade regulations. Spain had set up a monopoly
  41. Ecosystems) the most potent individuals would thrive and in turn society would, prosper ,(in analogy to the observed biodiversity and abundance of life on earth).
  42. Child ”, a status that granted her privileged rights. The child was allowed to, prosper ,from the wealth of the father and was given rights of inheritance. Because of
  43. Over Macau on 20 December 1999. The economy since then has continued to, prosper ,with the sustained growth of tourism from mainland China and the construction
  44. Reorganized to reflect this. Throughout the 1980s then, baseball seemed to, prosper , The competitive balance between franchises saw fifteen different teams make
  45. Was treated as an alternative game world. Unfortunately, RuneQuest did not, prosper ,with its association with Avalon Hill, and the relationship between Chromium
  46. In the profounder kind of way ", wrote Grierson of Flaherty," we live and, prosper ,each of us by denouncing the other" ). In Grierson's view, the focus of film
  47. A shop in which they sold china and sporting goods, although it failed to, prosper ,: the stock was old and worn out, and the location was poor. Joseph Wells
  48. To Boston in 1868 before winter closed navigation. The mines continued to, prosper ,and in May 1871,several mines were consolidated to form the Calumet and Henley
  49. The natural law was how a rational human being, seeking to survive and, prosper , would act. It was discovered by considering humankind's natural rights
  50. Known to be the most progressive Persian Gulf state and the earliest to, prosper , popular with those crossing the causeway from Saudi Arabia. Iran began

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