Examples of the the word, casting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( casting ), is the 9375 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Current major-leaguers. Since there was no formal rule preventing a writer from, casting ,a ballot for an active player, the scribes did not always comply with the
  2. Movie star. Bob Kane, Sam Hamm and Michael Usman also heavily questioned the, casting , Keaton studied The Dark Knight Returns for inspiration. Tim Curry, Willem
  3. Migrate towards the grain boundaries in the form of globules as it cools from, casting , The pattern the globules form on the surface of the brass increases the
  4. Box office. Kathy Long served as Pfeiffer's body double. On Danny DeVito's, casting , Waters explained," I kind of knew that DeVito was going to play The Penguin.
  5. Manufacturing Modern mass-produced beads are generally shaped by carving or, casting , depending on the material and desired effect. In some cases, more specialized
  6. Morrell, American keyboardist (P Funk) * 1946 – Mary Jo Slater, American, casting , director * 1947 – Mark Holman, American musician (The Turtles, The Mothers Of
  7. On the western slopes of the mountain ranges before reaching the province, casting ,a rain shadow over much of Alberta. The northerly location and isolation from
  8. Movie. However, Whit Anderson, screenwriter on the movie, indicated that, casting ,hadn't begun. When asked about the rumor during the launch of her endorsement
  9. Wash, a paste or liquid with the same function applied to the mold before, casting , Sea coal can be mixed with the clay lining (the" bod" ) used for the bottom
  10. The ancient Greeks such as the gear, screw,rotary mills, screw press, bronze, casting , techniques,water clock, water organ, torsion catapult and the use of steam to
  11. For their performances. Preproduction for the film had coincided with the, casting ,process for George Lucas's Star Wars, and many of the actors cast in De Palma
  12. Research Casting International - Canadian company specializing in molding and, casting ,for the production of museum exhibits *Wellington Mushroom Farm / High line
  13. Lightning's blue glare fills Oklahoma plains, the train rolls east, casting ,yellow shadow on grass Twenty years ago approaching Texas, I saw sheet
  14. Cement kilns, molds for the firing of bricks and as foundry sands for the, casting ,of metals. In these applications, the refractory materials are made from
  15. Content, can only be worked hot, and are harder, stronger,and suitable for, casting , *Cartridge brass is a 30 % zinc brass with good cold working properties. Used
  16. Belgium (before 1117) is an outstanding masterpiece of Romanesque brass, casting , The cementation process continued to be used but literary sources from both
  17. A sequel. Promotional drawings were created and published in Variety during the, casting ,process before the budget was deemed too little for the plot. The working title
  18. As the target rating for film producers; and more off-beat, non-traditional, casting , opportunities for genre films. The film also received recognition from the
  19. The gods ". Akkadian artists also discovered the" lost wax" method of bronze, casting , previously believed to have been discovered much later, at the time of
  20. Red-and-white spinning ball (about 1/4 screen size) bouncing up and down and, casting ,a shadow on a wall behind it. The echoing deep Bong! Sound and left-right
  21. A retired football player and was slated to be played by Fred Dryer, but after, casting ,Ted Dawson it was decided that a former baseball player (Sam" Mayday" Malone
  22. Units, fives,tens etc. as in the Roman numeral system. This system of 'counter, casting ,' continued into the late Roman Empire and in medieval Europe, and persisted in
  23. 4:3,which vastly complicates all kinds of work with the metal (particularly, casting , machining, and storage). A seventh plutonium allotrope exists at very high
  24. Preaches to many in Jerusalem, and performs many miracles such as healing,the, casting ,out of evil spirits, and the raising of the dead. As a result, thousands
  25. Processes of nineteenth century sculpture and their reliance on plaster, casting , Since clay deteriorates rapidly if not kept wet or fired into a terracotta
  26. Fans of the Batman franchise complained when they heard of Michael Keaton's, casting , However, no one complained when they saw his performance. " Variety felt "
  27. Criticism of Islam The party states that it" has moved on in recent years, casting ,off the leg-irons of conspiracy theories and the thinly veiled anti-Semitism
  28. In the final stages. Triangular crucibles were then used to melt the brass for, casting , 16th century technical writers such as Biringuccio, Ercker and Agricola
  29. Subject to internal stresses following heating operations such as welding and, casting , The problem with aluminum alloys in this regard is their low melting point
  30. C. W. Subway & Sons Foundry in Batavia, Illinois,which also contributed to, casting ,the molds for the Vince Lombardi Trophy and Emmy Awards statuettes. Since 1983
  31. Years. *In 1907,an armor plate from the ship was melted down and used in the, casting ,of the Pocahontas Bell for the Jamestown Exposition. *Starting around 1883
  32. Daughter-in-law said they were the remains of her mother-in-law's veil, casting ,a further layer of doubt on the matter. However, during the tour of Australia
  33. After this sort. " The commission was equally divided, and the King gave a, casting ,vote in the Archbishop's favor, though signing also a formal pardon or
  34. Am the boogie man. " Independent producer Jack Border took Lugosi at his word, casting ,him in a jungle-themed comedy, Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla. Another
  35. To help. Lugosi addressed his plea to be cast in non-horror roles directly to, casting ,directors through his listing in the 1937 Players Directory, published by the
  36. However, the West End production flopped, in part down to misguided, casting , After this, Ayckbourn experimented by collaborating with comedians, first
  37. This and the West End's treatment of theater in general, in particular their, casting ,of celebrities. Although he did not explicitly say he would boycott the West
  38. Second Academy Award nomination for Best Director. As an example of a director, casting ,against the norm, Blue Velvet is also noted for re-launching Hopper's career
  39. Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type in Europe, along with innovations in, casting ,the type based on a matrix and hand mold. This invention gradually made books
  40. Empire in Tamil Nadu, used bronze to create intricate statues via the lost wax, casting ,method with ornate detailing depicting the Gods of Hinduism mostly, but also
  41. For an enlarged Legislative Assembly and the Government was soundly defeated, casting ,doubt on constitutional reform. The" National Team" of government critics won
  42. Typically 40%+) of tin and/or zinc, as well as predominantly zinc, casting ,alloys with copper additive. *Yellow brass is an American term for 33 % zinc
  43. 1997). Before the script was rewritten to accommodate Schwarzenegger's, casting , Schumacher decided that Mr. Freeze must be" big and strong like he was
  44. Rides Again). One notable difference in the pilot, as in many pilots, is the, casting , Baldric is played not by Tony Robinson, but by Philip Fox. Another
  45. From the court. Salary was left with few financial options, and he began, casting ,about for new opportunities. Italian tour (1778–1780) However, in 1778 Luck
  46. Were accompanied by the fame of Muscle Beach, in Santa Monica, California. The, casting ,of some bodybuilders in movies was another major vehicle for the sport's
  47. Counters. However, wall depictions of this instrument have not been discovered, casting ,some doubt over the extent to which this instrument was used. Persian abacus
  48. Controversy still in mind:" … I had made the St. John to refute the charges of, casting ,from a model, but it only partially succeeded. To prove completely that I could
  49. Refused to let the drama air in Egypt, partially on the grounds of the, casting ,of Rossetti. Sadat's mother was a dark-skinned Sudanese woman and his father
  50. To approve the objects of your mission until I can consult our gods by the, casting ,of lots and until I can inquire the will of the people in regard to this matter

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