Examples of the the word, daytime , in a Sentence Context

The word ( daytime ), is the 9383 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 4:00PM–7:00PM). The weekend day slots now house a number of former weekday, daytime ,presenters, including Edith Bowman (7:00AM–10:00AM),Vernon Kay (Sat
  2. Temperatures rarely exceed 30 °C (86 °F). Winters are mild, with average, daytime ,temperatures in January and February around 20 °C (68 °F),although cold
  3. Turns and The Edge of Night premiere on CBS-TV. The two soaps become the first, daytime ,dramas to debut in the 30-minute format. *1962 – The first official Panda
  4. Although this varies from person to person. Additionally, many athletes find a, daytime ,nap further increases their body's ability to build muscle. Some bodybuilders
  5. Is followed by My Top 10 and 1Xtra's Best of the Week at 5am and 6am before, daytime ,programs resume on BBC Radio 1 and BBC Radio 1Xtra. Sunday evenings include a
  6. While the location of playing fields outside the inner city and the workweek, daytime ,scheduling of games were also obstacles to a blue-collar audience. A century
  7. Also alter temperatures and winds. Temperature ranges are slight. Average, daytime ,temperatures generally vary from in January to in June. Diurnal ranges are
  8. Election. Hopper confirmed this in an election day appearance on the ABC, daytime ,show The View. He said his reason for not voting Republican was the selection
  9. Reaches the ground, assuming that there are no local obstacles. The length of, daytime ,averages slightly more than half of the 24-hour day. Two effects make daytime
  10. Coronation Street was shown in the country's the largest broadcaster TV4 during, daytime ,in the early 2000s. Merchandise Several classic episodes were released on VHS
  11. 4:30 am on the day after the" expiry" date stamped on the pass. 24 hours vs, daytime ,To distinguish between a full day and daytime , the word nychthemeron (from
  12. Television reporters, radio personalities, reality television personalities, daytime ,television show hosts, and late night talk show hosts. Successful comedians
  13. And are more sensitive to the adverse effects such as memory problems, daytime ,sedation, impaired motor coordination, and increased risk of motor vehicle
  14. Philippines, a community school functions as elementary or secondary school at, daytime ,and towards the end of the day convert into a community college. This type of
  15. It is also used to treat symptoms of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and the, daytime ,drowsiness symptoms of narcolepsy, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (
  16. To feel full despite consuming enough calories, low energy levels and increased, daytime ,sleepiness, which can lead to overeating and a lack of desire to exercise, and
  17. Crepuscular, such as evening primroses, and some live in desert habitats where, daytime ,temperatures are extremely high. Flight In his 1934 French book Le vol DES
  18. Mongolia and eastern Siberia allowed observers there to see the comet in the, daytime , Hale–Bop had its closest approach to Earth on March 22, 1997 at a distance of
  19. 1995 old music (typically anything recorded before 1990) was banned from the, daytime ,playlist. Many listeners rebelled as the first new DJs to be introduced
  20. Plc. The matches consisted of 60 six-ball overs per team, played during the, daytime ,in traditional form, with the players wearing cricket whites and using red
  21. John Anniston, actor,best known for his role as Victor Kyriakos on the NBC, daytime ,drama Days of our Lives also father of Jennifer Aniston *Ross Day, a world
  22. There is no official dress code. Most men invited to Buckingham Palace in the, daytime ,choose to wear service uniform or lounge suits, a minority wear morning coats
  23. Arnaz's death. Later life In the 1970s,Area co-hosted a week of shows with, daytime ,host and producer Mike Douglas. Vivian Vance appeared as a guest. Area also
  24. Day. Short news summaries are provided roughly hourly on the half hour during, daytime ,hours with two 15-minute bulletins at 12:45pm and 5:45pm. The main presenter is
  25. Cultivation of cumin requires a long, hot summer of 3–4 months, with, daytime , temperatures around; it is drought-tolerant, and is mostly grown in
  26. Daytime averages slightly more than half of the 24-hour day. Two effects make, daytime ,on average longer than nights. The Sun is not a point, but has an apparent size
  27. Of 62.4 % over Atlanta's resident population, making it the largest gain in, daytime ,population in the country among cities with fewer than 500,000 residents.
  28. Anime do retain their original Japanese language. In Indonesia English-language, daytime ,cartoons are mostly dubbed, however on some WBAY-TV channels like Nickelodeon
  29. Of the Tanzanian coast have had long-standing trading relations. During the, daytime ,the heavy weight of traffic, office workers, busy merchants, street vendors and
  30. Running lights Beginning in 2006,Audi has implemented white LED technology as, daytime ,running lights in their products. The distinctive shape of the URLs has become
  31. And route 3 from New Addington to Wimbledon every 7.5 minutes Monday – Saturday, daytime , every 15 minutes at other times. Since being taken over by TFL all routes have
  32. Community of bicycle taxis that operate downtown during the evening hours and, daytime ,during events. Education Researchers at Central Connecticut State University
  33. Against a cliff or other terrain. Migration generally takes place during the, daytime , when thermals are produced by the sun. In the Pacific Northwest, spawning
  34. People commuted to Atlanta on any given workday, boosting the city's estimated, daytime ,population to 676,431. This is an increase of 62.4 % over Atlanta's resident
  35. Stamped on the pass. 24 hours vs daytime To distinguish between a full day and, daytime , the word nychthemeron (from Greek for a night and a day) may be used in
  36. Mean maximum, mean minimum during July 2006. However, in terms of, daytime ,maximum temperature's only, Cambridge IAB and Botanical Gardens with a mean
  37. A Roman villa site in Turk dean, Gloucestershire. He was the compère of a, daytime ,BBC game show, History Hunt (in 2003); and has appeared in the Doctor Who
  38. Quite similar and the temperatures tend to stay above — also the average annual, daytime ,temperature. Rain is unpredictable at any time of year, although the showers
  39. In Australia in the 1970s. It briefly returned to the Nine Network in a, daytime ,slot during 1994–95. In 2005 Channel Nine in Perth began to show episodes
  40. Deserts usually have a large diurnal and seasonal temperature range, with high, daytime ,temperatures (in summer up to 45 °C or 113 °F),and low nighttime
  41. Is high at night throughout the year; usually it exceeds 90 percent. During the, daytime ,in the dry season, humidity averages about 50 percent or slightly lower, but it
  42. Coppers, or hair streaks) are herded by the ants, led to feeding areas in the, daytime , and brought inside the ants' nest at night. The caterpillars have a gland
  43. From Beckham Junction to Croydon, running every 10 minutes Monday – Saturday, daytime , every 30 minutes at other times, and route 3 from New Addington to Wimbledon
  44. Cities of 100,000 or more residents, which was at 38.5 %. According to a 2000, daytime , population estimate by the Census Bureau, over 250,000 more people commuted to
  45. And WDLI-TV (TEN). The Mike Douglas Show, a nationally-syndicated, daytime ,talk show, began in Cleveland in 1961 on KYW-TV (now KYC),while The Morning
  46. Low. Subsequently, King George VI and his consort, Queen Elizabeth, allowed, daytime , skirts to rise. Today, there is no official dress code. Most men invited to
  47. Group. Hybrid electric vehicles includes: Fully electric vehicles: LED, daytime ,running lights Beginning in 2006,Audi has implemented white LED technology as
  48. Areas receive over. This is also the only region in Alaska in which the average, daytime ,high temperature is above freezing during the winter months. The climate of
  49. This day is equivalent to 24 hours (86,400 seconds). A day, in the sense of, daytime ,that is distinguished from nighttime, is commonly defined as the period during
  50. Weekday, in order to catch up with the ITV showings. The show moved from a, daytime ,slot on CBC to prime time in 2004. The 2002 edition of the Guinness Book of

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