Examples of the the word, canine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( canine ), is the 9390 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Be honed through wear against teeth in the lower mouth. The features of upper, canine ,in A. radius contrast with the sexual dimorphism observed in common
  2. Lived in large groups. However, while both gibbons and hominids have reduced, canine ,sexual dimorphism, female gibbons enlarge ('masculinize' ) their canine s so
  3. Rise to Archdeacon and Lepton. These branches led to the borophagine and, canine ,radiations. Miocene epoch Around 9-10 MYA during the Late Miocene, Canis
  4. Genera expanded from southwestern North America. This was the point where the, canine ,radiation began. The success of these canine s was related to the development of
  5. Are present in their feces. It is known that they may suffer from rabies, canine ,distemper, mange,trypanosomiasis, canine arbovirus, and endoparasites like
  6. Legs. This model is supported by the reduction (" feminization" ) of the male, canine ,teeth in early hominids such as Sahelanthropus tchadensis and Ardipithecus
  7. S intended is carried off by three brothers, who are hunters with hounds. The, canine ,imagery continues with Cian's brother Cu (" hound" ), another Lug aid, Lugaid
  8. And witness reports seem to be in relative agreement that the creature was, canine ,in appearance, but in widely published photos seemed unlike any dog or wolf in
  9. To medium-sized animals and proficient scavengers. Their long legs and curved, canine ,teeth are adapted for hunting small mammals, birds,and reptiles, and their
  10. In common chimpanzees, where males have significantly larger and sharper upper, canine ,teeth than females. The less pronounced nature of upper canine teeth in A.
  11. With never fewer than four toes on each foot, and well-developed, prominent, canine , teeth,cheek teeth (premolars and molars) that generally have cutting edges.
  12. Be careful that a Komodo have the proper vaccines against rabies, distemper, canine , parvovirus, etc. Dogs should also be checked periodically for worms and other
  13. Pierre Famous, French mathematician (b. 1878) *1932 – In Tin, American, canine , film actor (b. 1918) *1945 – Robert H. Goddard, American rocket scientist (
  14. On an orbital flight with a dog. Soviet rocket engineers had long intended a, canine ,orbit before attempting human spaceflight; since 1951,they had lofted 12 dogs
  15. Ranging from grasshoppers to fruit and berries. The gray fox is one of only two, canine ,species known to climb trees; the other is the raccoon dog. Foxes are normally
  16. The Dreamy Fish; many Scholar Canto rum exercises; a previously unseen set of ", canine ," piano pieces; and several other works for piano, many untitled. Some of these
  17. Sharper upper canine teeth than females. The less pronounced nature of upper, canine ,teeth in A. radius has been used to infer aspects of the social behavior of
  18. Although raised to protect livestock, they do not have innate aggression toward, canine ,nor human unless they are threatened. Arawak have high energy and tremendous
  19. Heraldry and art, as the most elegant or noble companion and hunter of the, canine ,world. In modern times, the professional racing industry with its large numbers
  20. Ear lobe, and smaller piercings at the top of the ear. The removal of deciduous, canine ,tooth buds in early childhood is a practice that has been documented in the
  21. The outer ones are the smallest. Next to This is a curved, suberect, canine , followed after an interval by an isolated minute and often deciduous simple
  22. Of the skull between the ears of prey (especially the capybara) with its, canine ,teeth, piercing the brain. This may be an adaptation to" cracking open "
  23. Dog. In the 1950s,John Paul Scott and John Fuller began a 13-year study into, canine ,behavior. As part of this research, they tested the scenting abilities of
  24. Have eyelids that close circularly. The adults have no incisor or, canine ,teeth, just a set of cheek teeth, which are not clearly differentiated into
  25. Followed in the male at least by a moderate-sized, pointed,curved true, canine ,in the anterior part of the maxilla. The isolated canine -like premolar which
  26. And reputable woman and according to Pliny the Elder, she had a double, canine ,in her upper right jaw, a sign of good fortune. Many ancient historians accuse
  27. Would be less of an icon. However, they also listed him as the seventh best, canine ,companion, stating that they think that he is laughing with the player, as
  28. Possibly some time in 1958. To satisfy Khrushchev's demands, the orbital, canine ,flight was expedited for the November launch. According to Russian sources, the
  29. On fibrous plants, ripe fruit or hard or abrasive food. The size of the upper, canine ,tooth in A. radius males was not distinctly different from that of females.
  30. Illnesses of early childhood are caused by the gingival swelling over the, canine ,region, which is thought to contain 'worms' or 'nylon' teeth. This belief and
  31. Was given to her within a month, with the name of Kamikaze-go. When he died of, canine ,distemper, his older brother, Kenzan-go, was presented to her as an official
  32. And geldings have four additional teeth just behind the incisors, a type of, canine ,teeth called" tushes ". Some horses, both male and female, will also develop
  33. Then those of modern common chimpanzees in part because of this decreased upper, canine ,size, as larger upper canine s can be honed through wear against teeth in the
  34. The defense of their home territory. Instead, the reduction of the male hominid, canine ,is consistent with reduced inter-male aggression in a group living primate.
  35. Between the concepts of" intelligence" and" obedience" in discussions of, canine ,brainpower. Stanley Coren's survey of canine obedience trainers, published in
  36. Resources Center. Natural history Ecology mainland. To protect the wolves from, canine ,diseases, dogs are not allowed in any part of the park, including the adjacent
  37. The animals an is The species uniquely has 6 rather than 7 lower molars. The, canine ,teeth are slightly curved and short. Along with African wild dogs, dholes are
  38. And scholarly theories have been proposed regarding Fenrir's relation to other, canine ,beings in Norse mythology. Henri has been the subject of artistic depictions
  39. Also known as the American jackal or the prairie wolf, is a species of, canine ,found throughout North and Central America, ranging from Panama in the south
  40. And death. Compared to other felines, domestic cats have narrowly spaced, canine ,teeth; which is an adaptation to their preferred prey of small rodents, which
  41. Credited to Trixie, Christmas Is Good. Both books are written from a supposed, canine ,perspective on the joys of life. The royalties of the books were donated to
  42. 1991/92. 87 % were found to have undergone the removal of one or more deciduous, canine ,tooth buds. In an older age group (3–7 years of age),72 % of the 111
  43. It overpowers its prey, a cat delivers a lethal neck bite with its two long, canine ,teeth, inserting them between two of the prey's vertebrae and severing its
  44. Obedience" in discussions of canine brainpower. Stanley Coren's survey of, canine ,obedience trainers, published in the book The Intelligence of Dogs, reported
  45. But thick and robust. Bilingually, their mandibles are much stronger at the, canine ,teeth than in can ids, reflecting the fact that hyenas crack bones with both
  46. In various Chinese legends as a supernatural dog, a dog-headed man, or a, canine ,shape-shifter that married an emperor's daughter and founded at least one race.
  47. Or 42 Normal spacing between the upper canine teeth is and between the lower, canine ,teeth. The upper frequency limit of hearing for coyotes is 80 kHz, compared to
  48. Gorillas, and more like a modern human brain. Also, the specimen showed short, canine ,teeth, and the position of the foramen magnum was evidence of bipedal
  49. 3/3,3/2,or 2/3 × 2 = 40,44,or 42 Normal spacing between the upper, canine ,teeth is and between the lower canine teeth. The upper frequency limit of
  50. That they may suffer from rabies, canine distemper, mange,trypanosomiasis, canine ,arbovirus, and endoparasites like restores and roundworms. Range Historical

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