Examples of the the word, closing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( closing ), is the 4525 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wilhelm Mo berg. The musical ran successfully for almost five years, before, closing , in June 1999. An English-language version, simply titled Kristina, was staged
  2. Community on environmental issues. The Armenian Government is working toward, closing ,the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant as soon as alternative energy sources are
  3. Starting in 1984,Kay was an Apple Fellow at Apple Computer until the, closing ,of the ATG (Advanced Technology Group),one of the company's R&D divisions.
  4. The placement context will determine whether the parentheses are opening or, closing , Grade 2 Braille contractions widths" 60px" heights" 90px "
  5. Throughout the country. *Each year it, along with The Red Flag, is sung at the, closing ,of the annual Labour Party conference. *The song was used by the National Union
  6. Good secondary lead in case the ball is hit. In reality the delayed stealer is, closing ,the distance to second base. When the ball crosses the plate the runner breaks
  7. Queen" scene, while Slaves is seen as a Greek god playing a lyre during the, closing ,credits. Andersson and Slaves are continuously composing new material; most
  8. Be added to the source code. For example, the syntax requires explicitly named, closing ,of blocks to prevent errors due to mismatched end tokens. The adherence to
  9. Was more competitive than anyone had predicted and was still undecided as the, closing ,session of the final Test began. Experienced journalists including Richie
  10. Ending with a consonant): In closed syllables, we can indicate that the, closing ,consonant does not carry a vowel by marking it with a diacritic called () to
  11. And its matching' )' together with the Deck subword remaining after that, closing ,parenthesis, whose lengths 2i and 2j satisfy); this number is therefore also
  12. Anal sex is the riskiest of all forms of sexual intercourse," The opening and, closing ,of the anus is controlled by the internal and external sphincter muscles (the
  13. And Lars Ulrich can be seen dancing to" Hit That Perfect Beat" during the, closing ,credits of the Metallica video" A Year and a Half in the Life of Metallica ".
  14. Theatre in London, to mixed reviews and full houses for eight weeks, closing ,on 21 January 1984. Gangsta was involved in this production as well, recording
  15. One side, and the Taliban and al-Qaeda on the other, and that this led to the, closing ,of the Hayden Camp. On September 12, 2009 Colin Freeze, writing in the Globe
  16. On that album. * The song 'The Boy with the Arab Strap' was used during the, closing ,credits of the Channel 4 UK TV series Teachers * The lead character in the film
  17. British firepower at Jutland was effected by the German cruisers and destroyers, closing ,on British battleships, causing them to turn away to avoid the threat of
  18. Era at the Neptune Beach Amusement Museum. A consequence of the Neptune Beach, closing ,around 1940 was a total dearth of quality, clean swimming facilities in town. A
  19. Rather bitter horse-trading ". The court's judgment stated that: ... in the, closing ,stages of the war Speer was one of the few men who had the courage to tell
  20. Group blamed Armenia's economic woes on the role played by the former in, closing ,major industries. In 1994 three national environmental laws were in effect: the
  21. One. According to Wiles, the crucial idea for circumventing, rather than, closing ,this gap, came to him on 19 September 1994. Together with his former student
  22. To provide a clear line of fire at fleeing refugees. Immediate effects With the, closing ,of the East-West sector boundary in Berlin, the vast majority of East Germans
  23. A word or after a word—will determine which symbol it is. ** Opening and, closing ,parentheses are shown with the same symbol. Therefore, the placement context
  24. As Fredrick, and Susan Hampshire. The production ran for 144 performances, closing ,on February 17, 1990. 1995 London revival A revival by the Royal National
  25. Peak speeds of between 126 and 230 km/h (78 - 143 mph),with the jaws, closing ,within 130 microseconds on average. The ants were also observed to use their
  26. With a reputation as a formidable adversary during cross-examinations and, closing ,arguments. He partnered with Stephen T. Logan from 1841 until 1844,when he
  27. Of solder had shaken loose and was floating between the switch and the contact, closing ,the circuit. The immediate solution—tapping on the panel next to the switch—did
  28. Purpose, and was an unconstitutional attempt to establish a religious-based, closing ,law in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, the
  29. NYSE Euronext completed acquisition of the American Stock Exchange. Before the, closing ,of the acquisition, NYSE Euronext announced that the Exchange would be
  30. Iron produced in reaction (2) oxidized more sulfide as in reaction (1), closing , the cycle and given the net reaction:: (4) \math rm The net products of the
  31. Garret Fawcett). During the 1920s,many Women's Institutes (WI) started, closing ,meetings by singing it, and this caught on nationally. Although it has never
  32. Trudy Heller's Place and Max's Kansas City, playing at the latter venue on its, closing ,night. In November of that same year, the Beastie Boys recorded the 7" EP
  33. A parliament to call members to a vote * Last call bell, a signal that a bar is, closing ,soon * A signal from an engine order telegraph, a communications device used on
  34. 8.3 feet). Playing is facilitated by doubling the tube back on itself and by, closing ,the distance between the widely spaced holes with a complex system of key work
  35. Largely uninvolved as Batman and Gotham City face catastrophe in the decade's, closing ,crossover arc. In 1998's" ". Meanwhile,Batman's relationship with the
  36. Investigating AOL's alleged labor law violations, but came to no conclusion, closing ,their investigation in 2001. AOL began drastically reducing the
  37. On the player's leg, so that when the player covers all the holes (known as, closing ,the chanter) it becomes silent. Drone Most bagpipes have at least one drone. A
  38. In all 13 colonies, Patriots had overthrown their existing governments, closing ,courts and driving British governors, agents and supporters from their homes.
  39. Among other countries, overcoming Russia for the first time, and partially, closing ,the competitiveness gap with India and China among the BRIC economies.
  40. For the massacre since the I. D. F. held the area. In their recommendations and, closing ,remarks, the Commission determined that the massacre at Sabra and Still was
  41. NBC News for The Huntley-Brinkley Report (the second movement played over the, closing ,credits). The first stereo recording of the Ninth Symphony was by Fer enc
  42. Behind whites, but some studies suggest that the achievement gap has been, closing , Many policymakers have proposed that this gap can and will be eliminated
  43. Who severs the soul from the body),this aircraft figured prominently in the, closing ,hours of Operation Desert Storm. On 26 February 1991,Coalition ground forces
  44. An ambivalent review of Master of Reality in Rolling Stone, describing the, closing ,song" Children of the Grave" as" naïve, simplistic,repetitive, absolute
  45. Moved into first place. The Braves tore through September and early October, closing ,with 25 wins against six losses, while the Giants went 16–16. They were the
  46. 17th instant (April 1790),about eleven o'clock at night, he quietly expired, closing ,a long and useful life of eighty-four years and three months. Franklin
  47. The missile can be launched at longer range, since the range will be, closing ,fast. In this situation, even if the target turns around, it is unlikely it can
  48. Kellenberger. This step was the beginning of the troubles which clouded the, closing ,years of Albert's reign. Osiander's divergence from Luther's doctrine of
  49. Of Alexandria, the 17th archbishop of Alexandria who was martyred in 311 in the, closing ,days of that persecution. Exiles St Athanasius' long episcopate lasted 45
  50. With some structures enduring, e. g., in Wettingen and MRI),the, closing ,of which by the government in 1841 was a contributing factor to the outbreak of

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