Examples of the the word, wartime , in a Sentence Context
The word ( wartime ), is the 8790 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Into one national debt totaling $80 million. Everyone received face value for, wartime ,certificates, so that the national honor would be sustained and the national
- Corps-sized formations, subordinate to an Army Group-sized" front" in, wartime , In peacetime, a Soviet army was usually subordinate to a military district.
- Early in 1775,the British Army consisted of about 36,000 men worldwide, but, wartime , recruitment steadily increased this number. Great Britain had a difficult time
- Those evolved enough to understand what they are looking at find the early and, wartime ,scenes brilliant, but cringe during the postwar and Reconstruction scenes
- Orchestra, remaining primarily in military band use. Except for a brief 1940s, wartime , conversion to ball bearing manufacture, the Heckle concern has produced
- The Second World War was well underway and the Canadian government issued, wartime ,rationing regulations. Bombardier customers had to prove that snowmobiles were
- Park, the wartime station of GCCS. In 1945,Turing was awarded the OBE for his, wartime ,services, but his work remained secret for many years. Turing had something of
- African food exporter but now imports almost all its food. Because of severe, wartime ,conditions, including extensive planting of landmines throughout the
- Of" pitiful loneliness" Montgomery's memoirs (1958) criticized many of his, wartime ,comrades in harsh terms, including Eisenhower, whom he accused, among other
- In a horrific accident in 1921. Elves had been closely identified with English, wartime ,morale, having given six benefit performances of The Dream of Grotius on
- Footage, much of which is now considered lost. He next turned to the subject of, wartime ,female factory workers in The Most Beautiful, a propaganda film which he shot
- Of the plot of the World War II spy thriller Eye of the Needle takes place in, wartime ,Aberdeen, from which a German spy is trying to escape to a submarine waiting
- The preparation of the population, the national economy and the maintenance of, wartime ,reserves and the infrastructure of the country for defense. In times of crisis
- Ironically, while in production, the film had already been savaged by Japanese, wartime ,censors as too Western and" democratic" ( they particularly disliked the
- Attorney Victor Annabon in 1980 on the first class-action suits against, wartime ,manufacturers of Agent Orange. In meeting Dr. Ronald A. Rosario, one of the
- By modern standards his claim to have a proof had a very easy ride, but, wartime , conditions were one factor, and the fact that the German experts made little or
- As well as a hundred other industrial products, made Pittsburgh a center of, wartime ,production. Carnegie worked with others in establishing a steel rolling mill
- As the party of a strong foreign policy. In 1940, they joined Churchill's, wartime ,coalition government, with Sinclair serving as Secretary of State for Air, the
- Studied by the German military. It is variously argued that Fuller's, wartime ,plans and post-war writings were an inspiration, or that his readership was low
- Remote locations around the world, the game lost many of its great players to, wartime ,service. Some competitions never fully recovered. Between 1914 and 1915 talks
- Of the propagandistic trend of Japan at war and as an example of many of these, wartime ,conventions. High refers to his second film, The Most Beautiful, as a" dark
- Found that living and working on the family farm had not prepared them for, wartime ,marches and the rigors of camp life. Rugged individualism conflicted with
- The eagle face towards the olive branch in peace, and towards the arrows in, wartime , Contrary to popular legend, there is no evidence that Benjamin Franklin ever
- Forces, so they tended to hire mercenaries to serve in their armies during, wartime , Such mercenaries typically formed at the ends of periods of conflict, when
- Fascist propaganda. The cultural historian Peter B. High sees Kurosawa’s, wartime ,cinema as part of the propagandistic trend of Japan at war and as an example of
- Another controversy centers on his alleged refusal to acknowledge Japan's, wartime ,guilt. In one of Kurosawa’s last films, Rhapsody in August, an elderly survivor
- Seriously. Even jokes can be serious when the topic is politics — especially in, wartime , The butts of the most savage jokes are opportunists who prey on the
- Had constituted Britain's casus belli for entering World War I, and British, wartime ,propaganda emphasized the" Rape of Belgium ". Popularity Poirot's first
- Port of Wheatley. The South Australian Government in this period built on former, wartime ,manufacturing industries. International manufacturers like General Motors
- And they were used extensively as carrier escorts for most of their, wartime ,career due to their high speed. Their World War I-era armament was weaker and
- In 1974 did ex-Bletchley Park staff feel free to reveal something of their, wartime ,work. Deaths before that time meant that many parents, spouses and children
- About anyone else's work, was well accepted in a country where there were many, wartime ,posters stating Careless Talk Costs Lives. Not until F. W. Winterbotham's book
- Commissioned the Simon Wiesenthal Center to research his father's, wartime ,record, which came up with no evidence of atrocities despite Gustav's
- Was in fact not the case. Montgomery was never raised to an earldom like his, wartime ,contemporaries Harold Alexander, Louis Mountbatten and even Archibald Cavell
- The statue's feet says 'Father of computer science, mathematician,logician, wartime ,code breaker, victim of prejudice '. There is also a Bertrand Russell quotation
- Primarily with food (and to a lesser extent with raw material) supplies in, wartime , The term blitzkrieg is here employed with reference to Germany’s efforts to
- At least to some viewers) to apologize, as an American, for the city’s, wartime ,destruction. The New York Times critic Vincent Candy wrote about this film:" A
- Killed. The facts of daily life in the plague-stricken city resemble life in, wartime ,France: the showing of reruns at the cinemas, the stockpiling of scarce goods
- To their conduct in the war. Eddington, a Quaker pacifist, struggled to keep, wartime ,bitterness out of astronomy. He repeatedly called for British scientists to
- After the UK declared war on Germany, Turing reported to Bletchley Park,the, wartime ,station of GCCS. In 1945,Turing was awarded the OBE for his wartime services
- And a country house near Tavern. On the return of antiquities from, wartime ,storage in 1919 some objects were found to have deteriorated. A temporary
- Ill during the 1918 flu pandemic and, since Spain was neutral and thus under no, wartime ,censorship restrictions, his illness and subsequent recovery were covered
- 1946),inspired by both the 1933 Tokugawa incident and the Costume Oak, wartime ,spy case, criticized Japan's prewar regime for its political oppression.
- An imperial usurper in 280,derived some of his popularity in Gaul by his, wartime ,successes against the Alemannic. The Alemannic thereafter became the principality
- Griffin stated in The Rune that the Holocaust was a" mixture of Allied, wartime ,propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter-day witch-hysteria ". During
- And T. E. Lawrence excavated at Alchemist. In 1918,because of the threat of, wartime ,bombing, some objects were evacuated to a Postal Tube Railway at Osborn, the
- According to use: *Service: ammunition used in live fire training or for, wartime ,use in a combat zone. Also known as" earshot" ammunition. *Practice:
- Wild kelp and attempted to manage supply circa 1900,later labeling it a, wartime ,resource. Definition According to the FAO, aquaculture " is understood to mean
- Published by the Royal Society shortly after Turing's death (and while his, wartime ,work was still subject to the Official Secrets Act) recorded: Since 1966,the
- Computer. Although ACE was a feasible design, the secrecy surrounding the, wartime ,work at Bletchley Park led to delays in starting the project, and he became
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