Examples of the the word, embarrassing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( embarrassing ), is the 8804 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of what he termed" the single most hated thing on the show" – overly long and, embarrassing ,displays of emotion. The Academy has also had recent discussions about moving
  2. Has a love for food, they will often eat out at restaurants. Most trips end up, embarrassing ,because Garfield will pig out, or Jon will do something stupid, including
  3. Suriname, partly because the very possession of colonies had become politically, embarrassing ,; however, hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of Suriname voted with their
  4. The series, however,has over-acting and exaggeration on his part which is, embarrassing ,to watch, writing that has no vestige of wit or skill about it and set pieces
  5. Society and culture In many cultures, human flatulence in public is regarded as, embarrassing ,but, depending on context, can also be considered humorous. People will often
  6. Were largely positive, but Rand considered even positive reviews to be, embarrassing ,because of significant changes made to her script by the producer. Her 1938
  7. Had originally planned to call 22 witnesses. It also accused John Etta of, embarrassing ,the country. During the ongoing defense case, Suu FYI said she was innocent.
  8. West Germans; to attempt to stand up for East Germans would result only in an, embarrassing ,downfall. Accordingly, the administration made polite protests at length via
  9. New generation of cardinals regarded German investiture with contempt and as an, embarrassing ,vestige of the past. They were willing to make concessions with Henry V and his
  10. To which he had converted prior to his heroin addiction. After an, embarrassing ,fishing incident, Clapton finally called his manager and admitted he was an
  11. Tape of this conversation was leaked to the Daily Mirror and widely reported, embarrassing ,Major. Arguments continued over Europe. Early in 1994 Major vetoed the Belgian
  12. Was a storm, but this might simply be the panegyrist's attempt to conceal an, embarrassing ,military defeat. Diocletian broke off his tour of the Eastern provinces soon
  13. Cowboys coach who did not win a Super Bowl. In 1998,the Cowboys suffered an, embarrassing ,20–7 home loss to the conference rival Arizona Cardinals. In 1999,they
  14. Camp David, in Maryland. In October the government became embroiled in another, embarrassing ,controversy over the alleged misuse of VIP aircraft, which came to a head when
  15. By the United States, failing to get past the first round in one of the most, embarrassing ,defeats in team history. Their first ever defeat on home soil to a non-UK team
  16. That the FBI did not have any dossier on me, it would have been tremendously, embarrassing ,and I wouldn't have been able to face my friends. " Media portrayal The FBI
  17. Have proven that Smith fabricated the Book of Mormon, or are attempts to hide, embarrassing ,aspects of the church's past. Translations into languages without a tradition
  18. In exchange for naked photographs of Princess Margaret, potentially, embarrassing , to the Royal Family. Mountbatten quips" I haven't had this much excitement
  19. And then, with dissension still rife in the ranks, the side plummeted to an, embarrassing ,28 point loss to VIA premiers Foots cray Football Club in a special charity
  20. To as far north as Chambersburg and Mercers burg, Pennsylvania—once again, embarrassing ,his Union opponents and seizing horses and supplies, but at the expense of
  21. By collecting files containing large amounts of compromising and potentially, embarrassing ,information on many powerful people, especially politicians. According to
  22. To reach agreement on the long-pending Spanish Match. The trip ended as an, embarrassing ,failure however as the Spanish demanded that Charles must convert to Roman
  23. Interview on JJJ radio in Australia, Bo implied that the design sprang from an, embarrassing ,moment. During an early gig, while jumping around on stage with a Gibson L5
  24. Was considered to have an ill-favoured appearance, and she formed a number of, embarrassing , unreciprocated emotional attachments, including that to her employer, the
  25. Inherent in Abba's marketing, creativity and presentation that makes it almost, embarrassing ,to critique their efforts ", while Creek wrote:" SOS is surrounded on this LP
  26. Post and replaced by the far abler George Zhukov on 8 September 1941. In an, embarrassing ,incident at the 1943 Tehran Conference, during a ceremony to receive the "
  27. Team and Mr. Bright's Savings and Loan were taken over by the FSLIC. During an, embarrassing ,home loss to Atlanta in 1987,Bright told the media that he was" horrified "
  28. Basics ", however,became synonymous with scandal, often exposed in lurid and, embarrassing ,detail by tabloid newspapers such as The Sun. In 1992 David Mellor, a cabinet
  29. Streetwise' sense of humor on to a range of topics from the world's most, embarrassing ,stories to how to explain the mysteries of the universe. In 1997,he and
  30. For The New York Times said that Mitzi Gay nor had surpassed Monroe's ", embarrassing ,to behold" performance. The reviews echoed Monroe's opinion of the film. She
  31. His cavalry, which " effectually guarded our right, annoying the enemy and, embarrassing ,his movements by hanging on his flank, and attacking when the opportunity
  32. Is thus a false friend, which could lead a German English learner to utter an, embarrassing ,sentence like:" I want to become a beefsteak. "). Another example is the word
  33. That even minor poetry may have its practical uses. " *" It may, perhaps,be, embarrassing ,for a solitary man to walk across a wide quadrangle under a fire of glances
  34. And then select individuals who are" under" to come up on stage and perform, embarrassing ,acts, while the audience watches. However, the effects of stage hypnosis are
  35. A British force was defeated by the Soho army at Kolyma, touching off an, embarrassing ,war for the British. After repulsing another British attack in 1852,Moshoeshoe
  36. And his men the authority to pursue them. Initially, the FBI suffered some, embarrassing ,foul-ups, in particular with Dillinger and his side-kicks / conspirators. A
  37. Supporters who all pointed to the risk of the project's turning into an, embarrassing ,failure if the ship were damaged during salvage. To address these concerns it
  38. Champs Pittsburgh Steelers. But the team lost its next two games, and suffered, embarrassing ,losses to the Houston Texans over the course of the season (Surprisingly
  39. No useful work while a collection cycle is running (sometimes called the ", embarrassing ,pause" ). Stop-the-world garbage collection is therefore mainly suitable for
  40. Dissatisfaction of the Milwaukee fans. Selim later said that this call was ", embarrassing ," and that he was" tremendously saddened" by the outcome of the game. The
  41. Negative at any price. They must be destroyed as soon as possible. It would be, embarrassing ,to have our Father of the Chinese Republic shown in a subordinate position ".
  42. Themselves to conceal the noise and scent. In other cultures, it may be no more, embarrassing ,than coughing. In one instance in the United States, however,two teenaged boys
  43. Benefit (such as a military pension),avoid taxation, or cover up an, embarrassing ,situation (such as the existence of a non-marital child). A person with a
  44. Threatened party fulfills certain demands. This information is usually of an, embarrassing ,or socially damaging nature. Ordinarily, such a threat is illegal. * If the
  45. Charles finds himself seated at a table with several ex-girlfriends who relate, embarrassing ,stories about his inability to be discreet, and afterward, bumps into Henrietta
  46. Of the 2010 presidential election the HDZ candidate Andrea Heb rang achieved an, embarrassing ,12 % claiming third place, the lowest result for an HDZ presidential candidate
  47. Switch to Tavern in protest as much as tactically to ensure Labor suffered an, embarrassing ,loss. (Guinness had been elected as Chairman specifically to eradicate such
  48. To have shifted to a right-wing focus. Hague was also hindered by a series of, embarrassing ,publicity stunts, which overshadowed his talents as a skilled orator. The
  49. Her clients had sealed them in with the original, making them valid. It was an, embarrassing ,situation. Front urged Marcus to push the family's case; Marcus demurred. He
  50. Kingdom and the Ottoman Empire against Russia. His empire collapsed after an, embarrassing ,defeat for France at the hands of Prussia in which he was captured. France then

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