Examples of the the word, expel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( expel ), is the 8805 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Power in the 1930s with a Great Purge of the party, justified as an attempt to, expel ,'opportunists' and 'counter-revolutionary infiltrators '. Those targeted by
  2. My son. " Moreover, the Irgun's fight against the British was only intended to, expel ,them from the area, and the option of future diplomatic ties with Britain was
  3. This was the largest British expedition to the colonies, and was intended to, expel ,the French from the Ohio Country. The French and their Indian allies ambushed
  4. The Tories, covertly ordered the British Gibraltar governor, Thomas Steinway, to, expel , any foreign (not British) troops (to foster Great Britain's sole right to
  5. Selim b. Team, invited the corsair brothers RUC and Hardin Barbarossa to, expel ,the Spaniards. RUC came to Algiers, ordered the assassination of Selim, and
  6. Compressed oncoming air, a combustor to inject and combust fuel, and a nozzle, expel ,the hot gases and produce thrust. Ramjets require a relatively high speed to
  7. May be considered to be perfect diamagnetic (UV = −1),since they, expel ,all fields (except in a thin surface layer) due to the Meissner effect.
  8. Population in the Shimabara-Amakusa region, the Tokugawa government decided to, expel ,all Western nationals except the Dutch employees of the Dutch East India
  9. The Mughal. The Whom king came out of his refuge and ordered his commanders to, expel ,the invaders from his kingdom. A serious epidemic broke out in the Mughal camp
  10. By admitting an African American child to the class, whom he then refused to, expel ,in the face of protests. Transcendentalism Beginning in 1836,Alcott's
  11. General meeting was called on March 29 in London to remove Mather's as chief and, expel ,him from the Order. Splinters In 1901,W. B. Yeats privately published a
  12. Let them force to work, and if this avails nothing, we will be compelled to, expel ,them like dogs in order not to expose ourselves to incurring divine wrath and
  13. His followers to" cure sick people, raise up dead persons, make lepers clean, expel ,demons. You received free, give free. " Jesus sternly orders many who received
  14. Act () that would have prevented the military from using federal funds to, expel ,gay service members. Obama's Justice Department continued to defend the gay ban
  15. Symptoms would stimulate the vital force, causing it to neutralize and, expel ,the original disease and that this artificial disturbance would naturally
  16. It was carried out by the Serb forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to, expel ,Muslims and Croats from their homes, did not constitute genocide. However
  17. Finland's army was to be demobilized with haste, and Finland was required to, expel ,all German troops from its territory within 14 days. As the Germans did not
  18. Collective casualties. By 30 November, the PVA 13th Army Group managed to, expel ,the US Eighth Army from northwest Korea. Retreating from the north faster than
  19. Opposition to class privilege, to abolish the House of Lords, or at least, expel ,the hereditary element. In 1968,the Labor Government of Harold Wilson
  20. A fascist-inspired paramilitary group within the Kuomintang, which wanted to, expel ,Western and Japanese imperialists, crush the Communists, and eliminate
  21. Space," burn" it on the fly using a proton–proton fusion reaction, and, expel , it out of the back. Though later calculations with more accurate estimates
  22. Were drilled at the site not after but before the test, so that explosion would, expel ,radioactive material from the epicenter, through the shafts, to collecting
  23. A transparent membrane which they lick to clean. Many species will, in defense, expel ,a foul-smelling material and feces onto their aggressors. There are also many
  24. For a Palestinian state. Fatwas In 1996,al-Qaeda announced its jihad to, expel ,foreign troops and interests from what they considered Islamic lands. Bin Laden
  25. And pledge allegiance to it, subordinate the Territorial Defense to the HVO and, expel ,Muslim refugees, all within 24 hours. The attack was launched on June 19. The
  26. Ministry of the Interior (MUP) entered the Politics Lakes national park to, expel ,rebel Serb forces. Serb paramilitaries ambushed a bus carrying Croatian police
  27. Of the critical magnetic field (above which the superconductor can no longer, expel ,the field but becomes normal conducting) with temperature. BCS theory relates
  28. His or her seat falls vacant. It is also possible for the House of Commons to, expel ,a Member, but this power is exercised only in cases of serious misconduct or
  29. Hilbert defended it from its critics by famously declaring:" No one shall, expel ,us from the Paradise that Cantor has created. " Life Youth and studies Cantor
  30. This was so. Ambassador Carney had instructions only to push the Sudanese to, expel ,Bin Latin. Ambassador Carney had no legal basis to ask for more from the
  31. He was only nine years old. In 1516,after a failed Navarrese-French attempt to, expel ,the Spanish invaders off the kingdom, attempt in which Saint Francis' brothers
  32. Membership if he so desires. Additionally, the fraternity may either suspend or, expel ,a member for cause. Membership and religion Freemasonry explicitly and openly
  33. To suspend errant members, although not to withhold a Writ of summons nor to, expel ,a member permanently. When the House subsequently suspended Lord Prescott and
  34. Excess water out. A few contractile vacuoles around the periphery of the cell, expel ,excess water, and are visible as clear bulges when full. There are two genera
  35. And Robin began to rally to the call of Sonny job, or " respect the emperor, expel ,the barbarians. " The domains of Satsuma and Chose, historic enemies of the
  36. S Union publicly demanded," kick the pig out of our kitchen-garden," i.e., expel ,Pasternak from the USSR. This led to a humorous Russian saying," I did not
  37. The traditional House of Lords. The Labor Government introduced legislation to, expel ,all hereditary peers from the Upper House as a first step in Lords reform. As a
  38. Order to accelerate sample collection after explosion, so that explosion would, expel ,radioactive material from the epicenter through the shafts and to collecting
  39. He started his first school magazine, Papyrus; the Jesuits threatened to, expel ,him for publicizing Emile Zola's scandalous novels in the school. He studied
  40. This culture depicts the dilemma faced by Abraham when Sarah demanded that he, expel ,Hagar and Ishmael. In the sculpture, the father's tenderness,Sarah's rage
  41. Album and others originally on Monkeys releases. Discharge in the context to, expel ,or to" let go" may refer to: * A military discharge, issued when a member of
  42. The decree of the angels, and by the command of the holy men, we excommunicate, expel , curse and damn Baruch de Espinoza, with the consent of God, Blessed be He, and
  43. Since there is no mechanism in this voluntary association to suspend or, expel ,an independent province of the Communion. Since membership is based on a
  44. Convert to Trinitarian Christianity. *1560 – The Treaty of Berwick, which would, expel ,the French from Scotland, is signed by England and the Congregation of Scotland
  45. Transportation to Britain. Roman forces pacified the region, but did not, expel ,the Franks, who continued to be feared as pirates along the shores at least
  46. Chimneys ", gaps in the canopy of lophophores, through which they swiftly, expel ,water that has been sieved, and thus avoid re-filtering water that is already
  47. To dioceses of other denominations) of the Mennonite Church have acted to, expel ,member congregations that have openly welcomed non-celibate homosexuals as
  48. Impeached a Member of Congress since Blunt. As each House has the authority to, expel ,its own members without involving the other chamber, expulsion has been the
  49. Excess water can cross into the cytosol. Amoebas have a contractile vacuole to, expel ,excess water. Food sources vary in chiropody. They may consume bacteria or
  50. Of World War II, though it came under strong pressure from Moscow and London to, expel ,the German and Italian diplomatic corps. Pakistan Afghanistan began diplomatic

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