Examples of the the word, embarrassment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( embarrassment ), is the 8809 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sweat that occurs during anxiety. Repeating the /// mark (///) can indicate, embarrassment ,by symbolizing blushing. Characters like hyphens or periods can replace the
  2. He enables Ruth to obtain more from her gleaning without offering the, embarrassment ,of direct donation. Though no doubt also motivated by an affection towards Ruth
  3. And Cyril Connolly. Connolly brought with him Stephen Spender, a cause of some, embarrassment ,as Orwell had referred to Spender as a" pansy friend" some time earlier.
  4. California. As a child, Lucas never learned to swim, which became a source of, embarrassment ,and frustration as he became older. Lucas has expressed in several interviews
  5. Or semicolon; can be added to the emoticon to imply apprehension or, embarrassment , in the same way that a sweat drop is used in anime. Microsoft IME 2002 (
  6. The ham" or" banging one out" are used often among young people to avoid, embarrassment ,in public. Excretory profanity such as in some cases may be acceptable among
  7. The Venetian senate for a pension, to enable him to pursue his studies without, embarrassment , The application was ultimately successful. The stipend amounted to three
  8. Minor-league affiliates. In a turn of events that proved to be a minor, embarrassment ,for the reorganized ownership group, Backman was almost immediately fired after
  9. Offering the content of the cassette tape to the summit. To the President's, embarrassment ,and shock, the big band song" Bandstand Boogie" begins to play (the theme
  10. Even members of their family) disobey the local authorities or cause serious, embarrassment , and such cases are, at any rate, a violation of the spirit of the Vienna
  11. Clever, mad ). Some differences in usage and/or meaning can cause confusion or, embarrassment , For example the word fanny is a slang word for vulva in BRE but means buttocks
  12. Interview in Time magazine. " The secret of how to live without resentment or, embarrassment ,in a world in which I was different from everyone else," Camp philosophically
  13. Shoot as the owners' lease was too expensive. Henning himself admitted sheer, embarrassment ,when the finished product aired, blaming his inability to rewrite the script
  14. Rather than overcome man? What is ape to man? A laughingstock or painful, embarrassment , And man shall be that to overran: a laughingstock or painful embarrassment .
  15. Which he wished to publish under an assumed name in order to avoid potential, embarrassment ,to his family for having been a tramp. In a letter to Moore (dated 15 November
  16. From the very start. Senior Liberal MP for Rockdale Cyril Smith caused some, embarrassment , however, by publicly stating that the SDP" should be strangled at birth ".
  17. Renascence” was the best poem, and stated that“ the award was as much an, embarrassment ,to me as a triumph. " A second-prize winner offered Millay his $250 prize money
  18. And not Letterman to succeed Johnny Carson as host of The Tonight Show was an, embarrassment ,to Carson, who had all but promised the succession to Letterman. Letterman
  19. It. What the GDR called the" Anti-Fascist Protective Wall" was a major, embarrassment ,for the program during the Cold War, but it did stabilize East Germany and
  20. Incident depicted in the classic 1972 film The Godfather. To spare Sinatra, embarrassment , Wallach says he turned down the role to appear in a Tennessee Williams play: "
  21. Who had won a place at university and thus found his background something of an, embarrassment , The character was one of the few to have experienced life 'outside' of
  22. Releasing the song before the playoffs had even begun, but were able to avoid, embarrassment ,by going on to win Super Bowl XX by a then-record margin of 46–10. That game
  23. Looking good for the season that was about to start. What followed was another, embarrassment ,as they were eliminated in the preliminary round of the Champions League by
  24. Embarrassment. And man shall be that to overran: a laughingstock or painful, embarrassment , You have made your way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm. Once
  25. Without Zoe is. Co-written with his daughter Sofia, the film is a mystifying, embarrassment ,; it's by far the director's worst work yet. " 1990s The Godfather Part III (
  26. Matters, not mention others, and to gloss over certain issues which would be of, embarrassment ,to Charlemagne, such as the morality of his daughters. He is also responsible
  27. Party losing its absolute grip on the media. Before long, and much to the, embarrassment ,of the authorities, the media began to expose severe social and economic
  28. After the incident he had declined an offer to meet Charles out of guilt and, embarrassment , though Charles himself had forgiven Costello saying" Drunken talk isn't
  29. Also criticized for his handling of the 1960 U-2 incident and the international, embarrassment , the Soviet Union's perceived leadership in the Arms race and the Space race
  30. Elite Yale's repeated flouting of East India Company regulations and growing, embarrassment ,at his illegal profiteering resulted in his being relieved of the post of
  31. Often being anti-leftist in general. However,Benson's views often brought, embarrassment ,to the Church leadership, and when Benson was sent to Europe on a mission for
  32. In February 1985 for four more, giving a total of 52. The ban became an, embarrassment ,for the BBC, especially given that UK commercial radio and television stations
  33. The person's face. We know through experience that a red face tends to signal, embarrassment , as we've learned to associate the two. The question concerning the visibility
  34. But the most enthusiastic fan "; while Blender magazine called Forbidden" an, embarrassment ,... the band’s worst album ". Black Sabbath embarked on a world tour in July
  35. Way of getting Benson out of the US where his right-wing views were a point of, embarrassment ,for the church. While publicly claiming that this was not the reason for Benson
  36. In court. Both The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian described the acquittal as, embarrassment ,to the Brown Ministry. In December 2008 The New York Times listed the acquittal
  37. To join the ruling coalition in a grand coalition., but has since, with some, embarrassment , rescinded his resignation. On 11 January 2008,Prime Minister Yahoo Fukuoka
  38. After the Stalingrad debacle. Hitler could not publicly repudiate him without, embarrassment , but contact between them largely stopped. Göring withdrew from the military
  39. French channel ports before and after France joined the war caused significant, embarrassment ,to the Royal Navy and inflamed Anglo-French relations. About 55,000 American
  40. Coming of baseball The cancellation of the 1994 World Series was a severe, embarrassment ,for Major League Baseball. Americans were cursed, outraged,frightened, angered
  41. Organization known as the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) started to become an, embarrassment ,after the well-known debates between Davenport and Franz Boas. Instead
  42. On Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain, which he later saw as an, embarrassment , while simultaneously asserting that God is" all wise, all good, all powerful.
  43. Punishments from the disciplinary boards. To be disbarred is considered a great, embarrassment ,and shame, even if one no longer wishes to pursue a career in the law; it is
  44. Is perceived as uncontrollable, they experience the emotions of shame and, embarrassment ,and consequently decrease effort and show poorer performance. In contrast, when
  45. In the Communist Party losing its grip on the media. Before long, much to the, embarrassment ,of the authorities, the media began to expose severe social and economic
  46. Perception: one perceives distance indirectly just as one perceives a person's, embarrassment ,indirectly. When looking at an embarrassed person, we infer indirectly that the
  47. Any of the following: the association of grades with personal worth; fear of, embarrassment ,by a teacher; fear of alienation from parents or friends; time pressures; or
  48. As Kenneth Banter put it at the time, the name fundamentalist had become" an, embarrassment ,instead of a badge of honor ". The term neo-evangelicalism was coined by Harold
  49. Forces and not the immense hosts which arrived, to his consternation and, embarrassment , after the pope preached the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont later
  50. Dignitaries to attend the City Dionysian, and The Babylonians caused some, embarrassment ,for the Athenian authorities since it depicted the cities of the Athenian

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