Examples of the the word, envy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( envy ), is the 8793 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With the capacity for" full-voiced high Gs and As that an opera baritone might, envy , " Scholar Lindsay Waters, who figures Presley's range as two and a quarter
  2. With a degree of engagement that he, as a teacher of literature, could only, envy , " Poitier identified what he termed the" mixed allusiveness" of the material
  3. The wealth of the upper classes might be exposed in order to excite popular, envy , Early in his reign Tarquin called a meeting of the Latin leaders to discuss
  4. S husband wears Green Headscarf. Green is also used to describe jealousy and, envy , Death, decay,and evil Green is also known to have signified witchcraft
  5. Not created the universe that we may have opportunities to satisfy our greed, envy ,and ambition. " *"The higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a wealth
  6. Hope and growth, while in others, it is associated with death, sickness, envy , or the devil. The most common associations, however,are found in its ties to
  7. Above enters the body of man and gives him a soul, Yaldabaoth is filled with, envy ,; he tries to limit man's knowledge by forbidding him the fruit of knowledge in
  8. His Victorian view of women in The Feminine Mystique. Freud's concept of penis, envy ,was attacked by Kate Millett, whose Sexual Politics accused him of confusion
  9. Prime sources: unresolved infantile striving and regressive wishes, hostile, envy , of women, oedipal anxiety, and power and dependency conflicts related to
  10. To his or her credit by overcoming the traps of ostentation, pride,arrogance, envy , and long hopes (meaning the hope for a long life allowing us to mend our ways
  11. Loaf, not more — Supplied us two alone in the free desert: What Sultan could we, envy ,on his throne? Peter Avery and John Heath-Stubbs A modern version of 235
  12. With American-backed films — Scott admitted he was" ill for a week" with, envy , Scott had originally planned to next adapt a version of Tristan and Result
  13. He believed his physique didn't suit such refined elegance:" I used to, envy ,his cool aristocratic style, so intimate and contained. Fred wears top hat and
  14. Her and Jones's disagreement with Freud was over how to interpret penis, envy ,rather than whether it existed. Honey understood Freud's conception of the
  15. Relations which explains both the admiration and more pointedly the, envy ,and hatred the world has felt for the Jews in religious and also secular terms.
  16. The old Catholic maxim that" If the angels were capable of envy , they would, envy ,the Eucharist. " El Greco attempted to express the religious tension
  17. However, despite Laban, Jacob eventually becomes so rich as to incite the, envy ,of Laban and Laban's sons. Reconciliation tells of Jacob and Esau's eventual
  18. And its vigorous, competitive industrial prowess all gained it the dislike and, envy ,of other nations. The German Empire enacted a number of progressive reforms
  19. And denied Rommel (whom he had come to dislike personally, apparently out of, envy ,for his" real soldier's" appeal) access to the Hitler Youth. An agreement
  20. What a lovely flower is the Rose, a favorite alike with Gods and with men. I, envy ,you your beauty and your perfume. " The Rose replied," I indeed, dear Amaranth
  21. Prevailed, human civilization has always been artificial, creating inequality, envy , and unnatural desires. In Rousseau's philosophy,society's negative
  22. His worth; it is not my wish ever to suppress any man's excellence through, envy ,". He tells the following story about Apologizes/Rays: The historian R. R.
  23. Poem in 1 Corinthians, he wrote," Love is patient, love is kind. It does not, envy , it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it
  24. For the memory of them is forgotten. Also, their love, their hatred, and their, envy ,have now perished; Nevermore will they have a share in anything done under the
  25. Little men grant life to the smallest particles of the world, what folly! What, envy , Neither to know that the Whole, in which 'we live and move and have our being
  26. On in awe, per the old Catholic maxim that" If the angels were capable of, envy , they would envy the Eucharist. " El Greco attempted to express the
  27. With carvings showing Christianity’s seven deadly sins, namely pride, greed, envy , lust, gluttony,wrath and sloth ** Werner-Senger-Haus, very beautiful stone
  28. World where, in words widely attributed to Nikita Khrushchev," The living will, envy ,the dead ". During the Cold War, the two superpowers sought to avoid open
  29. Into following the teachings of Islam by refraining from violence, anger, envy , greed, lust,profane language, gossip and to try to get along with fellow
  30. On the possible and be satisfied with what one has—giving little thought to, envy ,or admiration. Democritus approved of extravagance on occasion, as he held that
  31. Slaves to all kinds of passions and cravings, wasting our time in malice and, envy , hateful,” Στςγητοι, stugetoi“ and each hating his brother. ”:“ hateful as
  32. Paraguay, whose advances in agriculture and quality of life had been the, envy ,of many in the Southern Cone, became the most backward nation in that subregion
  33. A lack of pretension and effort that must have made Jim Morrison green with, envy , " Dave Marsh calls the performance one of" emotional grandeur and historical
  34. Made the heavy sacrifices that science demands from its disciples, without, envy , or bitterness; although he lived apart from his fellow men, he was full of
  35. And success of Rommel's drive; however, others were more reserved, some out of, envy , others because they felt Rommel took unnecessary risks. Hermann Both publicly
  36. From 1963 onwards, their teamwork at ruck duels inspired admiration and, envy , These two players spearheaded the club's next premiership in 1963.
  37. Little tragedy" Mozart and Salary (1831) as a dramatic study of the sin of, envy , Russian composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov adapted Pushkin's play as an opera
  38. Punch magazine),F. C. Burn and, wrote to the composer:" Magnificent! ... I, envy ,you and W. S. G. being able to place a piece like this on the stage in so
  39. Side by side in a garden, : and the Amaranth said to her neighbor, : " How I, envy ,you your beauty and your sweet scent!: No wonder you are such a universal
  40. The altruism in Christianity. Sociologist Helmut Check similarly considered, envy ,the motive of collective efforts by society to reduce the disproportionate
  41. To enter his service. Duns tan soon became a favorite of the king and was the, envy ,of other members of the court. He managed to crawl out and make his way to the
  42. Arguments and means by which to struggle against some defect (such as anger, envy , gossip, flattery ) or to overcome some difficult circumstance (such as a
  43. Caribbean, earning the nickname" The Golden Rock. " This invoked the, envy ,of the French and English who from 1795 made sure the island lost that position
  44. 1968–1985) -- an unprecedented run of success that saw the Orioles become the, envy ,of the league, and the winningest team in baseball. During this period, the
  45. For the creation of a" Loyalist colony" — an asylum that could become" the, envy ,of the American states ". Nova Scotia was therefore partitioned, and the colony
  46. Be neither eating nor drinking, neither trading nor toil, neither hatred nor, envy ,; but the righteous shall sit with crowns upon their heads, and rejoice in the
  47. Unrighteousness, fornication,wickedness, covetousness,maliciousness; full of, envy , murder, debate,deceit, malignity; whisperers, :30: Backbiters, haters of God
  48. Death, shew itself equal to the whole of that commerce which now attracts the, envy ,of the world ". Samuel Johnson was so irritated at hearing it continually
  49. The wealth of the upper classes might be exposed in order to excite popular, envy , When Series Julius arrived at the senate-house to defend his position
  50. To cheaper housing and assisted savings. This special treatment has sparked, envy ,and resentment amongst non-Malays. The ethnic Chinese control of the locally

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