Examples of the the word, jacobs , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jacobs ), is the 8797 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Together to form longer trains. The Talent is an articulated railcar with, jacobs , bogies. Partially as a result of this, the interior of an entire unit is
  2. Leave in February 2011,following Taylor's departure. Outside of football, jacobs , set up charity One In A Million. For the Dominican Republic national highway #8
  3. Made via shipments of lentils. The series was made of six 2 cars units using a, jacobs , bogie setup, each one having two 600 hp MAN engines electrified with AEG
  4. New developments in rail freight transport led to new products. 10 car units of, jacobs , articulated wagons for transportation of road semi-trailers were built for the
  5. System (AC and DC) as well as standard- and broad gauge. Due to the use of, jacobs , bogies between the sections the whole trains becomes one single cabin that can
  6. To 423 462. Description A Class 423 unit consists of four cars that share three, jacobs , bogies and can only be separated at maintenance facilities. The inner two cars
  7. Content Sharks profile * http://www.sarugby.co.za/profiles.asp? Id 20515&Search,Jacobs, SA Rugby Profile The Mill District is a neighborhood within Minneapolis
  8. Introduced Škoda 15 T was developed with pivoting bogies at the ends and with, jacobs , bogies between the articulations in order to overcome all the shortcomings
  9. Tram constructed from 3 parts,4 bogies. The middle-section is located on 2,Jacobs, bogies. Vehicle is bidirectional and has driving room and doors on both sides.
  10. Often is used in articulated vehicles, which places the bogies (often, jacobs , bogies ) under the connection between the carriages or wagons. Most bogies have
  11. Motors among eight of the train's ten axles including two of the three, jacobs , bogies. The trains have become infamous for their braking problems: On slippery

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