Examples of the the word, investing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( investing ), is the 8802 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Security and defend our country. " Due to their close connection, Iran began, investing ,in the development of Herat's power, economy and education sectors. As a
  2. Of concept for new models for communications, sales or customer services before, investing ,in staff and infrastructure. * Flexible solutions for SMEs - small or
  3. And informally via meetings with business persons planning to invest or already, investing ,in the Dominican Republic. This is a challenging business environment for U. S.
  4. The tourist industry in Northern Ireland, the Belfast City Council is currently, investing ,into the complete redevelopment of the Titanic Quarter, which is planned to
  5. The Island's residents have been attempting to diversify the area economy by, investing ,in tourism developments, call centers, and small businesses, as well as
  6. To the starting price via the golden ratio. The use of the golden ratio in, investing ,is also related to more complicated patterns described by Fibonacci numbers;
  7. Al-Juwayni wrote:" Our (scholarly) associates agree on precluding the, investing ,of two different individuals with the imam ate at either end of the world. But
  8. With the African Library Project. The Government of Botswana hopes that by, investing ,a large part of national income in education, the country will become less
  9. However, was misled by intelligence overestimates of the German forces, investing ,Torus, and so no major action was attempted. General Cavell made two
  10. And media Over the past years the city of Frankfurt has been increasingly, investing ,into the IT-infrastructure of its schools. As a result, schools in Frankfurt
  11. Army under King John III Babinski, were poised to strike the Sultan's army, investing ,Vienna. On the morning of 12 September the Christian forces drew up in line of
  12. High levels of education among its residents make the country an attractive, investing ,location. Since 1999,tourism earns more foreign exchange than the combined
  13. Of their bookshelf games series. In most versions, the theme of the game is, investing ,in hotel chains. In the 1990s Hasbro edition, the hotel chains were replaced by
  14. The Millennium Challenge Account areas—ruling justly, economic freedom, and, investing , in people. The Bailiwick of Guernsey (;, ) is a British Crown Dependency in the
  15. Where needs are greatest. As FAO is primarily a knowledge based organization, investing ,in human resources is a top priority. Capacity building including a leadership
  16. With a period of relative wealth, with many" ordinary" people with spare cash, investing ,and day-trading, which caused a lot of money to chase the available investment
  17. As real estate and cars, buying insurance,e.g. health and property insurance, investing ,and saving for retirement. Personal financial decisions may also involve paying
  18. Later the Earls of Sea forth),who pursued a more enlightened approach, investing ,in fishing in particular. The Seaports' royalist inclinations led to Lewis
  19. Elton added" our strategy is to defend and protect our current markets while, investing ,in products and services to secure our future, but we can do this only if we
  20. Has actually reported a population increase in recent years. The city has been, investing ,actively in IT infrastructure. The City of Fredericton was recently the winner
  21. The sex that invests less in offspring will compete for access to the higher, investing ,sex (see Bateman's principle). Sex differences in parental effort are
  22. To buy a stake in the airline: rival Delta Air Lines is also looking into, investing ,in the troubled airline, along with Delta's partner Air France-KLM. Both Delta
  23. Any special requirements, there are significant restrictions on international, investing ,and special approval is often required in order to convert into other
  24. Presenting to ecclesiastical benefices, of collecting returns and revenues and, investing ,with fiefs, of receiving oaths of fealty for and in the name of the holy empire
  25. His stay in Rome and left for the north. He did not even perform the ceremonies, investing ,him with his ninth consulate; he did them in Ravenna on January 1,304 instead.
  26. And synovial government; second, the principle of belief expressed in worship, investing ,importance in approved prayer books and their rubrics; and third, the
  27. Divisions forming the Italian XX Motorized Corps, three infantry divisions, investing ,Torus, and one holding Bardic. Operation Crusader Allied counteroffensive
  28. Every 7 years. However,“ Take the city of Sydney - the Mecca of property, investing , In 1890,the average Sydney home price was $1,446 (£723). If property really
  29. Protestant England, where the Church of England is led by the Supreme Governor, investing ,the Head of Church in the same person as the Head of State, in this instance
  30. Turned global. These multinationals have made this transition notably by, investing ,massively abroad, in the region and beyond, and thus realizing an increasing
  31. Their claim is that this is more than compensated for by the advantage of not, investing ,in possible future requirements that might change before they become relevant.
  32. And board of directors control of distressed airline companies by temporarily, investing ,large sums of capital in air carriers,to rescheme an airlines assets
  33. To their name and/or a ". Com" to the end, which one author called" prefix, investing ,". A combination of rapidly increasing stock prices, market confidence that the
  34. His current activities regarding it. Despite this he is a venture capitalist, investing ,in GNR technology companies. He has also raised a specialty venture fund to
  35. And has modified its mining industry laws and regulations to create a favorable, investing ,environment for foreigners. Thanks to a large amount of copper resources
  36. With Italian infantry forces holding Bardic, the Gollum–Side Omar line and, investing ,Torus. The mobile German and Italian formations were held in reserve to fight
  37. In their life cycles, there is no consistent ratio in their proportions. *In, investing , some practitioners of technical analysis use the golden ratio to indicate
  38. Responsibility. It subsequently canceled the review and stood by its policy of, investing ,for maximum return, while using voting rights to influence company practices.
  39. And during the Siege of Paris his troops formed the north-east section of the, investing ,force. After the conclusion of the Treaty of Frankfurt (1871),he was left in
  40. Agreed and began meeting with corporate officials interested in, investing ,in Czechoslovakia. Within a few weeks, however,the U. S. administration put
  41. Made the bubble even more buoyant. An unprecedented amount of personal, investing ,occurred during the boom, and the press reported the phenomenon of people
  42. Infidelity would be more aversive than emotional infidelity for a man because, investing ,resources in another man's offspring does not lead to propagation of the man
  43. Must anticipate future trends in consumer demand if they are to avoid, investing ,too much in some lines of production and too little in other lines of
  44. Was launched by the government in 2007,aimed at strengthening the sector by, investing ,a total of 3.2 billion euro. Specialized equipment amounts to some 25,000
  45. In such circumstances, forcing them to consider issues other than profit when, investing , but a corporation may have millions of small shareholders who know nothing
  46. High levels of education among its residents make the country an attractive, investing ,location. The country has successfully attracted important investments by such
  47. Collected during the occupation of Casting, Maine during the War of 1812, investing ,GBP£7000 as the initial endowment and GBP£3000 reserved for the actual
  48. Incentives, including simplified planning and capital allowances. This made, investing ,in the Docklands a significantly more attractive proposition and was
  49. Hoover, he saw the Depression caused in part by people no longer spending or, investing ,because they were afraid. His inauguration on March 4,1933,occurred in the
  50. Was also launched in June 2006. In October 2006 BT confirmed that it would be, investing ,75 % of its total capital spending, put at £10 billion over five years, in its

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