Examples of the the word, paddle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( paddle ), is the 8800 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Combustion engines produced by Mitsubishi Motors; Sea transport * Orion (, paddle ,steamer),a ship which sank off Kirkpatrick, Scotland in 1850 * RMS Orion, an
  2. City on the river upstream from its mouth at St. Louis. Extensive use of, paddle ,steamers on the upper river helped facilitate European settlement of the
  3. Mitsubishi Motors also uses magnesium (branded magnesium alloy) for its, paddle ,shifters. The general strategy for such alloys is to form intermetallic
  4. Was a lifeline as few railways or roads were built in that country. Most, paddle ,steamers have been retired to shorefront service, but modern diesel tourist
  5. 2600 was typically bundled with two joystick controllers, a conjoined pair of, paddle ,controllers, and a cartridge game—initially Combat and later Pac-Man. The Atari
  6. Settlements are believed to have been established on Chill around 3000 BCE. A, paddle ,dating from this period was found at the cannot near Dookinella. The island is
  7. Of Europe and probably elsewhere. For example, propelling a canoe with a single, paddle ,using a" j-stroke" involves a related but not identical technique. In China
  8. Transmission. A six-speed automatic transmission, with steering wheel mounted, paddle ,shifters, is optional. A test by Car and Driver magazine revealed a 0- time of
  9. By around 1984,that was installed by opening the controller and fitting the, paddle ,over the disc. A flange around the hollow plastic conical joystick held it in
  10. Model 6040,1976): Three Pong variants (hockey, handball,tennis),two, paddle ,controllers fixed on console. This was the very first game to use the AY-3-8500
  11. Was used primarily for gaming titles such as Centipede or Missile Command. A, paddle ,controller and an updated self-centering version of the original controller
  12. Typically still had high speed, and carried away much of the energy. Pelton's, paddle ,geometry was designed so that when the rim runs at ½ the speed of the water jet
  13. Paddler sits and a narrower width. A narrower kayak makes a somewhat shorter, paddle ,appropriate and a shorter paddle puts less strain on the shoulder joints. Some
  14. Canoes in the sitting position of the paddle r and the number of blades on the, paddle , In a kayak, the paddle r sits on or near the hull of the boat and uses a
  15. By United Airlines * Paddle steamer, a steamboat or steamship operated by, paddle ,propulsion * Ukraine International Airlines, IATA airline designator Places *
  16. Weather) and competitive indoor rowers.: Water Resistance models consist of a, paddle ,revolving in an enclosed tank of water. The mass and drag of the moving water
  17. Of dizzy-eyed urban kids playing with the PSP as if it were a skateboard,a, paddle ,or a rocking horse. " Keith Haring was another well-known graffiti artist who
  18. Stabilized by the 1880s. In the early days of steam power for ships, when both, paddle ,wheels and screws were in use, ships were often characterized by their type of
  19. Reducing wear and tear on the track. Also, a new steam engine for a, paddle ,steam ship on Lake Geneva, the Montreal, was designed and built, being the
  20. Commercial for hire and privately owned. There are a number of both historic, paddle ,steamers and newer boats offering cruises ranging from a half-hour to 5 days.
  21. The paddle r sits on a seat or kneels on the hull, and uses a single-bladed, paddle , In some parts of the world, such as the United Kingdom, kayaks are considered
  22. Are available at West Beach during the busy season, along with canoe and, paddle ,boat rentals. Kayaks may be rented for guided tours out of Bowman Bay. And
  23. Have modified into arms used for steering, the tail has modified into a, paddle ,used for propulsion, and the hind limbs (legs) are but two small remnant
  24. The paddle r sits on or near the hull of the boat and uses a double-bladed, paddle , In a canoe, the paddle r sits on a seat or kneels on the hull, and uses a
  25. For the casual paddle r interested in fishing, photography,or a peaceful, paddle ,on a lake or flat water stream. They presently make up the largest segment of
  26. Laird shipyard built such a vessel in 1832. Macgregor Laird designed an iron, paddle ,steamer, the Alberta, which was capable of making its own way to West Africa
  27. The vessel with a propeller or underwater" flippers" rather than with a, paddle , This allows the kayaked to keep hands free for steering, fishing and other
  28. Craft were developed for leisure use, as derivatives of surfboards (e.g., paddle ,or wave skis),or for surf conditions. Variants include planing surf craft
  29. A narrower kayak makes a somewhat shorter paddle appropriate and a shorter, paddle ,puts less strain on the shoulder joints. Some paddle rs are comfortable with a
  30. Commercial featured Andy Rodrick in a tennis match against the white, in-game, paddle , Other video games have also referenced and parodied Pong; for example
  31. An early interest in mechanical things. At the early age of 13,he invented, paddle ,wheels to go alongside his father's fishing boat. He especially favored
  32. Sports game that simulates table tennis. The player controls an in-game, paddle ,by moving it vertically across the left side of the screen, and can compete
  33. Sailing schools, yacht schools, waterski clubs, rowing clubs, canoe clubs and, paddle ,clubs. The water polo team WASP W98 plays in the first division. The UBC
  34. Of water, his raft was expelled, and Odysseus was able to recover it and, paddle ,away to safety. Jason and The Argonauts were able to avoid both
  35. Out of carbon fiber and/or fiberglass. At the discretion of the paddle r,the, paddle ,may be angled to fit with the paddle r's stroke. Surf Ski A specialized variant
  36. In clear water that had opened up between the ice floes. His later attempt to, paddle ,a kayak to the North Pole in late 2008,following the erroneous prediction of
  37. Turning radius and are easy to master, although some models take more effort to, paddle ,and are slower than traditional kayaks. Pedal A kayak with pedals allows the
  38. Brick oven. On deck ovens, the pizza can be slid into the oven on a long, paddle , called a peel, and baked directly on the hot bricks or baked on a screen (a
  39. In March 1816,one of the earliest sea going voyages by steam ship. The, paddle ,steamer Defiance, Captain William Wager, was the first steamer to cross the
  40. Tug-of-war competition in 1845 between the screw-driven HMS Rattler and the, paddle ,steamer HMS Alec to; the former pulling the latter backward at 2.5 knots (4.6
  41. Ericsson introduced practical screw propulsion into the United States. Mixed, paddle ,and propeller designs were still being used at this time (vide the 1858 Great
  42. Black and white plastic case, includes revolver-style light gun and separate, paddle ,controllers. Uses the AY-3-8500 chip. #Telstar Alpha (model 6030,1977): Four
  43. K1 or K2 runs in the US$2,000–4,000 range. They require expertise to, paddle ,well, but are fast in the hands of proficient users. The beam of a flat water
  44. Attacks. The French destroyer Adroit was sunk on 21 May 1940,followed by the, paddle ,steamer Crested Eagle on 28 May. The British destroyer was sunk on 29 May and
  45. Scull, standard scull, torpedo scull, split-arm scull, barrel scull, and, paddle , scull. The support scull is used most often to support the body while a swimmer
  46. Either a computer controlled opponent or another player controlling a second, paddle ,on the opposing side. Players use the paddle s to hit a ball back and forth. The
  47. Moved for eight-way directional control. It can be used as both a joystick and, paddle ,(twist),and not only pushed down to operate as a fire button but also pulled
  48. Castle and Pad stow harbor. Very occasionally, the Waverley and Balm oral, paddle ,steamers cruise from Swansea or Bristol to Pad stow. The Isles of Silly are
  49. And one or more cockpits, each seating one paddle r who strokes a double-bladed, paddle , The cockpit is sometimes covered by a spray deck (or" skirt" ) that prevents
  50. Of steam engines. Nhp = 7 x area of piston x equivalent piston speed/33,000 For, paddle ,ships the piston speed was estimated as 129.7 x (stroke)1/3.35 For the nominal

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