Examples of the the word, heated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( heated ), is the 8799 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Weight and form the adhesive; or they may be high viscosity materials that are, heated ,to reduce viscosity enough to allow coating, and then cooled to their final
  2. 1969,equal to $ today). Margaret loathes all four" vagabonds," but her most, heated ,rivalry is with Granny, with whom she occasionally has some" scraps. " Raymond
  3. The individual stages facilitate separation of sample components. Tubes may be, heated ,transversely or longitudinally, where the former ones have the advantage of a
  4. Made ovens out of dug pits. These pits were also used to steam foods by adding, heated ,rocks or embers and then seaweed or corn husks (or other coverings) placed on
  5. To the modern stone. Alabaster may be stained to disguise it, by being, heated ,in various commentary solutions. In this way a very misleading imitation of
  6. Amalgams for gilding their armor. The amalgam was applied as a paste and then, heated ,until the mercury vaporized, leaving the gold, silver,or tin behind. Mercury
  7. Use a very fine wire (on the order of several micrometers) electrically, heated ,up to some temperature above the ambient. Air flowing past the wire has a
  8. Was a far stronger minister. Disraeli's first premiership was dominated by the, heated ,debate over the established Church of Ireland. Although Ireland was
  9. Between characters (typically in anapestic rhythm); **excited dialogue or, heated ,argument (typically trochaic rhythm, the same as in early tragedy); **long
  10. In 1978,the See Games brand was dropped. In December of that year during a, heated ,argument between Nolan Bushnell and Many Gerard, Bushnell was fired. A project
  11. The surface of the spacecraft. In direct sunlight, the spacecraft could be, heated ,to over while the parts in shadow would be. These temperatures could cause the
  12. The gas is not only compressed, but the work done to compress the gas has also, heated ,the gas and the hotter gas will have a greater pressure even if the volume had
  13. Last presidential debates between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton during their, heated ,race for the Democratic nomination in 2008. Environmental movement The
  14. As reactors listed as dangerous in Bulgaria, Russia,and Slovakia. After, heated ,debates over startup continued through 1993,French and Russian nuclear
  15. Α-β transition decreases with increasing temperature, and when americium is, heated ,at ambient pressure, at 770 °C it changes into a FCC phase which is different
  16. The preparation of other barium compounds, or barium metal. Instead, the ore is, heated ,with carbon to reduce it to barium sulfide:: BaSO4 + 2 C → Beys + 2 CO2 The
  17. Political power and as upholders of the established church became a matter of, heated ,political controversy. John Calvin formulated a doctrine of Presbyterianism
  18. Between the two is called the Derby Della Capital, it is amongst the most, heated ,and emotional footballing rivalries in the world. The fixture has seen some
  19. With the formation of magnesium nitride Mg3N2,and when the gas is passed over, heated ,sodium or potassium, sodamide,NaNH2,and potassamide,KNH2,are formed. Where
  20. Against excessive sensibility, the rhetoric of the Rights of Woman is at times, heated ,and attempts to provoke the reader. Many of the most emotional comments in the
  21. Opposite direction, the overall effect is the opposite, and the compartment is, heated , This is usually called a heat pump, and is capable of heating a home to
  22. In the graphite tube are removed at high temperature. The graphite tubes are, heated ,via their oh mic resistance using a low-voltage high-current power supply; the
  23. Suggestive of true marble, the statues are immersed in a bath of water and, heated ,gradually—nearly to the boiling-point—an operation requiring great care, for if
  24. Is finally measured by a detector. Atomizers Although other atomizers, such as, heated ,quartz tubes, might be used for special purposes, the atomizers most commonly
  25. Products Because sucrose, unlike aspartame, retains its sweetness after being, heated , and has at least twice the shelf life of aspartame, it has become more popular
  26. The exact extent of the despoliation of the Roman aristocracy is a subject of, heated ,debate. The clergy was also greatly affected. The Lombards were mostly pagans
  27. Thread to protect it, and a conical steel mandrel (which sometimes has been, heated ,in a flame) is quickly inserted in between the blades. Using a special pair of
  28. To supply air. In these pipes, sometimes called could wind pipes, air is not, heated ,or moistened by the player's breathing, so bellows-driven bagpipes can use
  29. As at the beginning of every chemical change. Thus, for instance, if water is, heated ,to steam, if salt is dissolved in water or if a piece of wood is burned to
  30. But the design of the idealized free library was the subject of prolonged and, heated ,debate. On one hand, the library profession called for designs that supported
  31. Appearance by an expansion team),the rivalry did not become especially, heated ,until the 1994 season when division realignment put both the Mets and the
  32. Professional sports. The rivalry is sometimes so polarizing that it is often a, heated ,subject, like religion or politics, in the Northeastern United States. Since
  33. Is less suitable for baking than other sweeteners, because it breaks down when, heated ,and loses much of its sweetness. Aspartame is also one of the main sugar
  34. Bus as a command post, while those in cold climates might retain a bus as a, heated ,shelter at fire scenes. Many are drawn from retired school or service buses.
  35. In the formation of" asteroid" or" pressed amber ". The pieces are carefully, heated ,with exclusion of air and then compressed into a uniform mass by intense
  36. Air is cooled as a fan blows it over the evaporator. On the exterior the air is, heated ,as a second fan blows it over the condenser. In this process, heat is drawn
  37. Brass was produced by the cementation process where copper and zinc ore are, heated ,together until zinc vapor is produced which reacts with the copper. There is
  38. Size for carom billiard games. The slates on modern carom tables are usually, heated ,to stave off moisture and provide a consistent playing surface. The length of
  39. This same dynamic between Arminianism and Calvinism can be seen in the, heated ,discussions between friends and fellow Methodist ministers John Wesley and
  40. Of war. Additionally, Bonn was closer to Brussels, headquarters of the EU. The, heated ,debate that resulted was settled by the Bundestag (Germany's parliament)
  41. Climatic differences are due to variations in the amount of rainfall. The wide, heated ,plains of the Sahara, and in a lesser degree the corresponding zone of the
  42. Making it conform to the shape of the mandrel. (The steam generated by the, heated ,mandrel causes the cane to permanently assume the shape of the mandrel. ) The
  43. The adhesive and drying off the solvent or water carrier. They may be further, heated ,to initiate a cross-linking reaction and increase molecular weight. 100 % solid
  44. And oil. The final luster is given by friction with flannel. When gradually, heated ,in an oil-bath, amber becomes soft and flexible. Two pieces of amber may be
  45. Abrasive, cement,chemical, and refractory. Usually, bauxite ore is, heated ,in a pressure vessel along with a sodium hydroxide solution at a temperature of
  46. Antimony is stable in air at room temperature but reacts with oxygen if, heated ,to form antimony trioxide,Sb2O3. Antimony is a silvery, lustrous gray metal
  47. Tank. There are two main methods – infusion mashing, in which the grains are, heated ,in one vessel; and decoction mashing, in which a proportion of the grains are
  48. Disturbances in Azerbaijan, in response to Moscow's indifference to already, heated ,conflict, resulted in calls for independence and secession, which culminated in
  49. China it was customary to burn amber during large festivities. If amber is, heated ,under the right conditions, oil of amber is produced, and in past times this
  50. I) ALF, AlCl and Alba exist in the gaseous phase when the trivialize is, heated ,with aluminum. The composition Ali is unstable at room temperature with

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