Examples of the the word, accustom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accustom ), is the 8794 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Samuel Ben Ali Ha-Levi alabaster (" Gain of Baghdad" ) as" one whom people, accustom ,from his youth to believe that there is none like him in his generation," and
  2. Canton),there is at least one fair in each district, which became an, accustom ,since 1960s. However, the origin of such fair can be traced back to Ming
  3. Several ad hoc agreements if necessary, to which the Māori and Pamela need to, accustom ,themselves permanently. The alternative, an eventual rebirth of the violence
  4. Practitioners" if well-managed, cultivate Sense-Perception, or Observation, accustom ,children to express their thoughts in words, increase their available stock of
  5. Debate over the proper age to begin training a foal. Some advocate beginning to, accustom ,a foal to human handling from the moment of birth, using a process termed
  6. Give supporters of the right a sense of their own strength and, ominously,to, accustom ,them 'to fight, when necessary, for the possession of the street. '" Frances
  7. They have less need to learn to deal with the interests of others, than to, accustom ,themselves to a calm and secluded life. Wollstonecraft dedicated the Rights of
  8. Available is the drop box, to which the test subject must flee. In order to, accustom ,the test subject to the maze, it is guided into the drop box by a sheltering
  9. These organizations have often been considered micro-constitutions because they, accustom ,participants to the formalities of democratic decision-making. More recently
  10. Teach a horse to respond to voice commands and the trainer's body language, to, accustom , them to the feel of a saddle and bridle, and to begin their introduction to the
  11. In contrast, women tend to work in domestic duties. Culturally, males, accustom , to dress cowboy style and women dress very conservative. Both males and females
  12. That Noriega should first tackle the annotations to the Man'you in order to, accustom ,himself to the ancient kana usage known as the man'Logan. This was the only
  13. Organized by the respective gaming console. As of 2008,it has been extended to, accustom ,artwork of other nature such as Posters, Album covers and DVD covers. As of
  14. More than professional fight gloves (16 oz. ) in order to cushion blows and, accustom ,boxers to added weights. *Headgear: Used to protect boxers from soft tissue
  15. And remote in tone. That is the trouble with all the great masters -- they, accustom ,us to such dazzling performances that when they give us what would seem
  16. To always see Christ in her, especially in the old and sick members. They must, accustom ,themselves to see Christ Himself in the Church. For it is Christ who lives in
  17. Read aloud to students the passages from writers with elegant styles,“ to, accustom ,the ear to the measurement of the sentences and the peculiar turns of
  18. Or fed by its parents) to an appropriate diet. Some breeders will additionally, accustom ,their young parrots to different experiences, such as harness-training
  19. Its birth, UESA’s main aim is to help the engineering student familiarize and, accustom ,himself with university life, offering help and aid for his various needs and
  20. Tackling; the lack of the biff and barge, which the South Africans where so, accustom ,too left them unsatisfied with what they had seen. After playing the two
  21. The pretext. Although children were taken to dinner parties (convivial) to, accustom ,them to proper adult social behavior, Quintilian scolds parents of his day for
  22. His remaining years were spent in consolidating this work. He endeavored to, accustom ,the people to rely upon their own initiative to improve their condition, and
  23. Netherlands. Training starts at four weeks of age when the rats are handled to, accustom ,them to humans and exposed to a variety of sights and sounds. They learn to
  24. Or postlarvae to smaller farms in the region. * Nurseries grow postlarvae and, accustom ,them to the marine conditions in the grow out ponds. * In the grow out ponds the
  25. To Constantine" to teach his subjects to give up their rites (...) and to, accustom ,them to despise their temples and the images contained therein," This led to
  26. Sometimes, as they mount the rampart, a cook may throw fat upon the fire, to, accustom , them to a sudden blaze; and sometimes, by the clatter of empty pots, they may
  27. Of general. This began a new and difficult life for Polo, who would have to, accustom ,herself to her husband's constant and unpredictable reassignments. They moved
  28. It was not long, and they realized the area could produce the crops they were, accustom ,to growing-tobacco. Flint Hill was originally settled by people of the
  29. Devotees find DIR AVI a delight to use. Exasperating to those not willing to, accustom ,themselves, especially on the SM. * Very fast – 2.0 turns lock to lock in SM
  30. Of justice, and administered the same formula to both Christians and Jews. To, accustom ,the latter to military services he formed two battalions of 803 men and 60
  31. Contains no percussion composition. It was intended for drill purposes to, accustom ,the soldier to the operation of loading the rifle. The rifle was sighted for
  32. A wide leather or nylon band that goes around the horse's barrel) and, accustom ,the horse to the feel of pressure on the bit. A horse is not ready to be ridden
  33. Of eastern and western styles, just as the western crusaders had begun to, accustom ,themselves to eastern culture. Morphia was buried at the abbey of St. Mary
  34. Are often used with training young horses prior to being ridden. They help, accustom ,a horse to the feel of pressure on the bit, and reward the horse when it gives
  35. There are no adults around" ), and " Bye Bye Grandma" which he wants to help, accustom ,children to death. He refuses to keep pets because he feels they would" turn
  36. And was lauded as being successful during its run. Plot Maria Teresa is a woman, accustom ,to livening in the city, but she has to move to live at ‘ La Torment’ her
  37. Never was a real rebellion and the whole episode was manipulated in order to, accustom ,Americans to a standing army. Angry petitions flowed in from three dozen
  38. That he enjoys human company, and should take the young horse through crowds to, accustom ,him to different sights and noises. If the colt is frightened, the groom should
  39. Clothes and many reactors wear a hauberk under their regular clothes to, accustom ,themselves to it. One of the two real drawbacks of mail is the uneven weight
  40. The end of 2000 EP09 were temporally sent to Gdańsk. This was done in order to, accustom ,engineers with this type of locomotive before rising top speed on Warsaw-Gdańsk
  41. And change my desires rather than the order of the world, and in general, accustom ,myself to the persuasion that, except our own thoughts, there is nothing
  42. Too often, however,this warning is given in vain.:" So little do we, accustom ,ourselves to consider the effects of time, that things necessary and certain
  43. Relieve staring, to end the fixed look. We use light to relax the eyes and to, accustom ,them to the sun. " Case of Huxley Perhaps the most famous proponent of the
  44. To Constantine" to teach his subjects to give up their rites (...) and to, accustom ,them to despise their temples and the images contained therein," which led to
  45. In The Travels of Marco Polo at the beginning of the fourteenth century: 'they, accustom ,their cattle, cows,sheep, camels and horses to feed upon dried fish, which
  46. equipment's lowest power level, with a long gap between pulses, in order to, accustom ,the patient to the sensation. The length of gap between pulses is also
  47. Is a form of habituation exercise, designed to allow the patient to become, accustom ,to the position which causes the vertigo symptoms. The Brandt-Daroff exercises
  48. The horse used in sidesaddle riding will have additional training to, accustom ,it to the placement of the rider and the use of the whip to replace off side
  49. He thinks the first time he saw and heard you, that you needed all that time to, accustom ,yourself to his method? Or that you wished to devote your musical talents to
  50. Propaganda for Oriental Affairs and scrip tor of the Vatican Library. Unable to, accustom ,himself to the Roman climate, he returned to Hardenberg in 1865,where he was

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