Examples of the the word, honorary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( honorary ), is the 8795 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Various traditions, including Christianity. The office may also be given as an, honorary ,title to a clergyman who is not actually the head of a monastery. The female
  2. The Bishop of Norwich, by royal decree given by Henry VIII, also holds the, honorary ,title of" Abbot of St. Benet. " This title hails back to England's separation
  3. Located in Bulkhead, Midtown,or Peach tree Center. The city is also home to 36, honorary , consulates. In 2011,it was announced that Atlanta would be the host of the
  4. And gave an interview onstage; the two wanted to express gratitude for the, honorary ,award and to thank their fans. On 25 November 2009,PRS for Music announced
  5. Calling forth her people on this last was used as the belt buckle for the, honorary ,rank of Marshal of France. Since the fall of Napoleon (1815),the sculpture
  6. For his Audi cars in both Zwickau and his birthplace Winningen. He was made an, honorary ,professor at Braunschweig University of Technology.
  7. Pioneered new treatments for polio in the 1940s. Serving in his capacity as, honorary ,chairman, Capp made public appearances on its behalf for years, contributed
  8. Of the Sacred Treasure from the Emperor of Japan. In 1993,he was awarded an, honorary ,British knighthood (KBE). Morita received the International Distinguished
  9. And elect state or territory executives, a state or territory president (an, honorary ,position usually held for a one-year term),and a state or territory secretary
  10. Chairman until his death in 2008,with his daughter Rosella Sense in place as, honorary ,president. Managerial history: Roma have had many
  11. Russia has an embassy in Luanda. Angola has an embassy in Moscow and an, honorary ,consulate in Saint Petersburg. Angola and the precursor to Russia, the Soviet
  12. Institution, before moving to Cavendish, Vermont in 1976. He was given an, honorary ,Literary Degree from Harvard University in 1978 and on Thursday,8 June 1978 he
  13. AA president C. R. Smith as a marketing promotion shortly after he was made an, honorary ,Texas Ranger. Inspired by the Kentucky colonels and other honorary
  14. The board of Auto Union, the successor to Audi Automobilwerke GmbH. He was an, honorary ,citizen of Zwickau and had a street named for his Audi cars in both Zwickau and
  15. Blood money in cases of murder. His office was something like the office of an, honorary ,magistrate. Acceptance of Islam On his return from a business trip from Yemen
  16. Was made an honorary Texas Ranger. Inspired by the Kentucky colonels and other, honorary ,organizations, Smith decided to make particularly valued passengers" admirals
  17. University, Columbia University, Harvard University and MIT. She received an, honorary ,doctorate from Lewis & Clark College in 1963. She also began delivering annual
  18. Attila provided against the Goths and Baghdad had helped earn him the largely, honorary ,title of magister minimum in the west. The gifts and diplomatic efforts of
  19. Was one of the founders of the Geological Society of London in 1807 and was its, honorary ,secretary in 1812-1817. He contributed papers on the Resin and the Shropshire
  20. Paper Award Honorary doctorate On May 12, 2008,Tenenbaum received an, honorary ,doctorate from Universities Polytechnic din Bucharest (Polytechnic University
  21. The French order Legion d'Conner made him a Commander, and he received an, honorary ,doctorate from the University of Oxford. Rodin restored an ancient role of
  22. She received the Thorough Raft Memorial Prize in 1990. * She was made an, honorary ,free person of the City of Dublin, Ireland in November 1999,although a space
  23. Out by journalists and others for his views on a variety of topics. He received, honorary ,doctorates and a number of professional honors, such as election to the Royal
  24. CBE) in 1987,and a Knight Bachelor in 1993. In 1996,Hopkins was awarded an, honorary ,fellowship from the University of Wales, Lampeter. Hopkins has stated that his
  25. Chronicles it is apparent that he was familiar with a number of authors. The, honorary ,name of Magister Adam shows that he had passed through all the stages of a
  26. Degree or Master's degree from the University of Michigan, including Scott's, honorary ,degree, awarded in the spring of 1971,just months before the launch. Scott did
  27. Belgium, France,Vatican City, Germany,Italy and Greece and received, honorary ,doctorates from Queen's University of Belfast, Princeton University
  28. Invention became ubiquitous and his personal fame grew. Bell received numerous, honorary ,degrees from colleges and universities, to the point that the requests almost
  29. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPS),a professional, honorary ,organization, maintains a voting membership of 5,835. Academy membership is
  30. Of nuclear weapons. He ended his speech, saying: In 1955 he was made an, honorary ,member of the Order of Merit by Queen Elizabeth II. He was also a chevalier of
  31. By Equality Now as the Prime Minister-Elect of Burma. * Sung San Sub FYI is an, honorary ,member of The Elders, a group of eminent global leaders brought together by
  32. The national conference elected the party's National President, a largely, honorary ,position, but since 2003 the position has rotated amongst a presidential team
  33. The United Kingdom and a Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom, both of which are, honorary ,offices. Function and organization History The office of Admiral of England (
  34. Time of Catherine II the ranks of Abbot and Archimandrite have been given as, honorary ,titles in the Russian Church, and may be given to any monastic, even if he does
  35. Conceived by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio boss Louis B. Mayer as a professional, honorary ,organization to help improve the film industry’s image and help mediate labor
  36. From the government of Venezuela. In 2007,the Government of Canada made her an, honorary ,citizen of that country, one of only five people ever to receive the honor.
  37. And public relations advocacy on her behalf. * Sung San Sub FYI has been an, honorary ,board member of International IDEA and ARTICLE 19 since her detention, and has
  38. Of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and from 1787 to 1789 he occupied the, honorary ,position of Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow. He died in the northern
  39. The casual games market. *On June 24, 2009,Alexey Pacino received the, honorary ,award at the LARA - Her Deutsche Games Award in Cologne, Germany. ‘ Abdul’Baha
  40. Their history, some of which have been the owners of the club, others have been, honorary ,presidents. Franco Sense was the chairman until his death in 2008,with his
  41. Would later select laureates for two of the Nobel Prizes, and he received an, honorary ,doctorate from Uppsala University in 1893. Alfred Nobel is buried in Nora
  42. 11th century had put an end to the direct jurisdiction of the lay abbots,the, honorary ,title of abbot continued to be held by certain of the great feudal families, as
  43. Exceeded that of his contemporaries. Others, reading Area, consider it an, honorary ,title," Lecturer" ( Weiss, Dor, iii. 147; Castro, Dictionary under the word
  44. Was honored for his philanthropy and support of the arts by initiation as an, honorary ,member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity on October 14, 1917 at the New
  45. The university. In 1913 the council of Saint Petersburg elected nine scientists, honorary ,members of the university. Markov was among them, but his election was not
  46. Return. Crew All three astronauts on the all-Air Force crew received either an, honorary ,degree or Master's degree from the University of Michigan, including Scott's
  47. Laboratory in New York, and regularly attended meetings. In 1921,he was the, honorary ,president of the Second International Congress of Eugenics held under the
  48. Separation of the two offices the position of Astronomer Royal has been largely, honorary , though he remains available to advise the Sovereign on astronomical and
  49. Title Rashtrendu (" Moon of the Nation" ). Telugu University awarded him an, honorary ,Doctorate in Literature in 1994. He received the Alias Amman award from the
  50. Title of ABT (abbot) is sometimes bestowed, like the French abbé, as an, honorary ,distinction, and survives to designate the heads of some monasteries converted

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