Examples of the the word, reimburse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reimburse ), is the 8807 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Organized a party to return Billington to Plymouth. The Pilgrims agreed to, reimburse ,the Nausea for the stolen goods in return for the Billington boy. This
  2. The property with their own funds and held the title until the city could, reimburse ,them. This building remained in this service until 1976,when it was replaced
  3. All current support collected during said month is paid to the government to, reimburse ,the monies paid to the obliged. Regarding families formerly on assistance
  4. Was no more, and the salvageable remnants of the Babinski Boat were sold to, reimburse ,the disappointed investors. " Holland would not create another submarine to
  5. Reversed its position and issued a public apology, adding that it would in fact, reimburse ,the passengers for the cost of their rebooked tickets. In video games * Muslim
  6. Infrastructure projects. Local redevelopment agencies also may be forced to, reimburse ,the state. For example, Burbank Redevelopment Agency could be forced to pay the
  7. Salary. The employer will also pay a contribution. Health insurance funds will, reimburse ,medical costs. The choice of mutual insurer is up to the individual. Most of
  8. Gifts to borrowers who purchase homes where the seller has agreed to, reimburse ,the non-profit and pay an additional processing fee. In May 2006,the IRS
  9. Be arrested and punished according to the laws of the United States, and also, reimburse ,the injured person for the loss sustained. ” The Lakota Nation holds that James
  10. Without notice. Ham grew frustrated because of this and demanded that the band, reimburse ,him for their expenses. Shortly after leaving the Nightcrawlers, Vaughan went
  11. SR303 in Surprise. The city will assume ownership of the infrastructure and, reimburse ,West cor for the cost by rebating sales taxes generated by Prasad itself. At
  12. That Sony BMG allow consumers to exchange the CDs through 30 June 2007,and to, reimburse ,consumers for up to $150 for the repair of damage to their computers that they
  13. Reasoned he could pillage Navajo crops because the Navajo would have to, reimburse ,the U. S. government for the cost of the expedition. Washington still suggested
  14. Or manatee. The Philosophical Society of Australasia later offered to, reimburse ,Hume for any costs incurred in recovering a specimen of the unknown animal, but
  15. To admit the existence of anti-Semitism and refused to recognize Israel or, reimburse ,victims of the Holocaust. Soviet role In 1955,the USSR declared the Soviet
  16. Wrong to" advance" money for memberships, provided the members in question, reimburse ,this fee later on. But he did testify that it was unacceptable to transfer
  17. To gain the support of the ecclesial. Pericles responds by proposing to, reimburse ,the city for all the expenses from his private property, on the condition that
  18. A bill for $796.84 to the county for posse expenses, but he refused to, reimburse ,the Earp's for any of their costs. Virgil was incensed. They were finally
  19. He assured that all expenses would fall to the French treasurer, who would, reimburse ,the Fabric for the real estate it had to sell. Even though this reimburse ment
  20. For money spent on construction. The municipal bonds that were floated to, reimburse ,the builder are being paid off by a special levy on the electric bills of
  21. And loans, and by business reverses, but,mainly by the refusal of Congress to, reimburse ,him for monies that he had loaned during the Revolution and while governor of
  22. That most of these costs could potentially be alleviated by having spammers, reimburse ,ISPs and persons for their material. There are three problems with this logic:
  23. To their 'participation' in the Syndicate; conversely, they would have to, reimburse ,the Syndicate during 2006 for their share of any underwriting loss. Part of the
  24. System. Although over 85 % of the population use an insurance system to, reimburse ,their drug expenses, the government heavily subsidizes pharmaceutical
  25. Which received wide media coverage. Some newspapers called for Branson to, reimburse ,the government for the rescue cost. In 1986,in his" Virgin Atlantic
  26. For Air Tran initially defended the airline's actions and said they would not, reimburse ,the passengers for the cost of the new tickets. Although the men had
  27. A liberal contingent sitting, mainly appointees of Decades. When the bill to, reimburse ,émigrés went through in April, at a cost to the state of approximately 988
  28. Currently follow these guidelines. However, some insurance plans will only, reimburse ,invasive testing if a woman is >34 years old or if she has received a high-risk
  29. Patrick Drive corridor in the city. Under the terms of the agreement, FDOT will, reimburse ,the city for landscaping improvements. Demographics As of the census of 2000
  30. Titled The Nvidia GPU Litigation. Nvidia agreed to replace faulty chips in or, reimburse ,purchasers who already spent to get their laptop repaired. Nvidia also gave
  31. Farming employment. The MWD provided $6 million in a development fund to, reimburse ,the community for losses caused by shifting water to urban areas. California
  32. With California Code section 56815. City taxpayers would be required to, reimburse ,Sacramento County over $6 million a year, and $219 million over a 35 year
  33. Could not get enough money to pay their bills, nothing is left over to, reimburse ,owners' equity. Thus, owners' equity is reduced to zero. Ownership equity is
  34. Of the islands. In 1766,France agreed to leave, and Spain agreed to, reimburse ,Louis de Bougainville, who had established a settlement at his own expense. The
  35. He had just enough from the sale of the first store to close the deal, and, reimburse ,Helen's father. Before he bought the Bentonville store, it was doing $72,000
  36. Education Act, which allowed the state Superintendent of Public Instruction to, reimburse ,nonpublic schools (most of which were Catholic) for the salaries of teachers
  37. Control of Bornholm as compensation for the fact that Denmark was unable to, reimburse ,the large debts it had run up. They even allowed their own merchants to
  38. To literally" buy the film" from the studio, insisting he was prepared to, reimburse ,Universal's $775,000 budget. It was the thirteenth-highest grossing film of
  39. Who, with Mississippi’s attorney general Mike Moore, are suing Big Tobacco to, reimburse ,the state for Medicaid funds used to treat people with smoking-related
  40. Likely Bride of the Monster, but that Wood had oversold the film and could not, reimburse ,the backers. The Berry paradox is a self-referential paradox arising from the
  41. But also firefighters and Ann Dow, a mother of three. She was also ordered to, reimburse ,the federal government $14.6 million. The State of Colorado originally
  42. Together would pay a proportionally divided premium which would be used to, reimburse ,any merchant whose goods were deliberately jettisoned in order to lighten the
  43. Usually for two to four years. Alternatively, separated former Midshipmen can, reimburse ,the government for their educational expenses, though the sum is often in
  44. Is often in excess of $150,000. The decision whether to serve enlisted time or, reimburse ,the government is under the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy. Other Navy
  45. Estimates that 50 % of all child support arrears are owed to the government to, reimburse ,welfare expenses. Half of U. S. states pass along none of the child support
  46. And grandparents of recipients were exempted from potential liability to, reimburse ,expenditure of social assistance carrier. * An amendment to a federal civil
  47. To prevent bleeds, making it more likely that insurance carriers in the US will, reimburse ,consumers who are prescribed and use this product prophylactically. Despite
  48. Parents can apply toward tuition at a private school (or, by extension, to, reimburse ,homeschooling expenses),rather than at the state school to which their child
  49. Of the meal. According to the reporter, when questioned as to why she would, reimburse ,the restaurant for a meal that had been paid for by MZM, Harris abruptly
  50. Support is received, the government may then collect additional payments to, reimburse ,itself for previously paid assistance to the obliged (receiving parent). See

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