Examples of the the word, undoubtedly , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Been reached. The most recent study used flow-sorted camel chromosomes building, undoubtedly ,the camel's karyotype (2n=74) that consists of one eccentric, three
  2. The UK. Lewis's brother Sarnie wrote:" For Jack the attraction was at first, undoubtedly ,intellectual. Joy was the only woman whom he had met ... who had a brain which
  3. To be invested in tackling climate change" and declared global warming to be ", undoubtedly ,one of the chief concerns facing the world today" and" a challenge humanity
  4. Gould's general approach This charge of a social, value-laden science, undoubtedly ,contains an element of truth. In recent years, however,we recognize this
  5. A degree of success and acclaim internationally, although the first (and, undoubtedly ,the most important, historically ) notable book credited to a Bermudian was the
  6. His success in spreading his reputation across Europe through prints was, undoubtedly ,an inspiration for major artists such as Raphael, Titian,and Parmigiano, who
  7. Name (e.g., ) Language Charlemagne's native language was, undoubtedly ,a form of Germanic idiom; however, the specifics as to which remain a matter of
  8. Taught and worked at a chemical factory in Vsevolodovo-Vilve near Perm, which, undoubtedly , provided him with material for Dr. Zhivago many years later. Unlike the rest of
  9. Threads uniting the" Celtic" peoples listed above. While the Ancient Celts, undoubtedly ,had their own musical styles, the actual sound of their music remains a
  10. And I suppose that there were not many beyond the Humber either ". Alfred, undoubtedly ,exaggerated for dramatic effect the abysmal state of learning in England during
  11. Extension B The other Sutton proposal – to Tooting – is more ambitious and, undoubtedly ,contains many more challenges than Sutton/Wimbledon link. Apart from
  12. And cunning who deliberately and constantly deceives me. In that case, I,too, undoubtedly ,exist, if he deceives me; and let him deceive me as much as he can, he will
  13. Olaf Redneck the Younger and Lars Robert. Although Redneck and Robert had, undoubtedly ,been good professors, by then they were older and not so interested in teaching
  14. For the mobility this method provided, with consequent casualties. This, undoubtedly ,inspired their Morris C9/B (officially the" Carrier, SP,4x4,40 mm AA" ), a
  15. St. Cyril at first took a rather moderate position but (like not a few of his, undoubtedly ,orthodox contemporaries) was by no means eager to accept the homoousios (
  16. And slaves served in the Babylonian and Assyrian periods, some of whom were, undoubtedly ,versed in Greek music and musical instruments. " It has been speculated that
  17. The prestige of the Spanish C. N. T. as a revolutionary organization was, undoubtedly ,to a great extent responsible for this situation. The largest and most militant
  18. Rotting British prison ships in New York. This tally of deaths from disease is, undoubtedly ,too low, however; 2,500 Americans died while encamped at Valley Forge in the
  19. By reflex, at least where old British institutions were concerned. He, undoubtedly ,believed O. T. O. had authority from Parker to work the Ancient and Primitive
  20. Had intellectual force but it worked in a groove. Obstinate rather than firm it, undoubtedly ,seemed to him that following counsel and making concessions were a display of
  21. Breeds such as the borzoi. It is interesting to note that the Horthy Soraya, undoubtedly ,a very close relative, is traditionally raised on a meager diet of oats and
  22. A degree of certainty that, if Franklin had indeed proceeded thus, he would, undoubtedly ,have been killed. Instead, he used the kite to collect some electric charge from
  23. The laws were first put on paper. Although the Rutgers-Princeton game was, undoubtedly ,different from what we today know as American football, it was the forerunner
  24. The Hittite Empire and the various Mycenaean states of Greece mention a region, undoubtedly ,Asia, certainly in Anatolia, including if not identical to Lydia. These records
  25. The visit of the three pilgrim" Scots" ( i.e. Irish) to Alfred in 891 is, undoubtedly ,authentic. The story that he himself in his childhood was sent to Ireland to be
  26. Problem that attracted most international attention in Brazil in the 1980s was, undoubtedly ,deforestation in the Amazon. Of all Latin American countries, Brazil still has
  27. Champagne and Burgundy. The rapid growth and wide celebrity of the order are, undoubtedly ,to be attributed to the enthusiastic piety of St Bernard, abbot of the first of
  28. g. Vanquishing the" adolescent furies" of history and society, in The Rebel), undoubtedly , set him apart. In the 1950s Camus devoted his efforts to human rights. In 1952
  29. Strongest personality traits formed in response to his parents. Alexander was, undoubtedly ,erudite, and was a patron to both the arts and sciences. He had great charisma
  30. In a process which although not totally fomented by the Angolan government, is, undoubtedly , encouraged and duly exploited by it. Transport in Angola consists of:
  31. Shows on the road - drew some of the largest crowds of the decade. The station, undoubtedly ,played a role in maintaining the high sales of 45 rpm single records although
  32. List many basal Devonian and Carboniferous tetrapod groups, undoubtedly ,were“ amphibians” in biology, that are formally placed in Amphibian in
  33. In New York, the vast majority of whom were known and hardened criminals, some, undoubtedly , former pirates. Among Kidd's officers was his quartermaster, Hendrick van her
  34. And his work on zoo geography marked him out as an exceptional figure. He was, undoubtedly ,one of the greatest natural history explorers of the 19th century. Despite this
  35. 1598–1680) give highly charged characteristics of Baroque style. Bernini was, undoubtedly ,the most important sculptor of the Baroque period. He approached Michelangelo
  36. Species in modern time. The susceptibility inherent of many island birds is, undoubtedly ,due to evolution in the absence of mainland predators, competitors,diseases
  37. Remain quite active. The results of cryptanalysis Successful cryptanalysis has, undoubtedly ,influenced history; the ability to read the presumed-secret thoughts and plans
  38. Preached it within his domain and worldwide from about 250 BC. Emperor Ashoka, undoubtedly ,has to be credited with the first serious attempt to develop a Buddhist policy.
  39. Be found much earlier than World War II. A central work in BDSM literature is, undoubtedly ,the Story of O (1954) by Anne Disclose (under the pseudonym Pauline Rage)
  40. More helpful than a life of celibacy. For ordinary persons, married life is, undoubtedly ,advisable unless they have a special aptitude for celibacy" Baba also asserted
  41. Successive waves of the same general attack; the number of general assaults was, undoubtedly ,far fewer. Telemann, recognising the futility of the attacks, tried to
  42. Composition. Improved detection methods and increased observing time will, undoubtedly ,discover more planetary systems, and possibly some more like ours. For example
  43. And memorable 1-1 draw. Colombia playing England at the Old Wembley Stadium, is, undoubtedly , one of the most enduring images of Carlos Valderrama playing at his best.
  44. Be excluded from this plea (that they be given a general pardon). He was, undoubtedly ,thinking of William Franklin. " William left New York along with the British
  45. A pilgrimage to Mecca when he died at Baghdad. Account of Egypt Abdallah was, undoubtedly ,a man of great knowledge and of an inquisitive and penetrating mind. Of the
  46. And 10 percent were Christians. In the 1970s and 1980s,this distribution, undoubtedly ,changed. Observers report that Islam has spread among the Valerie and among
  47. And probably imprisoned for life. In a letter to the people of Toulouse, undoubtedly ,written at the end of 1146,Bernard calls upon them to extirpate the last
  48. S glass-roofed Great Court could begin. The Great Court, opened in 2000,while, undoubtedly ,improving circulation around the museum, was criticized for having a lack of
  49. To Diogenes Laertes (II,2),he built a celestial sphere. This invention, undoubtedly ,made him the first to realize the obliquity of the Zodiac as the Roman
  50. Possibility that their codes were being broken. Had this happened, they would, undoubtedly ,have introduced changes in policies and procedures, and even equipment. Such

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