Examples of the the word, ideological , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ideological ), is the 5573 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. From within the traditional institutions of government, rather than to any, ideological ,theory. He opposed the Vietnam War, but was a strong supporter of the
  2. Range of topics, from basic themes of Christianity and Judaism to political and, ideological ,teachings. Jesus Stated on the title page, The Book of Mormon's central
  3. In 2007,the imprisoned Stayed Imam Al-Sharif, an influential Afghan Arab,", ideological ,godfather of al-Qaeda ", and former supporter of taker, sensationally withdrew
  4. With isolationist sentiment strong among the U. S. public, Truman adopted an, ideological ,approach. In a meeting with congressional leaders, the argument of" apples in
  5. S barbershop organization started as a break off from Sweet Adeline's due to, ideological ,differences. Based on democratic principles which continue to this day
  6. The Wages of Destruction, Tooze, following Gotta Serena, argues that Speer's, ideological ,commitment to the Nazi cause was greater than he claimed. Booze further
  7. Proportion of Maharashtra youth during its tenure, in contradiction to its, ideological ,foundation of 'sons of the soil. ' Controversies Thackeray is very vocal in his
  8. Entrance into the Ivy League is an accomplishment unto itself. " It is also an, ideological ,belief that only those who attended the most elite or prestigious universities
  9. Designed to help protect the country's national interests, national security, ideological ,goals, and economic prosperity. Between World War II and 1990,both democratic
  10. In short a policy of" containment ", Truman articulated a presentation of the, ideological ,struggle that became known as the" Truman Doctrine. " Although based on a
  11. Of near-anarchy in Chad, leading France's Socialist Party to reaffirm its, ideological ,stance against high-profile intervention in Africa. Hoping to avoid a
  12. That Alfred's law code should be understood not as a legal manual, but as an, ideological ,manifesto of kingship," designed more for symbolic impact than for practical
  13. Had put out a booklet for propagandists with instructions on how to quell, ideological ,fears of the Soviet Union, which included directions to claim that the Red
  14. States: Evidence indicating that Petitioner is not a member of al-Qaida or had, ideological ,differences with al-Qaida is not inconsistent with the factual allegations made
  15. Every level by bin Laden and his followers. Although bin Laden still had huge, ideological ,sway over some Muslim extremists, experts argue that al-Qaeda has fragmented
  16. Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History, at this time heavily, ideological ,in scope. As he himself makes clear, he did not question the state ideology or
  17. So far. Biology and chemistry, as opposed to physics, do not admit, ideological ,contexts: either the biological phenomena are real, or they are abstract.
  18. Inferior," pushy," vulgar, therefore excluded from personal contact),*, ideological ,(Jews regarded as subversive or revolutionary),* cultural (Jews regarded as
  19. Indian movies also allowed for a new youth culture to follow without such, ideological ,baggage as" becoming western. " Bollywood is also popular among Somalis and
  20. Largely abandoned that interpretation, emphasizing instead the high level of, ideological ,unity. Just as there were rich and poor Loyalists, the Patriots were a 'mixed
  21. Any kinds of external determinants such as groups, society,traditions, and, ideological , systems. Individualist anarchism is not a single philosophy but refers to a
  22. After the captain is assassinated, the most powerful leaders on board build, ideological ,factions with dedicated followers, conflicting agendas for the future of
  23. Are the relative sizes of the denominations and the religious, political,and, ideological ,orientation of the state. Urs Alternate of the University of Fribourg, looking
  24. For a time their popularity did not generally survive the horrors of, ideological ,warfare, as the competing ideologies utilized their systems in their platforms.
  25. And the convictions were overturned. Ideology The group encompassed a range of, ideological ,outlooks, from conspiratorially-minded army officers to idealistic youths
  26. Political" and" nationalistic" antisemitism into what Harp terms as ", ideological ,antisemitism ". Harp also adds a category of" social antisemitism ". *
  27. The Chico road system is divided between an economic purpose and a symbolic, ideological ,role linked to ancestral Puebloan beliefs. The system was first discovered at
  28. Term anti-globalization can be ideal-typically used only to refer to only one, ideological ,vision he detects alongside three other visions (the anti-globalist, the
  29. The founders of the cyberpunk movement in science fiction, as well as its chief, ideological ,promulgator, and one whose polemics on the topic earned him the nickname "
  30. Before the centennial of the War of the Pacific. The conflict was fueled by, ideological ,disputes: Peruvian General Juan Velasco was a left-winger while Chilean General
  31. David Owen. History Origins The origin of the party can be traced back to the, ideological ,divisions in the Labour Party in the 1950s (with its forerunner being the
  32. That have reemphasized the use of the Azerbaijani language and have eliminated, ideological ,content. In addition to elementary schools, the education institutions include
  33. Uniformity ", which encourages diplomatic relations between states despite, ideological ,differences. This policy has led China to support states that are regarded as
  34. Hire or for political reasons. " Assassinations may be prompted by religious, ideological , political, or military motives. Additionally, assassins may be prompted by
  35. With Vietnam and Thailand worsened rapidly as a result of border clashes and, ideological ,differences. While communist, the CPK was fiercely nationalistic, and most of
  36. Of the Homer in the marriage metaphor as one of the“ central attributes of the, ideological ,image of a human marriage that was shared by the male authorship and the
  37. Years to deal with this after the war ended. After 1945,for both practical and, ideological ,reasons, the government decided to bring the rail service into the public
  38. Ended. The two are now generally politically allied as part of a broader, ideological ,effort to protect the interests of Afghanistan's war veterans and to preserve
  39. Time and that the Chico Road system probably functioned for both economic and, ideological ,reasons. Its significance for archaeology lies in the possibility to understand
  40. He rejected this particular label. In an interview in 1945,Camus rejected any, ideological ,associations:" No, I am not an existentialist. Sartre and I are always
  41. To the Labor Party over the conservatives of the time. Modern Labor Various, ideological ,beliefs were factionalized under reforms to the ALP under Golf Whitley
  42. U. S. declared them State-sponsors of international terrorism, the collapse of, ideological ,terrorist groups such as the Red Army Faction and the tightening of civil
  43. Tenor. Despite the successes of the rebellion, the emergence of two distinct, ideological ,currents among the liberators (federalism and centralism) gave rise to an
  44. Developed by Andre Goldman. Unlike both the Tanneries and Rothbard who see an, ideological ,commonality of ethics and morality as a requirement, David Friedman proposes
  45. Formerly the People's Republic of Angola) have warmed since Angola's, ideological ,renunciation of Marxism before the 1992 elections. Asia Israel Angola-Israel
  46. To Lawrence Levine," there was a direct relationship between the national, ideological ,emphasis upon the individual, the popularity of Booker T. Washington's
  47. Confederation). Ideology behind the Revolution Locke and natural rights The, ideological ,movement known as the American Enlightenment was a critical precursor to the
  48. To Bollywood Audiences Editorial," English has begun to challenge the, ideological ,work done by Urdu. " Some movie scripts are first written in Roman alphabet.
  49. Consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and, ideological ,advertising is also common. Advertising messages are usually paid for by
  50. 2001,at al-Qaeda's request. Brynner LIA states in his book that there was an, ideological ,conflict between the leaders of the Hayden Camp on one side, and the Taliban

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