Examples of the the word, waiver , in a Sentence Context

The word ( waiver ), is the 6094 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have“ scrupulously honored” the defendant’s assertion and obtain a valid, waiver ,before resuming the interrogation. In determining whether the police “
  2. Legally monitored. Employees were told that if they did not sign an unlimited, waiver ,of privacy, they would be deemed to have" voluntarily resigned ". The
  3. Coach Lou Satan noticed that Kemp was available and claimed him for a $100, waiver , fee on September 25, 1962,in what sportswriter Randy Schultz has called one of
  4. Applications for aviation and provide improved availability and accuracy. " A, waiver ,has recently been granted to LightSquared to operate a terrestrial broadband
  5. Shown or evident, then the court proceeds to determine the voluntaries of the, waiver ,under the totality of circumstances test focusing on the personal
  6. Tower, and he or she must identify the color. If he passes, he may be issued a, waiver , which states that the color vision test is no longer required during medical
  7. To make rational decisions, the courts may well decide that the suspect's, waiver ,was not knowing and intelligent. A waiver must also be clear and unequivocal.
  8. Must also be clear and unequivocal. An equivocal statement is ineffective as a, waiver ,and the police may not proceed with the interrogation until the suspect's
  9. A jury, but both the government (prosecution) and court must consent to the, waiver , In the cases Appendix v. New Jersey, and Blakely v. Washington, the Supreme
  10. After every sentence in the warning. An arrestee's silence is not a, waiver , but on June 1,2010,the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that police are allowed to
  11. 23 (a),only if the prosecution and the court consent may a defendant have a, waiver ,of jury trial. However, most states give the defendant the absolute right to
  12. And the large religious establishments sought clear titles in perpetuity, waiver ,of taxes, and immunity from government inspection of the shown they held. Those
  13. Do you now wish to speak to the police without a lawyer being present? " The, waiver ,must be" knowing and intelligent" and it must be" voluntary. " These are
  14. Having too much local media ownership, unless the license holder obtains a, waiver , such as News Corporation and the Tribune Company have in New York. The
  15. House Science Committee from 1997 until January 2005; he received a two-year, waiver ,to serve beyond the six-year term limit. As a senior member of the
  16. Counsel. The waiver must be knowing, intelligent and voluntary. A valid Miranda, waiver ,operates as a wavier of Sixth Amendment right. Miranda and Messiah compared 1.
  17. Exercised by the Director of Immigration, and employers would benefit from the, waiver ,simply by renewing the contract within the two-year period, admitting that some
  18. Ability (SODA),but the SODA was dropped, and converted to a simple, waiver ,(letter) early in the 2000s. Research published in 2009 carried out by the
  19. That the waiver was" voluntary ", the prosecution must also show that the, waiver ,was" knowing" and" intelligent ". Essentially this means the prosecution
  20. A waiver of a suspect's Fifth Amendment Miranda rights was voluntary. Thus,a, waiver ,of Miranda rights is voluntary unless the defendant can show that their
  21. Accused" and must sign a form waiving those rights if they so desire; a verbal, waiver ,is not sufficient. It has been discussed whether a Miranda warning — if spoken
  22. May well decide that the suspect's waiver was not knowing and intelligent. A, waiver ,must also be clear and unequivocal. An equivocal statement is ineffective as a
  23. Of understanding. Courts have ruled this admissible as long as the original, waiver ,is said and the" translation" is recorded either on paper or on tape. Some
  24. Until the suspect's intentions are made clear. The requirement that a, waiver ,be unequivocal is to be distinguished from situations in which the suspect
  25. Waiver is not necessary. However, most law enforcement agencies use written, waiver ,forms which include questions designed to establish that the suspect expressly
  26. Interrogation by the police must be exercised explicitly, by revoking the prior, waiver ,of this 5th Amendment right. Miranda rights The concept of" Miranda rights "
  27. And Feinstein were assigned to pilot training (Feinstein was given a vision, waiver ,) and prequalified as USAF pilots in the F-4. USAF F-4C/D/E crews scored 107½
  28. Two days) to report such fraud to the bank in order to be eligible for such a, waiver ,with a debit card, *In the UK and Ireland, among other countries, a consumer
  29. Defendant waive her rights? If“ Yes” go to 7; If“ No ”, go to 18. # Was the, waiver ,“ knowing and intelligent ”? If“ Yes” go to 8; If“ No ”, go to 18. # Was the
  30. On 20 July, Secretary for Labor and Welfare Matthew Cheung announced the, waiver ,commencement date would be brought forward by one month. The Immigration
  31. Differently, but not to pay monetary damages except by an explicit statutory, waiver , In some cases, the law permits plaintiffs who successfully sue government
  32. Volition contacts the police. If the defendant does reinitiate contact, a valid, waiver ,must be obtained before interrogation may resume. In Berghain v. Tompkins, the
  33. The two-year period, admitting that some employers could benefit from the, waiver ,for up to 4 years. The administration's poor handling of the matter came in
  34. Assertion of their Miranda rights after the interrogation has begun. Any post, waiver ,assertion of a suspect's Miranda rights must be clear and unequivocal. Any
  35. Characteristics of the suspect and (2) the circumstances attendant to the, waiver , However, the Supreme Court significantly altered the voluntaries standard in
  36. Replication plant to another) without requiring the content creator to sign a, waiver ,releasing the plant owner from responsibility if the CD produced is marginally
  37. Government can establish that the defendant waived his right to counsel. The, waiver ,must be knowing, intelligent and voluntary. A valid Miranda waiver operates as
  38. Designed to establish that the suspect expressly waived their rights. Typical, waiver ,questions are (1) " Do you understand each of these rights? " And (2) "
  39. Not be the product of rational deliberations. In addition to showing that the, waiver ,was" voluntary ", the prosecution must also show that the waiver was" knowing
  40. The grand jury right may be waived, including by plea agreement. A valid, waiver ,must be made in open court and after the defendant has been advised of the
  41. Has become the world's sixth de facto nuclear weapons state. Following the NSG, waiver , India was also able to sign civilian nuclear energy cooperation agreements
  42. Of theaters in which dubbed American films could play, granted it a special, waiver ,because of its" extraordinary artistic merit ". Also in 1933 Whale directed
  43. Court has applied this same standard of voluntaries is determining whether a, waiver ,of a suspect's Fifth Amendment Miranda rights was voluntary. Thus, a waiver of
  44. Border. Visitors from other countries and regions not participating in, waiver ,program are required to apply for visas directly to the Immigration
  45. Waive their Miranda rights before questioning can proceed. An express, waiver ,is not necessary. However, most law enforcement agencies use written waiver
  46. So-called" Miranda rights" ), and makes a knowing, intelligent and voluntary, waiver ,of those rights. The Miranda warning is not a condition of detention, but
  47. That anything they said could be used against them in court). To show that the, waiver ,was" voluntary" the state must show that the decision to waive the rights was
  48. The Minnesota Twins traded Winfield to the Cleveland Indians at the trade, waiver ,deadline on August 31 for a" player to be named later. " The 1994 season had
  49. Or defendant initiates contact for purposes of resuming interrogation and valid, waiver ,obtained. Because Messiah is offense-specific, an assertion of the sixth
  50. Customers. Any customer who opted to keep theirs was required to sign a, waiver ,indicating their understanding that no more software would be written for the

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