Examples of the the word, dash , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dash ), is the 6099 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Following five elements: # short mark, dot or 'it' ( ·) — 1 # longer mark, dash ,or 'day' ( –) — 111 # intra-character gap (between the dots and dash es
  2. Relations, and acquaintances. The children run at the idols, upset them, dash ,them down, break them to pieces, spit on them, trample on them, kick them about
  3. A Georgia rush seemed destined to block the ball. The punter, with an impromptu, dash ,to his right, tossed the ball, and it was caught by George Stephens, who ran 70
  4. Venezuelan White Rum, of Venezuelan Gold Rum, of lemon mix,1 lemon wedge and a, dash ,of angostura bitters, and diet cola in place of normal cola. Local variations
  5. Their disapproval, Keith,naked from the waist down, made a good-natured, dash ,for it out of the room ... and smashed one of his front teeth out ". (p. p.
  6. Breath was the elimination of the period, preferring to use a long, connecting, dash , instead. As such, the phrases occurring between dash es might resemble
  7. Are often called" driveways,"" park 'n grabs" ( PNGs),or" cache and, dash , " Geocaches may also be complex, involving lengthy searches or significant
  8. Where the:: used in the module's name has been replaced with a, dash , and the version number has been appended to the name),but this is only a
  9. Uses six digital states—dot, dash ,intra-character gap (between each dot or, dash ,), short gap (between each letter),medium gap (between words),and long
  10. Macron). It can be written as a diacritical mark which looks like a hyphen or, dash ,written above a vowel, i. e., ā ē ī ō ū, and Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū. It is used to show that
  11. Among much else): * Shells (i.e. command line interpreters): bash, dash , push, tcsh, zsh * File and system utilities: cretins, findutils, util-linux
  12. Montenegro, and the Austro-Hungarian garrisons there would open the way for a, dash ,to Salonika that" would bring the western half of the Balkans under permanent
  13. Government are after her for treason. With agents on her tail, Lois makes a mad, dash ,for it. When Lois is in custody and awakens, her father Sam Lane is there to
  14. And ground-attack roles, and were often designed for a high-speed, low-altitude, dash , to deliver their ordnance. Television- and IR-guided air-to-surface missiles
  15. Of President and Chancellor into Führer. *1936 – Jesse Owens wins the 100 meter, dash , defeating Ralph Metal, at the Berlin Olympics. * 1936 – A fire wipes out
  16. Where a ' dash ' takes longer to send than a 'dot ', and therefore the cost of a, dash ,in transmission time is higher. The goal is still to minimize the weighted
  17. Effectively in limited spaces, and would attract defenders only to quickly, dash ,out of the melee (as in the second 1986 goal against England),or give an
  18. In Venezuela the Cuba Libre Prepared (" Prepared Cuba Libre" ) includes a, dash ,of gin and a dash of Angostura bitters. In collagen, the collagen helix, or
  19. Were in fact 30,000 strong. The British commander sent the Light Brigade on a, dash ,to hold the bridge over the Tagus River at Alvarez. With communications and
  20. To Shoe bury. Then, after collecting reinforcements, they made a sudden, dash ,across England and occupied the ruined Roman walls of Chester. The English did
  21. Defences installed around the target area, allowing the warhead to ", dash ," in at high speed. There would have to be a balance between the size of the
  22. The duration of a dash is three times the duration of a dot. Each dot or, dash ,is followed by a short silence, equal to the dot duration. The dot duration is
  23. Countries the significantly better economics of diesel operation triggered a, dash ,to diesel power, a process known as Dissemination. By the late 1960s,few major
  24. Addresses are assigned according to the street or avenue number, followed by a, dash ,and the number of meters it is away from the intersection further simplifying
  25. The Black Magic, a sour twist on the Black Russian, can be made by adding a, dash ,of lemon juice and a lemon twist garnish. * When finished with a head of
  26. In hospital recovering from addiction to Demerol. She would sign her letters 'A, dash ,of Hope '. Ed Wood actor Johnny Depp, actually purchased Bela's Los Angeles
  27. Their maiden name or use both her and her husband's surname, separated by a, dash , This is common in feminist circles or when the woman holds a prominent office
  28. Is represented by a unique sequence of dots and dash es. The duration of a, dash ,is three times the duration of a dot. Each dot or dash is followed by a short
  29. Of the stories and avoid forcing Conan into what he perceives as a" mad, dash ," around the Historian world within timeframes too rapid to be credible. *Dale
  30. Field 4: Personenkennziffer (service number: birthdate in DUMMY format, dash , capitalized first letter of last name, dash ,and five-digit number based on
  31. Rommel to assume a defensive posture and not pursue his original plan of a, dash ,north for the coast. On 30 May he attacked eastwards to link with elements of
  32. Who overcomes until the end, will be given power over the nations in order to, dash ,them to pieces with the rule of a rod of iron; They will also be given the "
  33. birthdate in DUMMY format, dash ,capitalized first letter of last name, dash , and five-digit number based on soldier's home military administrative
  34. Stops (...) or a pre-composed triple-dot glyph (… ). The usage of the em, dash ,(—) can overlap the usage of the ellipsis. The triple-dot punctuation mark is
  35. Dichotomic search table: the user branches left at every dot and right at every, dash ,until the character is finished. In aromatics or geospatial science and
  36. Rover * 2006: Announcement of a new 2.4 liter diesel engine,6-speed gearbox, dash ,and forward-facing rear seats for Defender. Introduction of second generation
  37. Memorable moments in World Series history, including Enos Slaughter's" mad, dash ," in, the " Impossible Dream" of, Carlton Fisk's home run in, and Bill
  38. And wanders away. Fredrika tells Anne of Henrik's secret love, and the two, dash ,off searching for him. Meanwhile, Desiree meets Fredrik and asks if he still
  39. Frame offset (marked every four perforations on actual film by a single" - ", dash ,) by adding digits to the Keynote after the plus sign. In this case, a frame
  40. Cuba Libre Prepared (" Prepared Cuba Libre" ) includes a dash of gin and a, dash ,of Angostura bitters. In collagen, the collagen helix, or type-2 helix, is a
  41. Irish musicians to see what kind of music the two groups would create. Adding a, dash ,of modern sound, Emmerson also brought in English dance mixers for an
  42. Puffs) that conveys information. * Morse code uses six digital states—dot, dash , intra-character gap (between each dot or dash ),short gap (between each
  43. Both high lift during takeoff and landing, and low drag during a high-speed, dash ,phase. Initially, it had been expected that a Mach 1.2 performance could be
  44. Take off of heavily loaded aircraft, but also to provide high-speed, dash ,capability in some hybrid designs such as the Saunders-Roe SR.53. *The
  45. र r (a) as a first member takes the form of a curved upward, dash ,above the final character or its diacritic. e.g. Style "
  46. Puts (1," Hello World! \n" ) Examples Note: Comments start with a double, dash ," --" and go through the end of line. The following code looks for an old item
  47. Morse code receivers, the operators began to vocalize a dot as" it ", and a, dash ,as" day ". Dots which are not the final element of a character became
  48. And when Lockheed released its first flight manual (i.e., the Air Force ", dash ,one" manual for the aircraft),F-117A was the designation printed on the
  49. Loosely denoted with a variety of signs, such as the equivalent of the modern, dash , colon and full-stop. The absence of modern literary conventions, which are an
  50. Mark, dot or 'it' ( ·) — 'dot duration' is one unit long # longer mark, dash ,or 'day' ( –) — three units long # inter-element gap between the dots and

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