Examples of the the word, simpleness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( simpleness ), is the 6101 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Leather or cloth, passed between the legs covering the genitals. Despite this, simpleness ,of function the loincloth takes many forms. A breechcloth, or breechclout
  2. The smallest towns. Their sound is instantly recognizable for its cleaners and, simpleness , even if some arrangements on the old albums tended to be a bit overblown as
  3. Zoey, Aphrodite,Stevie Rae and Sister Mary Angela she helps do so by using the, simpleness ,of a blessing. In Burned, Stevie Rae visited her in the Benedictine Abbey
  4. Of quarter rudder lay in its combination of effectiveness, adaptability and, simpleness , Interestingly, the boat already featured a spiritual, adding to the mobility
  5. Combined some vanity, a short-tempered character, extreme energy, political, simpleness , true charity, unpretentious piety, thorough decisiveness and great personal
  6. The religious/historical framework of 16th century England. Thus, the" cloak of, simpleness ," may refer to monks' garb, or more specifically to the monks themselves, whom
  7. Hairs. The comedy helps the viewer enjoy the animation without noticing the, simpleness ,of the clay puppet. Many younger people begin their experiments in movie making
  8. And pleading the cause of the actor:" For never anything can be amiss / when, simpleness ,and duty tender it ..." The Philippine Basketball League (PBL) is a
  9. Marbles, solomonic columns, and gilded leaf work, contrast with the rocky serene, simpleness ,of the cloisters. The silver decoration of the church included a silver “
  10. Beautiful love. " Bailey also claims that he is an" open book" due to his, simpleness , Reception Pilot The pilot received a mixed reception when it was broadcast.
  11. Time to kill and a puzzle to solve. Lew Reed of Slide To Play said the game's, simpleness ,is crucial to the game's success. Mark Stephen John (born September 18
  12. The mains section of the house which creates the slight cruciform plan. The, simpleness ,of the decor of the home, such as the bracketed cornices and the gable sections
  13. Of Mary Queen of Scots living, for once, happy hour in that first garden of her, simpleness ,.: On Inchmahome, she was hidden when the English were hammering at the gates of
  14. Is a device used to crush grapes during wine making. DIY Fruit Press Given the, simpleness ,of the design, and high usability with some people (e.g. those owning an
  15. Truth. Book 1,Canto XII, lines 303 and 305 describe Arch imago as" clot with, simpleness ,". Much of the Faerie Queen is allegory, reflecting the
  16. Considered the existence of the physical world a contradiction to God's, simpleness , Maimonides saw no contradiction. See the Guide for the Perplexed, especially
  17. With the €1,200, etc. Benefits The secret of the success of Likelemba is its, simpleness ,and formula whereby a lot of small amounts, that every member can easily spare

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