Examples of the the word, commissioned , in a Sentence Context

The word ( commissioned ), is the 6095 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. From the elegiac mood of Urban VIII's tomb. In 1635-38,Pietro Boncompagni, commissioned ,from Asgard a colossal statue of Philip Nero with kneeling angels for Santa
  2. Not come into fruition until 1905,when Alexander II's grandson, Nicholas II, commissioned ,the Dump following extreme pressure on the monarchy as a result of the Russian
  3. On supporting the works of scholars, calligraphers and pious men. Hence, he, commissioned ,a book entitled The Quintessence of Histories to be worked upon by
  4. Leaders of the insurgents (Numbers 16:25-35),Eleazar, the son of Aaron, was, commissioned , to take charge of the censers of the dead priests. And when the plague had
  5. David Farm borough,3D-Calc spreadsheet by Frank Schooners, and several others, commissioned ,by Bob Katz, later of Electronic Arts). There was a thriving output of public
  6. The Last Hope Vehicles * USS Aquila (AK-47),an Aquila-class cargo ship, commissioned ,by the U. S. Navy for service in World War II. * USS Aquila (PHM-4),a
  7. A million pieces of Welsh slate, it was sculpted by Stephen Kettle, having been, commissioned ,by the late American billionaire Sidney Frank. Turing has been honored in
  8. Role and Michel Serra ult as the bishop of Venice. In 2005,ABC Radio National, commissioned ,a radio play about Vivaldi, which was written by Sean Riley. The radio play
  9. Within the Party and he became a member of Hitler's inner circle. Hitler, commissioned ,him to design and construct a number of structures, including the Reich
  10. 1943 – The, the first U. S. Navy ship to be named after a black person, is, commissioned , *1945 – The Liberal Party of Australia is founded by Robert Menzies. *1949 –
  11. S attempted assassination of President Reagan, first lady Nancy Reagan, commissioned ,astrologer Joan Google to act as the secret White House astrologer. However
  12. K-19,the first Soviet nuclear submarine equipped with nuclear missiles, is, commissioned , *1963 – The Bristol Bus Boycott is held in Bristol to protest the Bristol
  13. 3. *1994 – Eugene Ballard, The only black pilot in World War I, is posthumously, commissioned ,as Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force. *1996 – Osama bin Laden
  14. Ptolemy II Philadelphus. He had an office in the Library of Alexandria, and was, commissioned ,by Ptolemy to make a collection of all the tragedies and satyric dramas that
  15. Is 75,000 drams (about $242 US dollars). Unemployment According to research, commissioned ,by the Yerevan office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
  16. His directions to make different versions and variations. In 1979,Warhol was, commissioned ,by BMW to paint a Group 4 race version of the then elite supercar BMW M1 for
  17. The following is taken from one of Carnegie's memos to himself: In 1908,he, commissioned ,(at no pay) Napoleon Hill, then a journalist, to interview more than 500
  18. A 1912 commission for a monument to Cézanne, as well as numerous war memorials, commissioned ,after World War I. Maillol served as a juror with Florence Meyer Blumenthal in
  19. Francisco Salmon left cemetery portals, city halls and slaughterhouses, commissioned ,by provincial government during the 1930s,designed in a personal style which
  20. A three-movement piece for concert band composed by Norman Hello Join. It was, commissioned ,in commemoration of the Bicentennial of April 19, 1775 (the start of the
  21. Originally created in 1997 by Ole Schaefer for Redesign. Redesign was later, commissioned ,for a new corporate typeface called Audi Type, designed by Paul van der Loan
  22. Own actors to keep costs down (the other notable actor whose work was being, commissioned ,being David Hampton). His first play, The Square Cat, was sufficiently popular
  23. S churchyard, beneath the castle walls, and overlooking the bay. Charlotte, commissioned ,a stone to be placed over her grave, with the simple inscription" Here lie the
  24. Nigel Butterfly set the verse in his 2008 choral work" Ben Avshalom ", commissioned ,by the Sydney Chamber Choir * During the finale of the song Distant Early
  25. Valuable substances as a means to deceive buyers. Around 250 BC, Archimedes was, commissioned ,by the king to find a way to check the purity of the gold in a crown, leading
  26. To determine if there is a link with cerebral amyloid antipathy has been, commissioned , According to The Alzheimer's Society, the overwhelming medical and scientific
  27. In the Christian tradition, that " Aaron, Holy to the Lord" was originally, commissioned ,along with a now lost pendant of Moses (both from Mold) by the Nobel Colonia
  28. Of the temporary goal in 1839,and in 1840 George Strickland Kingston was, commissioned ,to design Adelaide's new Jail. Construction of Adelaide Jail commenced in
  29. Novelist Honor de Balzac immediately after his death in 1850. The society, commissioned ,Rodin to create the memorial in 1891,and Rodin spent years developing the
  30. Control, Hanke recalled Speer to Berlin. Goebbels, the new Propaganda Minister, commissioned ,Speer to renovate his Ministry's building on Wilhelmplatz. Speer also designed
  31. In France at the time. Boucher was Mme. De Pompadour's favorite artist and was, commissioned ,by her for numerous paintings and decorations. Boucher also became the
  32. Of important 20th century works by non-Anglican composers were originally, commissioned ,for the Anglican choral tradition – for example the Colchester Psalms of
  33. When the Scarborough Library theater, like most regional theaters, regularly, commissioned , work from their own actors to keep costs down (the other notable actor whose
  34. Leader of the Party by deputy leader Julia Gillard. The Gillard Government was, commissioned ,to govern in a hung parliament following the 2010 election. Between the 2007
  35. Descartes in 1994 and 1995. A third book, Rebma, was promised. Cover art was, commissioned ,and pre-orders were taken, but it never arrived. Quick also expressed a desire
  36. Syracuse. The Greek writer Athens of Narrates described how King Heron II, commissioned ,Archimedes to design a huge ship, the Syracuse, which could be used for luxury
  37. For listening or understanding your problems. " In later life, Schwarzenegger, commissioned , the Simon Wiesenthal Center to research his father's wartime record, which
  38. In 1838,from which he graduated in 1842,24th in a class of 56 cadets, and was, commissioned ,a brevet second lieutenant in the 3rd U. S. Artillery. One of the persistent
  39. Family and was given to the MCC only for safe keeping. As a compromise, the MCC, commissioned ,a trophy in the form of a larger replica of the urn in Waterford Crystal to
  40. And sculptors would exhibit plaster casts with the hopes that they would be, commissioned ,to have the works made in a more permanent material. Rodin, however,would have
  41. Ferdinand of Naples, and others. Canova's marble statue George Washington was, commissioned ,by the State of North Carolina after the war of 1812 to be displayed in its
  42. Around the foot of the Acropolis. The first King of Greece, Otto of Bavaria, commissioned ,the architects Station Allantois and Gustav Schubert to design a modern city
  43. In various industries, as outlined below. Early history The Terracotta Army, commissioned ,by the first Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi is a collection of about 8000
  44. With the insurrection of the usurper named Clausius II. Lyrics was afterwards, commissioned ,to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem as part of Julian's systematic attempt to
  45. Of static films including Kiss, Eat,and Sleep (for which Young initially was, commissioned ,to provide music). We Hussein cites filmmaker Jonas Mesas, who accompanied
  46. Raised upon an ad-hoc basis. Noblemen and professional regular soldiers were, commissioned ,by the monarch to supply troops, raising their quotas by indenture from a
  47. II was implemented in 1978 by Steve Wozniak, a Disk Operating System or DOS was, commissioned , The final and most popular version of this software was Apple DOS 3.3. Some
  48. Community events, is by Tommy Tycho, an immigrant from Hungary. It was first, commissioned ,by ABC Records in 1984 and then televised by Channel 10 in 1986 in their
  49. Albums The Academy in Peril (1972) and Toni Soil in 1981. In 1975,Warhol was, commissioned ,to do several portraits of Mick Jagger, and in 1982 he designed the album cover
  50. Stages a coup against the Mansion Emperor. *1679 – The brigantine Le Griffon, commissioned ,by René Robert Cavalier, Sieur de La Sale, is towed to the south-eastern end

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