Examples of the the word, arc , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Was derived from his assumption of a" least perceptible" solar parallax of 7, arc , minutes. A Chinese mathematical treatise, the Houri standing (ca. 1st century
  2. And radio broadcasts) and the spoken Arabic varieties, spoken in a wide, arc ,of territory stretching across the Middle East and North Africa. Arabic is a
  3. In turn, a second of arc or arc second is one sixtieth () of one minute of, arc , These are accepted for use with calculations involving SI units. However, they
  4. Issue of the Lee-Ditko run is #33 (Feb. 1966),the third part of the story, arc ," If This Be My Destiny ", and featuring the dramatic scene of Spider-Man
  5. With many readers, and was later reversed in the" Revelations" story, arc ,that crossed over the Spider-Man books in late 1996. The Clone Saga tied into a
  6. The material. Argon is used in various types of arc welding such as gas metal, arc ,welding and gas tungsten arc welding, as well as in the processing of titanium
  7. To construct with ruler and compasses. The degree, minute of arc and second of, arc ,are sexagesimal subunits of the Babylonian unit. 1 Babylonian unit 60° π/3 rad
  8. Unit 60° π/3 rad ≈ 1.047197551 rad. *The radian is the angle subtended by an, arc ,of a circle that has the same length as the circle's radius (k = 1 in the
  9. The two rays, and can be measured by considering the length of circular, arc ,swept out when one ray is rotated about the vertex to coincide with the other (
  10. Diameter of circles in several groups can be subtended by that amount of, arc , For example, a 1 MOA rifle should be capable, under ideal conditions, of
  11. 3 × 1014 kilometers). A star at 10 parsecs has a parallax of 0.1" ( 100 mill, arc ,seconds). For galaxies (which are of course themselves much larger than 10
  12. Of mirrors. He used the method of exhaustion to calculate the area under the, arc ,of a parabola with the summation of an infinite series, and gave a remarkably
  13. Obtained acetylene directly by passing hydrogen between the poles of a carbon, arc , Preparation Today acetylene is mainly manufactured by the partial combustion
  14. By a visual angle of one minute of arc . A 20/20 letter subtends 5 minutes of, arc ,total. For raster graphics, Apple Inc asserts that a display of approximately
  15. Of the quadrant. A kilometer was historically defined as a centigrade of, arc ,along a great circle of the Earth, so the kilometer is the decimal analog to
  16. Whose Spider-Man credits included the 1987" Kraven's Last Hunt" story, arc ,and a 1991–1993 run on The Spectacular Spider-Man, took over the title. From
  17. The north side towards the Anatolian plateau. In the east, the Taurus mountains, arc ,around the northern side of the Arabian Platform, before turning south and
  18. In various types of arc welding such as gas metal arc welding and gas tungsten, arc ,welding, as well as in the processing of titanium and other reactive elements.
  19. All). David Michelin took over as writer in the next issue, for a story, arc ,in #290-292 (July-Sept. 1987) that led to the marriage of Peter Parker and
  20. The (ideal) digital computer may also solve real number problems. A minute of, arc ,; arc minute; or minute of angle (MOA),is a unit of angular measurement, equal
  21. Of the size of the circle: if the length of the radius is changed then the, arc ,length changes in the same proportion, so the ratio s/r is unaltered. Units In
  22. Aruba is a generally flat, riverless island in the Leeward Antilles island, arc ,of the Lesser Antilles. Aruba is widely known for its white, sandy beaches on
  23. Families and the Korean language isolate. These languages are spoken in a wide, arc ,stretching from northeast Asia through Central Asia to Anatolia and eastern
  24. Character published by DC Comics **" The Coming of Atlas ", a DC Comics story, arc ,featuring Atlas * Atlas/Seaboard Comics, ( 1970s) a line of comics published
  25. To have never existed, rewriting that portion of their pasts. This story, arc ,marked the end of Straczynski's six-and-a-half years as writer (from 2001 to
  26. Is estimated to have been precise to within approximately 20 minutes of, arc , In the 16th century, Tycho Brahe used improved instruments, including large
  27. That these are distinct from, and 15 times larger than, minutes and seconds of, arc , 1 hour 15° π/12 rad 1/6 quad. 1/24 turn ≈ 16.667 grad. *The point, used in
  28. Might cause defects within the material. Argon is used in various types of, arc ,welding such as gas metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding, as well as
  29. It is also abbreviated as arc sec or Alec. In celestial navigation, seconds of, arc ,are rarely used in calculations, the preference usually being for degrees
  30. May suffered a heart attack. Wein's last story on Amazing was a five-issue, arc ,in #176-180 (Jan. -May 1978) featuring a third Green Goblin (Harry Osborn’s
  31. Yards. Calculating the physical equivalent group size equal to one minute of, arc ,can be done using the equation: equivalent group size tan () × distance. In
  32. Her demise and the Goblin's apparent death one issue later formed a story, arc ,widely considered as the most defining in the history of Spider-Man. The
  33. From short grass prairie in the southeastern corner to mixed grass prairie in an, arc ,to the west and north of it. The central aspen parkland region extending in a
  34. Quite different point on the curve. In order to measure an angle θ, a circular, arc ,centered at the vertex of the angle is drawn,e.g. with a pair of compasses.
  35. Was erased from the world with the event of the four-part, crossover story, arc ," if the couple will allow their marriage to have never existed, rewriting
  36. Name of a character in Ericeira Oda's manga One Piece during the Thriller Bark, arc , * The character of Absalom appears in Susannah Clarke's Johnathan Strange and
  37. The second of arc (or arc second, or just second) is 1/60 of a minute of, arc ,and 1/3600 of a degree. It is denoted by a double prime (″). For example,3°
  38. Formula above can be rewritten as One turn, for which units, corresponds to an, arc ,equal in length to the circle's circumference, which is 2πr,so. Substituting
  39. Measurement, equal to one sixtieth () of one degree. In turn, a second of, arc ,or arc second is one sixtieth () of one minute of arc . These are accepted for
  40. Extremely high temperatures, ~2000 °C, necessitating the use of an electric, arc ,furnace. In the US, this process was an important part of the late-19th century
  41. Vertex of the angle is drawn,e.g. with a pair of compasses. The length of the, arc ’s is then divided by the radius of the circle r, and possibly multiplied by a
  42. Is defined as one three hundred and sixtieth () of a circle,1 minute of, arc ,is of the same. It is used in those fields which require a unit for the
  43. Appears in the South Pacific Ocean and the crew's names appear on a wide black, arc ,at the bottom. The patch was designed by Allen Stevens of Rockwell
  44. Is especially easy to construct with ruler and compasses. The degree, minute of, arc ,and second of arc are sexagesimal subunits of the Babylonian unit. 1 Babylonian
  45. Defined as a minute of arc along a great circle of the Earth. * The second of, arc ,(or arc second, or just second) is 1/60 of a minute of arc and 1/3600 of a
  46. 3 + 5.72/60 degrees. A nautical mile was historically defined as a minute of, arc ,along a great circle of the Earth. * The second of arc (or arc second, or just
  47. To resolve a spatial pattern separated by a visual angle of one minute of, arc , A 20/20 letter subtends 5 minutes of arc total. For raster graphics, Apple Inc
  48. West and north of it. The central aspen parkland region extending in a broad, arc ,between the prairies and the forests, from Calgary, north to Edmonton, and then
  49. Additional controversial storylines — most notably his lengthy" Spider-Totem ", arc , which raised the issue of whether Spider-Man's powers were magic-based
  50. Being approximately 0.05729578 degrees (3.43775 minutes). * The minute of, arc ,(or MOA, arc minute, or just minute) is 1/60 of a degree 1/3600 turn. It is

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