Examples of the the word, fortunate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fortunate ), is the 6102 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Time of death. To die with a peaceful mind will stimulate a virtuous seed and a, fortunate ,rebirth, a disturbed mind will stimulate a non-virtuous seed and an un fortunate
  2. And contentment in life," which earned him the epithet eudaimonias (", fortunate ,"),which may imply that he held the end of life to
  3. latter's secretary Pietro Bimbo described her as" one of the wisest and most, fortunate ,of women; while the poet Ariosto deemed her the" liberal and magnanimous
  4. Opposition in the House of Lords, particularly from the bishops. Elizabeth was, fortunate ,that many bishoprics were vacant at the time, including the Archbishopric of
  5. Ones, like Nestor or Priam. *lines 10.273-288—Many men would have been thought, fortunate ,if they had died before a late disaster overtook them: e.g. Croesus, Marius
  6. The expedition left Jason" in good spirits and with the highest hopes of a, fortunate ,result ", according to Jason's captain. During the next 12 days the party
  7. In every direction as far as his instinct allowed. He was equally, fortunate ,in the harmony that existed between his intellectual and moral nature. He
  8. Set at 20:00,but there would still be 12 hours of daylight. *Even those people, fortunate ,enough to have their time zone equal to the local time will not see sunrise and
  9. Aquaculturists fed their brood using nymphs and silkworm feces, and ate them. A, fortunate ,genetic mutation of carp led to the emergence of goldfish during the Tang
  10. They settled in Melbourne, where Singer was born. His grandparents were less, fortunate ,: his paternal grandparents were taken by the Nazis to Łódź, and were never
  11. Martel, his son Pippin, or his grandson, Charlemagne. This was probably, fortunate ,for Martel, who despite his enormous gifts, would probably not have been able
  12. Symptoms of presence dementia would be presented together. Through extremely, fortunate ,circumstances the original microscope preparations on which Alzheimer based his
  13. That artists endeavor to recapture in an icon (illustration): a blissfully, fortunate ,mortal is confronted by a trinity of goddesses and a transcendent gift, the "
  14. Still early but in retrospect you could not have made, in our case it was very, fortunate , but we could not have made a better choice. I know he, for a long time now
  15. Lithuania. The period in Polish history known as the Polish Golden Age was very, fortunate ,for Lesser Poland. Kings of the Jagiellon dynasty, especially Sigismund I the
  16. Named by his Kiev an mother with a typically Eastern European name, was no more, fortunate ,than his predecessor. It is from Louis VI onward that royal authority became
  17. De la Motto Mosque, Rahel Kevin, and David Ferdinand Korea. Un fortunate ly, his, fortunate , position was not to last: on 28 November 1806 during the War of the Fourth
  18. Will narrow commercial ties between Europe, America and Asia; and bring to such, fortunate ,region the tributes of the four parts of the globe. Perhaps some day only there
  19. Flames, which would have been very un fortunate for the German people, but very, fortunate ,for their enemies. MR. ROBERT JACKSON: You never stated then that you
  20. Community. The theme song introduces the viewer to the world's most, fortunate ,hunting accident – whereby Jed shoots at game but instead hits" Black Gold
  21. He adjusted the affair in a manner at once creditable to his judgment and, fortunate ,for his country. In the autumn of this year he gratified a wish he had long
  22. You need people to help you and care for you and support you. And I'm very, fortunate ,I had a lot of people who did that, but nobody did more to help me than Judith
  23. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London:" Had I been so, fortunate ,as to have obtained more certain evidences on this subject, and to have
  24. Elite: he has profited through the murder, rape,and pillaging of those less, fortunate ,and he refuses to allow equal opportunity for those men and women from Africa.
  25. After a crusade. Richard's younger brother John, who succeeded him, was not so, fortunate ,; he suffered the loss of Normandy and numerous other French territories
  26. Is less important but in towns which have grown out of an industry,the, fortunate ,landlord has reaped an enormous profit. Towards the latter part of the Middle
  27. Items (for example, computers ) from destruction and divert them to the less, fortunate , Some see it as their only way of making any money or getting some needed goods
  28. Met and was influenced by Dirac, Y. S. Kim, who has also written:" It is quite, fortunate ,for the physics community that Mani took good care of our respected Paul A. M.
  29. By an unfriendly and unsympathetic government. These groups are perhaps more, fortunate ,than the Wei and Shan ethnic groups who have become Internally Displaced Peoples
  30. Sale of medicinal herbs, the family stressed the importance of helping the less, fortunate , EOH Ming Pei was born on April 26, 1917 to Toupee Pei and Lien Kwan, and the
  31. The guitar to withstand the additional tension of steel strings when this, fortunate ,combination arose in the early 20th century. The steel strings produce a
  32. 1977 on the short-lived Star land Vocal Band Show. He has since joked about how, fortunate ,he was that nobody would ever see his performance on the program (due to its
  33. Were required to prostrate themselves in his presence (adoration); the most, fortunate ,were allowed the privilege of kissing the hem of his robe (prosthesis
  34. Necessarily reflect a concomitant sympathy for the poor. For her, the poor are, fortunate ,because they will never be trapped by the snares of wealth:“ Happy is it when
  35. Dedicated to study, and hard work can attain glory, just as well as a rich and, fortunate ,man. " For a short time it was passed as a genuinely antique Roman play. Like
  36. Fatal to the preservation of literary studies. " Euripides however was more, fortunate ,than the other tragedians in the survival of a second edition of his work
  37. Structure in New Amsterdam at the time is believed to be represented, and by a, fortunate ,coincidence it can be determined who resided in every house from the Cassius
  38. De Sitter regarding Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Eddington was, fortunate ,in being not only one of the few astronomers with the mathematical skills to
  39. There is life, it must be hierarchically organized' ". This would be a, fortunate ,state of affairs since the existence of simple and isolate subsystems is
  40. He was afterwards so much distinguished. ’ Davy says himself: ‘ I consider it, fortunate ,I was left much to myself as a child, and put upon no particular plan of study.
  41. Död from Swedish, and DAU as from Gothic. Senescence Almost all animals, fortunate ,enough to survive hazards to their existence eventually die from senescence.
  42. Many full page drawings and photographs. The opening line," It has turned out, fortunate ,for me to-day that destiny appointed Braunau-on-the-Inn to be my birthplace,"
  43. Other being Apollo 11—not to include the names of the crew. (This was, fortunate , considering that original crew member Ken Mat tingly was replaced two days
  44. Profile in The Musical Times considered that his failure to get to Leipzig was, fortunate ,for Elgar's musical development:" Thus the budding composer escaped the
  45. Hokum, more so than any attempt to sound hackish," said Camp. " That was a, fortunate ,coincidence, of course, that the name should pack a backwoods' connotation. But
  46. With the Royal Society, Nehemiah Grew and Antoine van Leeuwenhoek were, fortunate ,to have a virtually untried tool in their hands as they began their
  47. Attain, as the music was only first applied to the song in 1904. Bates was more, fortunate , as the song's popularity was well established by her death in 1929. At
  48. Site. It was even forgotten where the settlement had been. This proved to be, fortunate ,for later archaeological work at the site. Archaeological work began at the
  49. The enemies who infested his realm, but personally he was extraordinarily, fortunate ,in occupying the throne till he died a natural death and witnessing the
  50. More wounded in the crash. As Brigadier Julian Thompson commented," It was, fortunate ,that I had ignored the views expressed by North wood that reconnaissance of

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