Examples of the the word, rejection , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rejection ), is the 5145 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Explained Chekhov's popularity in that country by his" unusually complete, rejection ,of what we may call the heroic values. " In Russia itself,Chekhov's drama
  2. Is adhered to by many Austrian economists. Miles' phraseology is a fundamental, rejection ,of mathematical methods in economics, seeing the function of economics as
  3. Even launched. The Royal Navy's early superiority in capital ships led to the, rejection ,of a 1905-6 design that would, essentially,have fused the battlecruiser and
  4. Assertions on the subject, and was prohibited in France. Another prominent, rejection ,of Bellarmine's claim of papal superior authority was made by philosopher
  5. Or enacted, formulates the background; or pet play. Concerted deployed sexual, rejection ,exercised on the partner can be an aspect of Dominance and Submission as well.
  6. Define Anabaptists that way in his 1960 Oxford dissertation. This represents a, rejection ,of the previous standard held by Mennonite scholars such as Bender and
  7. Was defeated in the House of Commons on June 14, 1928. In response to this, rejection , the bishops issued a unanimous statement, asserting the Church's right to
  8. Chemistry from what he regarded as the scourge of modern structural theory. His, rejection ,of structural chemistry, especially the theories of the structure of benzene by
  9. Response to Yahweh ", argues that Job's final responses to Yahweh are a total, rejection ,of Yahweh rather than an expression of repentance, and translates Job 42:6 as "
  10. Motherhood, insufficient economic support for families, lack of access to or, rejection ,of contraceptive methods, or efforts toward population control (such as China
  11. Of dealing with and blessing his chosen people the Jews. Because of the Jews ', rejection ,of Jesus, Jewish sovereignty over the promised earthly kingdom of Jerusalem and
  12. Aesthetic category, the Sublime category. The 20th century saw an increasing, rejection ,of beauty by artists and philosophers alike, culminating in postmodernism's
  13. From most sectors of society until the end of his term. Despite popular, rejection , Barney managed to extend his term from four to five years and exerted pressure
  14. Mostly contains genealogical lists, including the House of Saul and Saul's, rejection ,by God, which sets the stage for the rise of David. #1 Chronicles (chapters
  15. The contemporary 'Prussians '. As for theme and tone, in his works we see the, rejection ,of the belief in the supremacy of nature and the fundamental goodness of man as
  16. Homer for infidelity, and used the occasion to preach the message of God's, rejection ,of the Northern Kingdom. He ends this prophecy with the declaration that God
  17. Apollinaire and Eutychianism were two forms of monophysitism. Apollinaire ', rejection ,that Christ had a human mind was considered an over-reaction to Arianism and
  18. Of the research or its underlying scientific theories or its methodology. The, rejection ,of scientific findings has sparked political and theological controversy. The
  19. As 80 % of his royalties. Speer kept the donations anonymous, both for fear of, rejection , and for fear of being called a hypocrite. As early as 1953,when Walters
  20. Interpretation of the Bible. Common to all forms of Neo-Creationism is a, rejection ,of naturalism, usually made together with a tacit admission of supernaturalism
  21. Marked the end of Laurents's religious education and the beginning of his, rejection ,of all fundamentalist religions, although he continued to identify himself as
  22. Take the Americans at their word" and accept their proposal" for a bilateral, rejection ,by the USA and the Soviet Union of the development of antiballistic missile
  23. The Eucharistic prayer after the 'words of institution ', thus reflecting the, rejection ,of Cranmer's theology in liturgical developments across the Anglican Communion
  24. Preventative approaches to human health and welfare, animal rights, rejection ,of nuclear technology and weapons. The Australian Democrats were the first
  25. Charles also attempted to impose episcopacy on Scotland; the Scots' violent, rejection ,of bishops and liturgical worship sparked the Bishops' Wars in 1639–1640.
  26. Hermeneutics: Interpretation as the literal,'plain meaning' implies (i.e., rejection ,of typological and allegorical methods). Biblical references to Israel mean
  27. Christians who agree with creeds, the most significant area of departure is the, rejection ,by the LDS Church of certain parts of ecumenical creeds such as the Nicene
  28. To avoid being drafted. A simple route, widely publicized, was to get a medical, rejection , While a person could claim to have symptoms (or feign homosexuality) if
  29. Decision if it is unreasonable (under Canadian law, following the, rejection ,of the" Patently Unreasonable" standard by the Supreme Court in Langmuir v.
  30. Races' exposing of the Orlons' and the Shadows' " true faces" and the, rejection ,of both philosophies, heralding the dawn of a new age without their
  31. The Will to Power was the Will to Beauty. In the aftermath of postmodernism's, rejection ,of beauty, thinkers,such as Roger Scrutiny and Frederick Turner, have returned
  32. Chthonic world that preceded the coming of the Olympian gods: see the explicit, rejection ,of human sacrifice in the cannibal feast prepared for the Olympians by Tantalus
  33. Recession in a three-dimensional picture space. In the east, Islamic art's, rejection ,of iconography led to emphasis on geometric patterns, calligraphy,and
  34. Mixed. Some expressed incomprehension or even hostility, varying from a, rejection ,by the archaeological mainstream of what they saw as an archaeoastronomical
  35. Such would include, e. g., the Unitarians whose name reflects their early, rejection ,of the Trinity; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or LDS Church (
  36. Rebel, a philosophical analysis of rebellion and revolution which expressed his, rejection ,of communism. Upsetting many of his colleagues and contemporaries in France
  37. Observations, but was sufficient to persuade contemporary astronomers. The, rejection ,of the results from the Brazil expedition was due to a defect in the telescopes
  38. Congregational Council, and the Baptist World Alliance. Theories In their, rejection ,of absolute parliamentary authority, the Tractarians and in particular John
  39. About an object which is clearly recognized as inconceivable" This is not a, rejection ,of existence by Gílson, a leading modern metaphysician in the classical
  40. Alan Jay Lerner's pride was so badly bruised by Muselli's much-publicized, rejection ,of him (due to his drug addiction and neglect of their son) that in revenge
  41. However, Hermetical science had so much Aristotelian theory that his, rejection ,of Gnosticism was practically meaningless. In particular, Paracelsus rejected
  42. Reform and equality for all people. For some, Chicano ideals involve a, rejection ,of borders. The 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo transformed the Rio Grande
  43. Were encountered in welding the guide and ejector rails, causing high, rejection ,rates. Instead of halting production, a heavy machined receiver was substituted
  44. Place of spiritual purification for souls. Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism, rejection ,of Resurrection Reform Judaism and Reconstructionist Judaism reject
  45. Out, by the study of their experience, that their troubles have been due to the, rejection ,of competition. " By 1930,Tucker had concluded that centralization and
  46. Persons of the Trinity. Because of this centrist position, and despite their, rejection ,of Arius, they were called" semi-Arians" by their opponents. The second group
  47. Or Polish Brethren. These were commonly referred to as" Arians" due to their, rejection ,of the Trinity, though in fact the Socinians, as they were later known, went
  48. Epistemology, Rand presented a theory of concept formation and endorsed the, rejection ,of the analytic–synthetic dichotomy. In ethics, Rand argued for rational egoism
  49. Turning from Christ) is only committed through a deliberate, willful, rejection , of Jesus and renunciation of saving faith. Such apostasy is irremediable. The
  50. New hall, that ... could provide a pulpit to anyone of any belief. ” Franklin’s, rejection ,of dogma and doctrine and his stress on the God of ethics and morality and

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