Examples of the the word, shrink , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shrink ), is the 5149 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stable in water; it tends to discolor, and if left to soak and then dry it will, shrink ,and become less supple and harder. In hot water, it will shrink drastically and
  2. Another" tick ", Intel introduced the Henry microarchitecture, undergoing a, shrink ,from 65 nm to 45 nm, and the year after saw the release of its positively
  3. The Schröder government and indicates a process in which the SPD party seems to, shrink ,and/or fall apart. Grand coalition 2005-2009 On 22 May 2005,as predicted, the
  4. Then Jupiter. For masses above, degenerate pressure will cause the planet to, shrink , Smaller gas planets Although the words" gas" and" giant" are often
  5. Helps achieve several of these goals. * Shrinking everything (a" photomask, shrink ,"),resulting in the same number of transistors on a smaller die, improves
  6. World War II, because of paper shortages, the size of Sunday strips began to, shrink , After the war, strips continued to get smaller and smaller because of
  7. Opponents to Banana Peels that can be laid on the track and Lightning that can, shrink ,all other players. The type of weapons that can be earned often depends on the
  8. And her frazzled, occasionally venomous observations make for what amounts to a, shrink ,session with a beat. " Columnist Geoffrey Times noted the album's reactiveness
  9. That the power Hypercube gave to people could cut into the sales of ordinary, shrink ,wrapped products. Hypercube 2.0 In late 1989,Kevin Calhoun, then a Hypercube
  10. Tumours (where possible) has been shown to inhibit tumor growth and can even, shrink ,the tumor. As p53 protein levels are usually kept low, one could block its
  11. Include cellular telephones and other hand held devices that continue to, shrink ,yet grow more complex (a phenomenon referred to as" creeping features" )
  12. In changing climates that would cause wood instrument panels to swell and, shrink , Assembly The steel-string acoustic guitar evolved from the nylon-or
  13. A natural death. He was a born leader of mercenaries, and,although he did not, shrink ,from cruelty to gain his ends, he afterwards showed himself a mild and popular
  14. Chemotherapy (preoperative treatment) initial chemotherapy is designed to, shrink ,the primary tumor, thereby rendering local therapy (surgery or radiotherapy)
  15. As the EV4) was introduced in November 1992 running at up to 192 MHz; a slight, shrink ,of the die (the EV4S,shrunk from 0.75 µm to 0.675 µm) ran at 200 MHz a few
  16. Narrow further to the blade, or even expand outward towards the Shinobi then, shrink ,to the blade (producing a trapezoidal shape). A flat or narrowing Shinobi is
  17. Processors. The initial version (later known as A) was simply a direct die, shrink ,of the Palomino, and demonstrated that AMD had successfully transitioned to a
  18. Per capita production, the surplus production further decreases, state revenues, shrink , but the state needs more and more resources to control the growing (though
  19. The difficulties of the attack, however,the Allied generals did not, shrink ,from their original determination. The subsequent Battle of Malplaquet, fought
  20. Government efforts to lower subsidies to unprofitable enterprises and to, shrink ,the money supply caused the semi-official exchange rate for the Cuban peso to
  21. A solution with smaller natural numbers. However, the solutions cannot, shrink ,indefinitely, since there are only a finite number of natural numbers below the
  22. Forms (spring–sprang, US also sprung–sprung),sometimes forcing verbs such as, shrink ,(shrank–shrunk) to have a further form, thus shrunk–shrunken. These uses are
  23. Raw regime, to reduce indebtedness, cut the current account deficit, and, shrink , public spending. By the end of 1997 the consolidated public sector deficit
  24. Compactification. Intuitively, the process can be pictured as follows: first, shrink ,the real line to the open interval (-π, π ) on the x-axis; then bend the ends
  25. Dry it will shrink and become less supple and harder. In hot water, it will, shrink ,drastically and partly gelatinize, becoming rigid and eventually brittle.
  26. Is a method of portraying objects on a flat surface so that the dimensions, shrink ,with distance. The parallel, straight edges of any object, whether a building
  27. The droughts of the late 1960s,early 1970s,and mid-1980s caused Lake Chad to, shrink ,once again, however. The only other lakes of importance in Chad are Lake Fire
  28. But he continued to perform frequently. However, his audience continued to, shrink , despite his attempts to hold on to it. Wills moved throughout the Southwest
  29. In 1999. A sizable current account deficits remains, but started to, shrink ,in the last months of 2008 and is expected to do so in the near future. In the
  30. Maureen Cleave, Lennon remarked," Christianity will go. It will vanish and, shrink ,... We're more popular than Jesus now—I don't know which will go first, rock
  31. Positively reviewed successor processor, Nehalem, followed by another silicon, shrink ,to the 32 nm process. Intel was not the first microprocessor corporation to do
  32. The proportion of memory wasted due to empty buckets, some implementations also, shrink ,the size of the table—followed by a rehash—when items are deleted. From the
  33. The global financial crisis and a collapse in domestic demand saw the economy, shrink ,1.2 % in 2008 and 5.0 % in 2009. Japan has the world's the highest gross sovereign
  34. Is used to write the sounds. For example chimera ('to boil down' or 'to, shrink ,') is spelled ちぢめる and Suzuki ('to continue' ) is つづく. For compound words
  35. Any of the Great Lakes of North America save Lake Superior. The sea began to, shrink ,rapidly when sharply increased irrigation and other demands on the only
  36. Through firing, the pores are reduced in size, causing the material to, shrink ,slightly. This crystalline material is a matrix of predominantly silicon and
  37. Before the chip is produced in the factory, reducing the time-to-market. To, shrink ,the size and power consumption of FPGA, vendors such as Tabular and Filing have
  38. Then they emit through Hawking radiation and will thus grow instead of, shrink , To have a Hawking temperature larger than 2.7 K (and be able to evaporate)
  39. Character, as blind party zeal (this time on the liberal side) did not, shrink ,from asking the civil powers to intervene. But an unlooked-for calamity brought
  40. Asia, creating dramatic new mountain ranges. The Tethys Seaway continued to, shrink ,and then disappeared as Africa collided with Eurasia in the Turkish-Arabian
  41. Ever before. But after his death in 1707,the Mughal Empire gradually began to, shrink , Major reasons include a weak chain of" Later Mughal ", an inadequate focus
  42. Open lands—and in highlands as in lowlands. Spotted hyena populations began to, shrink ,after roughly 20,000 years ago, completely disappearing from Western Europe
  43. CDs that are sold in stores are sealed via a process called" poly wrapping" or, shrink ,wrapping. Recordable CD Recordable Compact Discs, CD-Rs,are injection molded
  44. High if the Earth keeps warming at the current rate. Its total area will likely, shrink ,from the present 500,000 to 100,000 km2 by the year 2035 (WWF,2005). This
  45. The low-cost Christmas sales market for that year. Although Acorn were able to, shrink ,substantially the same functionality as the BBC into just one chip
  46. Back to Hezekiah, who was king of Judah. The author of Zephaniah does not, shrink ,from condemning the Kushites or Ethiopians. Chapter 2:12 contains a succinct
  47. Conclusion of Grimm is that the classification" elf" can be considered to ", shrink ,and stretch by turns ". The etymology connecting *alb oz with Albus" white "
  48. And bladder cancer. Dichloroacetate (DCA) has been found to, shrink ,tumors in vitro in rats, and has a plausible scientific mechanism: DCA appears
  49. Since the radiation will carry away energy from the black hole causing it to, shrink , The radiation, however also carries away entropy, and it can be proven under
  50. The Federal Statistical Office of Germany forecast that the population will, shrink ,to between 65 and 70 million by 2060 (depending on the level of net migration

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