Examples of the the word, thereafter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thereafter ), is the 5150 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Apollo CSM/Apollo Lunar Module stack and prepare for landing at Hadley. Soon, thereafter , Scott and Irwin began the descent to the Hadley landing site on the surface.
  2. Of Bremen, and by 1069 he appeared as director of the cathedral's school. Soon, thereafter ,he began to write the history of Bremen/Hamburg and of the northern lands in
  3. Of Genoa. At the time, Alfonso was at odds with Callisto III, who died shortly, thereafter , His Spanish possessions were ruled for him by his brother John, later king
  4. In 395, he was made coadjutor Bishop of Hippo, and became full Bishop shortly, thereafter , He remained in this position until his death in 430. Augustine worked
  5. Of boats and crossed the strait in 480 BC when he invaded Greece. Abyss, thereafter ,became a member of the Delian League, until it revolted from Athenian rule in
  6. To convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and, thereafter , declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their
  7. To seek a better life as well as to follow his sweetheart, Helen Neil. Shortly, thereafter , he converted from Presbyterianism to Baptist beliefs. Mackenzie's faith was
  8. Cold" antihydrogen. The TRAP project released similar results very shortly, thereafter , The antiprotons used in these experiments were cooled by decelerating them
  9. On the Thursday before the first Sunday in September and runs until the Monday, thereafter , It is the highlight of the year in Babelsberg and is a celebration of the
  10. To be extremely damaging to Howard, who was frequently satirized as a vampire, thereafter , He came last in the poll. Howard went on to become party leader in 2003
  11. The LM touched down on the lunar surface at 2:55 PM EST on December 11. Shortly, thereafter , the two astronauts began re-configuring the LM for their stay on the surface
  12. With a POD, Sir Philip Sidney's surviving the Battle of Zutphen, and shortly, thereafter ,saving the life of Christopher Marlowe. Many works of fantasy posit a world in
  13. S younger brother died in Paris, and Smith's tour as a tutor ended shortly, thereafter , There he befriended Henry Moves, a young blind man who showed precocious
  14. Twentieth century, especially during the Modernist era, and waned somewhat, thereafter , Nevertheless, a number of recent publications have reinterpreted and
  15. Such people ought to be co-heirs of the angels in heaven" ). Supposedly, he, thereafter , resolved to convert their pagan homeland to Christianity. The Aster CT-80,an
  16. The regional center of Kandahar, and after making rapid territorial gains, thereafter , conquered the capital city Kabul in September 1996. After the Sudanese made it
  17. Spruce, along with Wallace's younger brother Herbert. Herbert left soon, thereafter ,(dying two years later from yellow fever),but Spruce, like Bates, would
  18. BC, Assyria fell to Alexander the Great, the Macedonian Emperor from Greece; it, thereafter ,became part of the Seleucid Empire and was renamed Syria, a Hurricane, Luwian and
  19. Aged 23,Tsarevitch Alexander married Princess Marie of Hesse in St Petersburg, thereafter ,known in Russia as Maria Alexandrina. (Marie was the legal daughter of Ludwig
  20. Inheritance from which they had been expelled by Atreus. Aegis thus and Theses, thereafter ,ruled over Mycenae jointly, exiling Atreus' sons, Agamemnon and Menelaus to
  21. Commercial shrimp farming began in the 1970s,and production grew steeply, thereafter , Global production reached more than in 2003,representing a value of nearly
  22. Jordan () (1103–1148) was the Count of Tripoli from 1105 until 1109 and, thereafter ,Count of Toulouse (as Alfonso I) until his death. He was the son of Raymond
  23. The Soviet Union in 1920. Azerbaijan regained independence in 1991. Shortly, thereafter , during the Nagorno-Karabakh War, neighboring Armenia occupied Nagorno-Karabakh
  24. Rapid technological and operational changes, accelerating through the 1870s and, thereafter , The first effective breech-loader (allowing a higher rate of fire while
  25. His mother. Melisande was defeated in this struggle and Baldwin ruled alone, thereafter , In 1153 Baldwin captured the Egyptian fortress of Salon, which was then
  26. Castle intact. Market Street has been referred to as Traitors' Lane, thereafter , In 1404 Abergavenny was declared its own nation by Began ab Twain Gender
  27. Neutral, they were certainly further influenced by Caracalla to become, thereafter ,notoriously implacable enemies of Rome. This mutually antagonistic relationship
  28. Site were 3.01239° S latitude,23.42157° W longitude. The landing site would, thereafter ,be listed as Station Cognitive on lunar maps (Conrad and Bean did not formally
  29. He thought, from Libya during the dawn of Greek culture. Classical myths, thereafter ,note that Hera was so annoyed at Zeus producing a child that she conceived and
  30. His death the Vandals lifted the siege of Hippo, but they returned not long, thereafter ,and burned the city. They destroyed all of it, but Augustine's cathedral and
  31. Times an important toll and customs station of the Hellespont, its importance, thereafter ,being transferred to the Dardanelles, after the building of the" Old Castles "
  32. Jeff and Salon and received a pension from that fief's income. Agnes soon, thereafter ,married Hugh of Begin, to whom she had been engaged before her marriage with
  33. The Confederates. French forces occupied Aargau from 10 March to 18 April 1798;, thereafter ,the Bernese portion became the canton of Aargau in the Helvetic Republic and
  34. Warned the Taliban regime:" Surrender bin Laden, or surrender power ". Soon, thereafter ,the U. S. and its allies invaded Afghanistan, and together with the Afghan
  35. World premiere at the 2007 Tribe ca Film Festival in New York City and shortly, thereafter ,received a positive review in Variety. The film is rated 69 % on Rotten
  36. Was initially launched as the Operon server-oriented processor. Shortly, thereafter ,it was incorporated into a product for desktop PCs, branded Athlon 64. AMD
  37. Euripides, died near the end of the Peloponnesian War and the art of tragedy, thereafter ,ceased to develop, yet comedy did continue to develop after the defeat of
  38. Being arranged so that UTC approximated UT2 until the end of 1971,and UT1, thereafter , This was a compromise arrangement for a broadcast timescale: a linear
  39. Popularity in Gaul by his wartime successes against the Alemannic. The Alemannic, thereafter ,became the principality of Alemannic, that was sometimes independent, but more
  40. Seat in Hamburg had been attacked and destroyed several times, and, thereafter , the sees of Hamburg and Bremen were combined for protection. For three hundred
  41. Over the area, about 45 ft (14 m) square, and added subsidiary chambers. Soon, thereafter ,in the twelfth dynasty, Senusret I laid massive foundations of stone over the
  42. 1,487 of his 1,497 shares in the newly created Bell Telephone Company. Shortly, thereafter , the newlyweds embarked on a year-long honeymoon in Europe. During that
  43. To Hamburg. In 1805,Schopenhauer's father may have committed suicide. Shortly, thereafter , Schopenhauer's mother Johanna moved to Weimar, then the center of German
  44. Box the next day for $19.50,but lost interest for the next two weeks. Shortly, thereafter , at the urging of Peasant, who had become their sponsor, they traveled to
  45. Was called in 1867; to be followed by further conferences in 1878 and 1888,and, thereafter ,at ten-year intervals. The various papers and declarations of successive
  46. 1935) but he does not enjoy his retirement and comes repeatedly out of it, thereafter ,when his curiosity is engaged. Nevertheless, he continues to employ his
  47. Agrippina the Elder returned to Rome with his ashes. Agrippina the Younger was, thereafter ,supervised by her mother, her paternal grandmother Antonia Minor, and her
  48. Of firearms in the siege of the city, it is known the Portuguese defended it, thereafter ,with firearms, namely bombards, colebratas, and falconers. In 1419,Sultan
  49. Established in the early years of the Republic and well maintained and expanded, thereafter , The most important of these parks are: Menelik Park (houses an amusement
  50. Ali Shah as the spiritual head of that community. Hasan Ali Shah's authority, thereafter ,was not seriously challenged again. Final years

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