Examples of the the word, halt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( halt ), is the 5146 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Much more CPU time (both directly and indirectly since the MARIA would, halt ,the CPU when drawing sprites) than consoles with hardware sprites and
  2. Skeletal deformities once they occur (such as arthritis, osteoporosis ) or, halt ,the progress of other diseases affecting movement ability, ( such as Parkinson
  3. Reviewed the results of a brain scan, Sharon underwent a five-hour operation to, halt ,bleeding in his brain and relieve pressure that had built up on his skull.
  4. Effects. The previously rapid economic growth of the Dual Monarchy ground to a, halt ,because the new borders became major economic barriers. All the formerly well
  5. A tree and a wooden hut, the plane spinning along the snow until coming to a, halt , It had been cut in half. Charlton, strapped into his seat, had fallen out of
  6. From the Sun creates a geomagnetic storm that affects microchips, leading to a, halt ,of all trading on Toronto's stock market. Births *1355 – Countess Philippa
  7. Months later, leader of the separatist government, Akhmed Kaye, called for a, halt ,to armed resistance against the Chechen police force starting on August 1
  8. Quarter of 2008. The real estate market, although not plummeting, ground to a, halt ,and growth is expected to be significantly lower in the short-to-medium run.
  9. Can be formulated as: given a description of a Turing machine M guaranteed to, halt ,in polynomial time, does there exist a polynomial-size input that M will accept
  10. Of our Islands retain their culture and identity, we call for an immediate, halt ,to all further immigration. " Under the leadership of John Tyndall the party
  11. Benjamin Disraeli moved warships into position against Russia in order to, halt ,the advance of Russian influence in the eastern Mediterranean so close to
  12. To decide, in general, algorithmically whether a given Turing machine will ever, halt , While his proof was published after Alonzo Church's equivalent proof
  13. Turks in Asia Minor and the Normans in the western Balkans, Alexios was able to, halt ,the Byzantine decline and begin the military, financial,and territorial
  14. Armoured columns at times. This may have been a reason for Hitler to call a, halt ,to the German advance. Those attacks combined with Maxime Weygand's Hedgehog
  15. Computers have a dedicated Break key. It does not trigger an interrupt but will, halt ,any running BASIC program, or terminate the loading or saving of data to
  16. The outbreak of World War II, the airline presence in Asia came to a relative, halt , with many new flag carriers donating their aircraft for military aid and other
  17. Political, and safety concerns. For instance, governments often intervene to, halt ,airline labor actions in order to protect the free flow of people
  18. The pre-existing piers were simply buried. Construction efforts ground to a, halt ,for nearly two years beginning in 1977,as a result of city-wide financial
  19. Soon after the source code was released and eventually development came to a, halt , There is no indication that Blitz Research will pick up the project again.
  20. Strategy should be: On 25 April, a decision was made by the German admiralty to, halt ,indiscriminate attacks by submarine on merchant shipping. This followed
  21. If violators who attempt to breach the secured area fail to heed warnings to, halt , Fines of around $600 seem to be the normal course of action, although some
  22. Of infilling matter, a distant observer sees the infilling material slow and, halt ,just above the event horizon, due to gravitational time dilation. Light from
  23. About 23:00,with Gneisenau pursuing them as far as XenApp before ordering a, halt , There,Napoleon's abandoned carriage was captured, still containing diamonds
  24. S government in exile arrested the leadership of the Black Hand wishing to, halt ,their underground influence in both the army and politics. The leadership was
  25. Croatia (Franco Tubman),and Serbia (Slogan Milosevic) brought a, halt ,to the fighting, roughly establishing the basic structure of the present-day
  26. That informally represents the probability that a randomly-chosen program will, halt , These numbers are formed from a construction due to Gregory Chaitin. Although
  27. The third-floor TTY room, causing Dr. Haggerty to burst through the TTY door to, halt ,the practice until Dr. Haggerty fixed the APL interpreter bug. Several
  28. Request for bankruptcy protection automatically stops and brings to a grinding, halt ,most lawsuits, repossessions,foreclosures, evictions,garnishments
  29. On 1 July 1898 outside of Santiago after which the American advance ground to a, halt , Spanish troops successfully defended Fort Canola, allowing them to stabilize
  30. The risk of bacteriophage contamination could rapidly bring fermentation to a, halt , The resulting economic setback is a serious threat in these industries. The
  31. Persuaded Sultan Abdulhamid I to issue a fireman (edict) intended to, halt ,the spread of blood libel accusations in the Ottoman Empire:" ... and for the
  32. Size, some do so in an exponential amount of time or even worse, and some never, halt , Additionally, some problems may have multiple algorithms of differing
  33. EITHER (i) the last measure was exact and the remainder in R is 0 programs can, halt , OR (ii) the algorithm must continue: the last measure left a remainder in R
  34. Benjamin Disraeli moved warships into position against Russia in order to, halt ,the advance of Russian influence in the eastern Mediterranean, so close to
  35. More time for preparation of a siege, sent the armies to delay or if possible, halt ,Khalid's march to Damascus, one such army was defeated at Battle of Aqua in
  36. For the freeway construction" mania" of the 2000s is a previous political, halt ,of the major Croatian highway project,today's A1,in the 1970s and 1980s
  37. The Gustav Line but as the winter weather deteriorated the advance ground to a, halt ,as transport bogged down and air support operations became impossible.
  38. For special programs (which would basically search for counter-examples and, halt ,if one is found),knowing enough bits of Chaitin's constant would also imply
  39. Series against the St. Louis Browns. The suspensions ground the team to a, halt ,; they lost two out of three games to the Browns and finished second, two games
  40. Other things, France boycotted all meetings of the Council bringing work to a, halt ,until it was resolved the following year by the Luxembourg compromise. Although
  41. Percents, the country had no foreign reserves, and GDP was falling. In order to, halt ,the ongoing economic collapse, economic reforms were drafted by a group of
  42. Brandenburg-Prussia, leading many to flee to neighboring countries. In order to, halt ,this trend, Frederick William I divided Prussia into regimental cantons. Every
  43. 1,600 machine tools, kill 53 employees, injure 89,30 of them seriously and, halt ,rifle production for three months. The Government Ministry of Supply and BSA
  44. The ground. In 1995,U. S. and NATO aircraft attacked Bosnian Serb targets to, halt ,attacks on U. N. safe zones and to pressure them into a peace accord. Clinton
  45. To the Danish Queen, Margrethe II of Denmark appealing for the sovereign to, halt ,the killing of dolphins in the Fare Islands. In the letter, Bardot describes
  46. For the crossings on the Dale river. At last, however,Marlborough called a, halt ,to the pursuit shortly after midnight near Elder, from the field. Aftermath
  47. The Goldberg example, those n bits enable us to find out exactly which programs, halt ,among all those of length at most n. * It is a normal number, which means that
  48. south-east England and brings 60 % of London's underground rail network to a, halt , Births *1582 – Taichung Emperor, of the Ming Dynasty of China (d. 1620)
  49. 600,000 crowns, and an enlarged Aquitaine. By 1415 negotiations had ground to a, halt , with the English claiming that the French had mocked their claims and
  50. Alexander allowed his troops to loot the city, before finally calling a, halt ,to it. Alexander stayed in Persepolis for five months. During Alexander's stay

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