Examples of the the word, inevitably , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inevitably ), is the 4851 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then his or her American counterpart. Canada and the United States are often, inevitably ,compared as sibling countries, and the perceptions that arise from this
  2. Dune will kill all the sand trout and thus bring to an end the Giant Worms, and, inevitably , to the spice itself. Let has an additional fear as well: he has started to
  3. Amount to violence against the bees. Some Jains abstain from farming because it, inevitably ,entails unintentional killing or injuring of many small animals, such as worms
  4. To soften the problems with laws that would restrict slavery, but Brazil would, inevitably ,recognize its end on May 13, 1888,with a law called Lei Area, sanctioned by
  5. Argued that capitalism requires continual economic growth, and that it will, inevitably ,deplete the finite natural resources of the Earth. Many religions have
  6. Changed:" A3" in 1963 and" TA (BIH) " in 1969. This synchronization was, inevitably ,imperfect, depending as it did on the astronomical realization of UT2. At the
  7. Of humanity, their sanity (represented by 'Sanity Points ', abbreviated SAN), inevitably , withers away. The game includes a mechanism for determining how damaged a
  8. Frontier, in order to depose Philip in 249. The resultant military vacuum would, inevitably ,attract invaders. The course of events is not clear. It seems that in 250 the
  9. For example those flavored with orange, egg,anise, coffee,cherry and, inevitably , dunce de Lethe. The Hesperia is a type of liqueur made from orange peels
  10. On savings, which eventually causes the investments to be liquidated as they, inevitably ,show their underlying profitability and sustainability. Austrian School
  11. Orthography was based more on historical roots than any spoken dialect and was, inevitably ,influenced by Old Persian. For centuries after the fall of the Achaemenid
  12. By many people via Steam, as the two variants are quite different, and players, inevitably ,prefer one variant over the other. Both versions continue to co-exist today.
  13. Piccalilli states that" indeed this grace is so close to regeneration that it, inevitably ,leads to regeneration unless finally resisted. " The offer of salvation through
  14. Is in accordance with his inborn and immutable character. " A definite action, inevitably ,results when a particular motive influences a person's given, unchangeable
  15. The low-level sector format or stepping the drive's head between the tracks;, inevitably , other companies eventually sold software to foil this protection. Another
  16. Assists separation of berkelium away from many other actinides. These are, inevitably ,produced in relatively large amounts during the nuclear synthesis and often
  17. On the Euro was rife. As Labor remained at the political center the Tories, inevitably ,moved to the right. A policy gaffe by Oliver Le twin over public spending cuts
  18. Universes exist, having all possible combinations of characteristics, and we, inevitably ,find ourselves within a Universe that allows us to exist. #Creationism #: A
  19. And because if everyone were an austere altruist then general welfare would, inevitably ,decrease. Ethical altruism can be seen as a consequentialism ethic which
  20. Ns). Even though Computer A is ostensibly a faster machine, Computer B will, inevitably ,surpass Computer A in run-time because it's running an algorithm with a much
  21. N't dress Dorothy as nicely as she dresses her own daughter. " When the remark, inevitably ,got back to Ruth, he angrily told Gehrig to tell his mother to mind her own
  22. However, it is impossible to eliminate all approximations, and residual error, inevitably ,remains. The goal of computational chemistry is to minimize this residual error
  23. Video, or event. The decision to cast a sculpture in bronze, for instance, inevitably ,effects its meaning; the work becomes something different from how it might be
  24. Top is usually the dominant and the bottom the submissive partner, it is not, inevitably ,so. In some cases the top follows instructions, i. e., he " tops" the bottom
  25. Happening live—right in his own neighborhood. Campus radicals and“ hippies ”, inevitably ,became one of Camp’s favorite targets in the sixties. Alongside his
  26. Linkage, smooth engagement would be near-impossible because engine movement, inevitably ,occurs as the drive is" taken up. " No pressure on the pedal means that the
  27. Terms of safety and bicycle promotion. At some point the two streams of traffic, inevitably ,intersect, often in a haphazard and congested fashion. Studies have
  28. Crisis between Serbia and Austria broke out in 1914. This was a position that, inevitably ,drew her, although unwillingly, into a World War with devastating results for
  29. Classes birth rate drops while the lower class birth rate, while higher, will, inevitably , deplete as their stronger members emigrate, die in war, or enter into the upper
  30. The actual production process required to obtain the capital),the latter will, inevitably ,begin to neglect the interests of the former, creating dysfunction within the
  31. As Carter said:" Although our situation is not necessarily central, it is, inevitably ,privileged to some extent. " Specifically, Carter disagreed with using the
  32. Microcomputers The introduction of the first general purpose microprocessors, inevitably ,led to the first microcomputers around 1975. At the time these systems were of
  33. Optimistic, because I think it will eventually come to an end. State capitalism, inevitably ,creates all sorts of problems which become insoluble. " – the only form of
  34. Controversial endeavors of the artificial intelligence history ", so it has, inevitably ,garnered its share of criticism. Criticisms include: * The complexity of the
  35. The low-level sector format or stepping the drive's head between the tracks;, inevitably , other companies eventually sold software to foil this protection. Another
  36. Death of the solar system, that the whole temple of man's achievement must, inevitably ,be buried beneath the debris of a universe in ruins -- all these things, if not
  37. A highly industrialized area, cultural differences from the rest of Europe are, inevitably ,blurred, although a conscious cultural identity as a people or nation remains
  38. Clear that the central geopolitical position of Bulgaria in the Balkans would, inevitably ,lead to strong external pressure by both World War II factions. Turkey had a
  39. Have adopted English common law through reception statutes, although they do not, inevitably ,continue to copy English Common Law; later cases can often draw on decisions in
  40. Only the mid-wavelength (so-called" green" ) cones; the other cones will, inevitably ,be stimulated to some degree at the same time. The set of all possible
  41. It is normal for animals to kill and eat other animals, that agriculture, too, inevitably , leads to the death of many animals, that plants are living beings as well and
  42. And leg action, and presentation. Judging in a performance-oriented sport is, inevitably ,subjective in nature, and controversy and complaints by competitors over
  43. The country. Despite efforts at containment, the upheaval in Eastern Europe, inevitably ,spread to nationalities within the USSR. In elections to the regional
  44. That something real can defy or evade all possible ideas, and supposing, inevitably ," some absolutely inexplicable, unanalyzable ultimate ", which explanatory
  45. Such a love affair was doomed to become a political scandal. Antony was, inevitably ,perceived by Octavian and the majority of the Roman Senate as the leader of a
  46. Defined truth as that opinion which would be reached, sooner or later but still, inevitably , by research taken far enough, such that the real does depend on that ideal
  47. That the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb was the last powerful ruler of an empire, inevitably ,on the verge of decline. The major rebellions organized by the Sikhs and the
  48. All blacks together regardless of their unique ancestral circumstances would, inevitably ,deny the lingering effects of slavery with in the American slave descendant
  49. Lugosi with Boris Karloff. Despite the relative size of their roles, Lugosi, inevitably , got second billing, below Karloff. Lugosi's attitude toward Karloff is the
  50. Since businesses make money and money leads to political power, business will, inevitably ,use their power to influence governments. Much of the impetus behind campaign

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