Examples of the the word, boyfriend , in a Sentence Context

The word ( boyfriend ), is the 6028 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of a client might provide a backdrop for Ally's decision to break up with a, boyfriend , Legal arguments were also frequently used to explore multiple sides of various
  2. User to" translate" into Perky Pat (if the drug user is a woman) or Pat's, boyfriend , Walt (if the drug user is a man). This recreational use of Can-D allows
  3. Appearance of dancing. The short ends with an impressed Daisy showering her new, boyfriend ,with kisses. Like her precursor, she was initially voiced by Clarence Nash, but
  4. Gail finally met Ted Page, the father she'd never known and in 2009,Gail's, boyfriend , Joe McIntyre became addicted to painkillers, which came to a head when he
  5. On two different networks. During that year, she became pregnant by her, boyfriend , a musician named Lanny Lambert. The producers of Diff'rent Strokes did not
  6. Louie in anger) while Busy boasts about her luck in men to her weightlifter, boyfriend , who simply grunts and nods and fails to understand her words. Daisy failed to
  7. Upsetting ". In March 2008,scenes showing Tanya Banning (Jo Joyner) and, boyfriend , Sean Slater (Rob Kandinsky),burying Tanya's husband Max (Jake Wood) alive
  8. Of California, Santa Barbara, Soliah moved to Berkeley, California with her, boyfriend , Jim Kilgore. There, she met Angela Atwood at an acting audition where they
  9. Married. Cast * Duncan Ken worthy (uncredited) as Matthew's" gorgeous" new, boyfriend ,Production The film was shot mainly in London and the Home Counties, including
  10. Tour, the North Korean tour guide had a mobile phone which was a gift from her, boyfriend , In their first quarter 2011 earnings release, Orascom reports more than
  11. Stronger. But when Donald arranges a demonstration for Daisy, Susy and her, boyfriend , their tricks are not able to save him from ridicule. Daisy then chases Donald
  12. I was so bored. I was the point guard on the basketball team. Furthermore, I had my, boyfriend , and I went to homecoming and Christmas formal. But I wanted more. " In June
  13. 93 was to be used in a fourth suicide attack. Bingham was survived by his, boyfriend ,of six years, Paul Hold, who said that Bingham had risked his life to protect
  14. Of songs and the scene of the stabbing of Nancy Spun gen (allegedly by her, boyfriend ,Sid Vicious). Unusual hotels Many hotels can be considered destinations in
  15. Man at a BC Lions football game wearing a Blue Zone crop-top. Photographer and, boyfriend , Dan Silicic, produced the Blue Zone Girl poster on his own after Labatt's
  16. Series, featured Rose McGowan (as Paige) singing" Fever" at Paige's latest, boyfriend ,'s piano bar. (Earlier in the show, she lost her voice when she was up on
  17. Orwell meanwhile set to work on Nineteen Eighty-Four. Later Susan Watson's, boyfriend ,David Holbrook arrived. A fan of Orwell since schooldays, he found the reality
  18. In the fourth season after Robert Downey Jr. joined the regular cast as Ally's, boyfriend ,Larry Paul. However,Downey's character was written out after the end of the
  19. Just after the fall of Saigon),and J. J. married Zeke Brenner, her former, boyfriend ,and Uncle Duke's former groundskeeper. Joanne married Rick Red fern, and they
  20. Name and turn the public to his favor, especially after Lois Lane's military, boyfriend ,indiscriminately attacked him as Metal lo before lashing out on civilians.
  21. Who later gave evidence at the inquest that Norton told him that he had another, boyfriend ,and wanted to end his relationship with Caldwell, but didn't know how to go
  22. Party. Susan Watson could no longer stand being with April and she and her, boyfriend ,left. Orwell returned to London in late 1946 and picked up his literary
  23. S movies, Clambake,and Speedway. He turned down the role as Carlo Thomas's, boyfriend ,in the successful That Girl and starred in two failed pilots. The Courtship of
  24. Play guitar at age nine. He was completely self-taught, playing his mother's, boyfriend ,'s guitar whenever he stayed over at her house. His style was not reminiscent
  25. Display among players in an orchestra. " Connick appeared as Grace Adler's, boyfriend ,(and later husband) Leo Markus on the NBC sitcom Will & Grace from 2002 to
  26. Item),never in the sense of" layer ". * Chum: Most often in the sense of, boyfriend , often simply as a male friend of a male. * Dumper:. To throw in the trash, too
  27. In which case the resulting word (FIFA) will refer to a lover or partner (, boyfriend ,), rather than a male offspring. The word FIU (boy) is also often noted as an
  28. And nods and fails to understand her words. Daisy failed to see that Susy's, boyfriend ,is strong but otherwise not too gifted, whereas Donald is one who would go
  29. Daisy again and this time calmly opens the window. But when Daisy shows her, boyfriend ,her new hat, his reaction is uncontrollable laughter. Daisy goes into a rage of
  30. Domain as Professor Ed Delta, professor Knowby's associate and Annie's, boyfriend , After being attacked by the possessed Henrietta he gets possessed by another
  31. Into kissing Alison's buttocks when he is expecting to kiss her face. Her, boyfriend ,Nicholas hangs his buttocks out of a window, hoping to trick Solon into
  32. To create films, but she refused the offers in order to stay in Germany with a, boyfriend , After the Goebbels Diaries surfaced, researchers learned that Riefenstahl had
  33. This story abruptly ended, but Michelle soon had new troubles when she suspected, boyfriend ,Steve McDonald had cheated on her. She had no idea his fling had been with
  34. Life sentences, three others were given lesser sentences for the assault on her, boyfriend ,Robert Malty. In delivering the sentence Judge Anthony Russell stated" This
  35. And classmate Michael Button Douglas. By some accounts, he had been Welch's, boyfriend ,at one time. Welch and her passenger, both 17,were treated for minor injuries.
  36. To break the fingers of Faces keyboardist Ian" Mac" McLagan who became Kim's, boyfriend ,after the marital break-up. It was not until a month after Moon's death that
  37. Movie Touched by Evil, playing a businesswoman who discovers that her, boyfriend ,is a serial rapist. Also that year, Abdul co-wrote the song" Spinning Around "
  38. Abroad after leaving the army. He later discovered that Moira married her old, boyfriend ,Joseph MacTaggert, who abused her. He eventually renewed his friendship with
  39. Her. At the Sonora house, Meimi gets a call from Lusaka, who she calls Yuki's, boyfriend , which leads Malachi into getting over reactive and overtly angry, who takes
  40. That she is breaking up with him. He later discovers that Moira married her old, boyfriend ,Joseph MacTaggert, who abuses her. Traveling after the army Deeply depressed
  41. Largely by rephrasing the" patient" is replies as questions:: Human: Well, my, boyfriend , made me come here.: ELIZA: Your boyfriend made you come here?: Human: He says I
  42. Was the pseudonym of a student (Linda Declare) who was living with her, boyfriend , a student at Columbia University. She was called before Barnard's
  43. That Jeffrey and Sandy are attracted to each other, though the latter has a, boyfriend , Jeffrey again visits Dorothy's apartment, and she tells him that though she
  44. June 24, 1944,Male Zimetbaum escaped with her Polish, boyfriend , Eden Babinski. They also wanted to smuggle out deportation lists Zimetbaum had
  45. In A Hole in the Heart (series 3) she discovers she is pregnant to a former, boyfriend ,and is bribed into having an abortion by a new hosting offer. * Martin (Marty
  46. The town of Armando dos BIOS in Brazil, which she visited in 1964 with her, boyfriend ,at the time, Brazilian musician Bob Augury. A statue by Christina Motto honors
  47. In Berlin. A young Hide becomes pregnant, and after being abandoned by her, boyfriend ,she decides to become a professional dominatrix to earn money. The play
  48. As questions:: Human: Well, my boyfriend made me come here.: ELIZA: Your, boyfriend ,made you come here?: Human: He says I'm depressed much of the time.: ELIZA: I
  49. To board an El Al flight. The explosives had been given to her by her Jordanian, boyfriend ,and father of their unborn child Mizar Hindi. The incident became known as
  50. Taken down to the field to receive an ovation from the crowd. Photographer and, boyfriend ,Dan Silicic produced the Blue Zone Girl poster on his own. In October 1989 she

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