Examples of the the word, unfold , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unfold ), is the 5847 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Two Lebowskis. * Sam Elliott as The Stranger, the narrator, who sees the story, unfold ,from a third-party perspective. His narration is marked by a thick, laid-back
  2. Of complete proteins. It is presumed that this is because the complex cannot, unfold ,larger substrates. This structure is also known as PA28 or REG. The mechanisms
  3. A creator but that this creator has employed the natural force of evolution to, unfold ,a divine plan. Religious representatives from faiths compatible with theistic
  4. Of all types to understand different ways that future events might, unfold , Scenario planning or scenario analysis is a complex business process related
  5. D. Rind) * Complex systems are systems in process that constantly evolve and, unfold ,over time (W. Brian Arthur). History Although one can argue that humans have
  6. Bow of burning gold; Bring me my Arrows of desire: Bring me my Spear: O clouds, unfold , Bring me my Chariot of fire! I will not cease from Mental Fight, Nor shall my
  7. Are held into a neat and tidy folded channel when inside the rack, but can, unfold ,out into a long strip when pulled out of the rack, allowing the server to
  8. To control it: stasis ts, and on the other hand are those who want the future to, unfold ,naturally and without attempts to plan and control: dynamics. The distinction
  9. Investment. The argument of nationalism It could seem that nationalism might, unfold ,ever bigger dangers, once one carries it up and out into space. The exploration
  10. Owners of the game could replay this demo in the game engine, watching the run, unfold ,as if they were playing it themselves. This involved a number of players
  11. Plan actually involves the Legion being soundly defeated by Moran. The events, unfold ,the way the old wise woman is writing them in her book, and despite their
  12. Next three days. On November 7,the events of the Stockholm bloodbath began to, unfold , On the evening of that day, Christian summoned many Swedish leaders to a
  13. Back to the birth of the universe, and modify the way the multiverse will, unfold , This sequel includes many nods to the prehistory of Wells's story in the
  14. Meanings. #A traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to, unfold ,part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief,or natural
  15. Have ever received ". Final years As the events preceding World War II began to, unfold ,in Europe, Goldman reiterated her opposition to wars waged by governments. "
  16. Of computer technology in the classrooms, meeting areas, and homes continued to, unfold , The sole dependence on paper resources diminished and e-books and articles, as
  17. To allow their mobile warfare offensive, the first Tet Offensive, to, unfold , securely. The Siege of The San displays typical features of modern sieges, as
  18. Be used to clarify meaning, feeling,and consequences, as well as to gradually, unfold ,insight, or explore alternative actions. Human resource training and
  19. Is that of the skull cup. In Paul the events that lead to Alboin's downfall, unfold ,in Verona. During a great feast Albion gets drunk and orders his wife Rosamond
  20. Monday's events, in which members of a political group sack a newspaper office, unfold ,in Malta. * October 16 – A tsunami in Nice, France kills 23 people. * October
  21. This character doesn't intend to be a big part of the story but events, unfold ,in a way that drags him in the center pages. *Frank Frank works for the
  22. Place. Where the participant has a variety of choices on how they see a story, unfold ,before them. Each time, they can create a different path. The last structure is
  23. And put his finger on the note D in the second stanza where the words 'O clouds, unfold ,' break his rhythm. I do not think any word passed about it. Yet he made it
  24. Allegiances, goals,and actions may or may not change dramatically as events, unfold , This makes the plot seem more realistic than earlier super robot animated
  25. Between God and man, a living document that has unfold ed and will continue to, unfold ,whole new insights over the generations and millennia. A saying that captures
  26. Needed to ready the lunar module for liftoff from the Moon should an emergency, unfold ,during the first moments on the lunar surface. During the critical landing, the
  27. Airplane. After landing, it takes only a few minutes to remove the motorcycle, unfold ,the handlebars and ride away. The company believes this modular solution will
  28. Fronds and holes through the midrib are visible when the leaves grow out and, unfold , If the growing tip is injured, the palm may be killed or severe loss of leaf
  29. And the future conflicts he faced while the events that changed the kingdom, unfold , Characters Central to the plot of the game are two main characters, Ramza
  30. The stone malfunctions and the group ends up losing time. As these events, unfold , action also takes place on the other side of the continent, where the invading
  31. Let them produce the original records of their churches; let them, unfold ,the roll of their bishops, running down in due succession from the beginning in
  32. The leaves and after about 30 seconds to taste the tea. As the tea leaves, unfold ,(known as" The Agony of the Leaves" ) they give up various parts of
  33. Traditions accept rebirth there is no unified view about precisely how events, unfold ,after death. The Tibetan schools hold to the notion of a bard (intermediate
  34. Season 4,entitled" Clues ", Enterprise’s crew lose a day's memory. As events, unfold , Deanna is taken over by an entity in order to communicate with the crew. She
  35. Russians will not come to terms in time for the rest of the invasion plans to, unfold ,as scheduled. * August 20 – Armored forces under the command of Soviet General
  36. Provinces began" separating" from Qing control. Seeing a desperate situation, unfold , the Qing government brought an unwilling Yuan Shiva back to military power
  37. Tests with live video cameras. Michael Slater and Ravi Shasta witnessed it all, unfold , Muralitharan once again showed he could bowl all his deliveries including the
  38. Regulations for activities not addressed by the sharia. " The QAnon began to, unfold ,as early as Umar I (586-644 CE). Name "/NP"> Berg-TerrorLaw"/> Many of the
  39. By Private Mendoza and his father Lieutenant Mendoza to explain events that, unfold ,during the series. *2004: Bob Dylan mentions Clausewitz on pages 41 and 45 of
  40. Establishing official relations with Mexico and New Spain, continued to, unfold ,and advance. The Sekigahara Campaign (1598–1603) Hisashi, after three more
  41. 1 a: a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to, unfold ,part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief,or natural
  42. Participate in the process of peroxisome assembly. Proteins do not have to, unfold ,to be imported into the peroxisome. The protein receptors, the Perkins PEX5
  43. The range that cells tend to live in will cause thermally unstable proteins to, unfold ,or" denature" ( this is why boiling makes an egg white turn opaque). High
  44. Misplaced or one-sided, yet their influences are necessary for human freedom to, unfold , Sixteen of the schools have been affiliated with the United Nations' UNESCO
  45. Area is prominent for such events. Wide audiences turn up to see the events, unfold , Omani Bullfighting is however not a violent event. The origins of Bullfighting
  46. Their folding is not interrupted by interactions with other proteins or help to, unfold ,misfolded proteins, giving them a second chance to refold properly. This
  47. Around Laocoön's feet and painfully blinded him. The Trojans, watching this, unfold , assumed Laocoon was punished for The Trojans' mutilating and doubting Simon
  48. In, say,finalist). He argued that we must allow space for free will to, unfold ,in an autonomous and unpredictable fashion. While Kant saw free will as
  49. Dazzling scenes of color and splendor, ensembles full of life and character, unfold ,before the spectator's eyes, hardly allowing him the leisure to weigh how much
  50. Quite formally concentrated, and the important musical events of a movement can, unfold ,rather quickly. Haydn's work was central to the development of what came to be

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