Examples of the the word, intimate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intimate ), is the 5279 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Parton decided to return in 2002 with the Halos & Horns Tour, an 18-city, intimate , club tour to promote Halos & Horns (2002). House of Blues Entertainment, Inc.
  2. Forces. Loving Jesus: This is a term that TDI members use to describe their, intimate , sexual relationship with Jesus. TDI describes the" Loving Jesus" teachings
  3. S original ending. In 1988,a German adaptation of Clockwork Orange at the, intimate ,theater of Bad Goldberg featured a musical score by the German punk rock band
  4. Century. Vicar went on to devise a method of combining chalk and clay into an, intimate ,mixture, and,burning this, produced an" artificial cement" in 1817. James
  5. Theory Attachment theory, originally developed by John Bowlby, focuses on open, intimate , emotionally meaningful relationships. Attachment is described as a biological
  6. And love. All her novels were marked by clever observation and dialogue with an, intimate , explicit style. Her popular novel, Gigi,was made into a Broadway play and a
  7. Persecutions. Language During the third millennium BC, there developed a very, intimate ,cultural symbiosis between the Sumerians and the Akkadians, which included
  8. God by demonstrating his love to the world. Other purposes of marriage include, intimate ,companionship, rearing children and mutual support for both husband and wife to
  9. Anal intercourse is pleasurable, exciting,and perhaps considered more, intimate ,than vaginal sex ... ". McBride and her colleagues investigated the prevalence
  10. Good referred in the first part means the good in the hereafter. Khalil means, intimate ,friend. The door referred to here is the door to the mosque of Muhammad. When
  11. For Del Monte and his wealthy art-loving circle Caravaggio executed a number of, intimate ,chamber-pieces — The Musicians, The Lute Player, a tipsy Bacchus, an
  12. Region in Mesopotamia. During the 3rd millennium BC, there developed a very, intimate ,cultural symbiosis between the Sumerians and the Akkadians, which included
  13. Studios. Later years Over the decades, Bo Diddley's venues ranged from, intimate ,clubs to stadiums. On March 25, 1972,he played with The Grateful Dead at the
  14. At the start of his career, he won public attention by creating small, intimate ,modestly scaled works in unconventional media and with eccentric subject
  15. During his presidency of the United States in the early 19th century, had an, intimate ,relationship of 38 years with his mixed-race slave Sally Beings, in such an
  16. Benefit to Islam. Abu Bakr's brought many people to Islam. He persuaded his, intimate ,friends to convert to Islam. And presented Islam to others in such a way that
  17. They were not able to stand against Chaldean forces. There is a sense of an, intimate ,knowledge of the Babylonian brutality in 1:12-17. Overview The book of Habakkuk
  18. Focuses on the" life and times" of the writer, a memoir has a narrower, more, intimate , focus on his or her own memories, feelings and emotions. Memoirs have often
  19. And in the footsteps of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions, a more, intimate ,form of autobiography, exploring the subject's emotions, came into fashion. An
  20. Chekhov's work as a doctor, however,enriched his writing by bringing him into, intimate ,contact with all sections of Russian society: for example, he witnessed at
  21. And the production of sound, the clavichord has been referred to as the most, intimate ,of keyboard instruments. Despite its many (serious) limitations, including
  22. Journal, decoded and transcribed by Leslie Liner in 1958,does not provide an, intimate ,record of her personal life, but it is an invaluable source for understanding a
  23. To know that" Rosebud" was William Randolph Hearst's pet name for an, intimate ,part of Marion Davies' anatomy. " A resultant joke noted, with heavy innuendo
  24. Harder-edged, psychedelic bands in the modern jam band scene because of their, intimate ,live shows and extended improvisations. Out of these bands, fellow New Yorkers
  25. Such women include the idea that sexual intercourse without a condom is more, intimate ,; that sex without a condom is" uninterrupted" whereas sex with a condom takes
  26. S apartment, where Declared promises not to hunt Rachael. Later they share an, intimate ,moment; Rachael then tries to leave, but Declared forcibly compels her to kiss
  27. Hospital where Paul and Albert Krupp are temporarily stationed. He has an, intimate ,knowledge of the workings of the hospital. He also has a" shooting license,"
  28. Culture Language During the 3rd millennium BC, there developed a very, intimate ,cultural symbiosis between the Sumerians and the Akkadians, which included
  29. David ', a reference to the Biblical king David. Alcuin soon found himself on, intimate ,terms with Charlemagne and the other men at court, to whom he gave nicknames to
  30. For example, friends. Early adulthood The person must learn how to form, intimate ,relationships, both in friendship and love. The development of this skill
  31. A result, focus is shifting back to the mechanical engineering discipline, as, intimate , knowledge of the physical system being controlled is often desired. Electrical
  32. 19th century opera performances. *Francisco Tarred (1852–1909) of Spain. His, intimate ,salon-style music is both romantic in character and includes charming character
  33. With technical recording innovations; this allowed him to develop a laid-back, intimate ,singing style that influenced many of the popular male singers who followed him
  34. As in English, the Hebrew word for" love," halvah אהבה, is used to describe, intimate ,or romantic feelings or relationships, such as the love between parent and
  35. Culture, circa 6000 BC. During the 3rd millennium BC, there developed a very, intimate ,cultural symbiosis between the Sumerians and the Akkadians throughout
  36. Press, Canada Critical studies *Bringing, J M Dylan Thomas in America: an, intimate ,journal,1957 *Gil bar & Stewart Literary Santa Barbara 1998,pp. 248–252
  37. Guitar. In his compositions and arrangements, he draws inspiration from his, intimate ,knowledge of traditional Russian folk music and folk songs. Interpreting works
  38. Education. Acadia's average class has 26 students, which helps to maintain an, intimate ,learning environment for students. History In 1831 the Baptists founded Acadia
  39. As the wintertime campground. Across the bridge at Bowman Bay is the small and, intimate ,Bowman campground, with only 20 sites, only two of which have power and water.
  40. Users of electronic analog computers said that they offered a comparatively, intimate ,control and understanding of the problem, relative to digital simulations. The
  41. Her separation proceeding and filed for divorce. Bonds also had an extensive, intimate ,relationship with Kimberly Bell from 1994 through May 2003. Bonds purchased a
  42. Other things, that Sendai is" a friend of virtue, acquainted with virtue, intimate ,with virtue ", while the opposite is said of the aggressor, King Ajatasattu.
  43. Light shows, slightly tongue-in-cheek and eclectic songwriting, and the, intimate ,atmosphere of their live performances. Moe. Also frequently covers Blue Oyster
  44. More in the overtones (but without starved fundamental),giving a bright, intimate ,tone. *Later in Spain a style of music emerged (Spanish) that favored a
  45. Painter, though to the painter too it is as a blazing torch. " Diderot's most, intimate ,friend was the philologist Friedrich Melchior Grimm. They were brought together
  46. Their sisters in Christ. These religious also struggled for a deeply personal, intimate ,relationship with God. When the Order reached England, many of these attributes
  47. Architect and engineer between 1502 and 1503. Cesare and Leonardo became, intimate ,instantaneously — Cesare provided Leonardo with an unlimited pass to inspect
  48. In the 1960s in which the use of portable camera and sound equipment allowed an, intimate ,relationship between filmmaker and subject. The line blurs between documentary
  49. The endpoint of the vibrating string, and thus its pitch. Because of this, intimate ,contact between the player's hand and the production of sound, the clavichord
  50. Capuchin. He had already become famous for zeal and eloquence, and was the, intimate ,friend of the Spaniard Juan de Valdés, of Pietro Bimbo, Vittoria Colonia

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