Examples of the the word, exploitation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exploitation ), is the 5283 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In fact the remote execution of arbitrary code is possible. Practicalities of, exploitation ,In real-world exploits there are a variety of challenges which need to be
  2. Vulnerabilities are usually discovered through the use of a buzzer. Heap-based, exploitation ,A buffer overflow occurring in the heap data area is referred to as a heap
  3. The monitor would be referred to as the kernel. The earliest documented hostile, exploitation ,of a buffer overflow was in 1988. It was one of several exploits used by the
  4. Vary per architecture, operating system and memory region. For example, exploitation ,on the heap (used for dynamically allocated memory),is very different from
  5. Warhol-branded cinema towards more mainstream, narrative-based,B-movie, exploitation ,fare with Flesh, Trash,and Heat. All of these films, including the later Andy
  6. Crime!," was a devastating satire of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster's notorious, exploitation ,by DC Comics over Superman. It was later reprinted in The World of Li'l Abner (
  7. And culture. With resources to spare, the administration sponsored mineral, exploitation ,of the valley and surrounding desert regions, the early development of an
  8. By the pressure of natural selection. This then allowed for the more efficient, exploitation ,of the hotter conditions ecological niche, rather than the hotter conditions
  9. From copper. By the 8th–7th century BC Assyrian cuneiform tablets mention the, exploitation ,of the" copper of the mountains" and this may refer to" natural" brass.
  10. Preserve these areas in a manner compatible with both conservation and economic, exploitation , many of the most representative ecosystems have been given protected status.
  11. An economic policy of planned liberalism, prioritising cash crops and petroleum, exploitation , The government used oil money to create a national cash reserve, pay farmers
  12. A competitive presidential election. He won a second term five years later. Oil, exploitation ,began in Chad in 2003,bringing with it hopes that Chad would at last have some
  13. Counter-revolutionary wars and various forms of economic and cultural, exploitation ,; repression of workers and trade unionists; social alienation; economic
  14. Ichthyology, but devoted much time to the investigation, superintendence and, exploitation ,of mines. E. J. Hubert, a friend of Agassiz's brother-in-law, Quincy Adams
  15. This situation changed dramatically during the 20th century. Wary of foreign, exploitation ,of the nation's resources, Brazilian governments in the 1940s set out to
  16. Are exclusive statutory rights to exercise control over copying and other, exploitation ,of the works for a specific period of time. The copyright owner is given two
  17. Like. Not one of them comes from the moneyed class, and yet the same system of, exploitation ,was set up, but in a more naked manner. Instead of seducing a woman's love
  18. Playing important roles in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. The, exploitation ,of renewable resources have raised concerns in recent years. After decades of
  19. The Balkans. They left behind a region largely ruined as a result of wartime, exploitation , but by making use of the post-war separation of Germany into two independent
  20. Compilers had improved in performance, but there were still barriers to full, exploitation ,of Ada's abilities, including a tasking model that was different from what
  21. By their early development of the watermill, a device which pointed to further, exploitation ,on a large scale under the Romans. They developed surveying and mathematics to
  22. On the heap (used for dynamically allocated memory),is very different from, exploitation ,on the call stack. Stack-based exploitation A technically inclined and
  23. That" socialization" was desirable only when was necessary to" eliminate, exploitation ,and other anti-social features. " In practice the socialist objective was a
  24. Movement of" defusing the Western class war by shifting alienation and, exploitation ,to developing-country sweatshops. " He later goes on to claim that the
  25. Public spaces, such as schools, which some critics argue is a form of child, exploitation , In addition, advertising frequently uses psychological pressure (for example
  26. It, Marx focused on the labor theory of value and what he considered to be the, exploitation ,of labor by capital. The labor theory of value held that the value of a thing
  27. More difficult, but not impossible. It also forces the attacker to tailor the, exploitation ,attempt to the individual system, which foils the attempts of internet worms. A
  28. Have the exclusive statutory right to exercise control over copying and other, exploitation ,of the works for a specific period of time, after which the work is said to
  29. Political Economy. Carson incorporates the idea into his thesis that the, exploitation ,of labor is only possible due to state intervention, however,he argues that
  30. Weeks to collect rubber in the forest, and went as far as comparing their, exploitation ,to slavery. The book had important influence on anti-colonialism movements in
  31. Century, oil for lamps was obtained from hand-dug surface wells. Commercial, exploitation ,began in 1872,and by the beginning of the 20th century the Baku oil fields
  32. In proportion to how much labor they exerted and that if they were not then, exploitation ,or" usury" was taking place. As he explains in State Socialism and Anarchism
  33. Other scholarly theories have been proposed that suggest wading and the, exploitation ,of aquatic food sources (providing essential nutrients for human brain
  34. What currency counted as legitimate. He saw interest and profit as a form of, exploitation ,made possible by the banking monopoly, which was in turn maintained through
  35. Which occurs before it is read or executed, may lead to the failure of an, exploitation ,attempt. These manipulations can mitigate the threat of exploitation , but may
  36. It depends on cross-section dimension of elements and conditions of structure, exploitation , During this period concrete needs to be kept under controlled temperature and
  37. The success of the venture called attention to the opportunities for economic, exploitation ,of the Amazon, and a second company soon opened commerce on the Madeira, Purus
  38. Virtual memory addresses at which functions and variables can be found can make, exploitation ,of a buffer overflow more difficult, but not impossible. It also forces the
  39. By the state. No legal framework was available to protect the laborers, so, exploitation , by the companies was rife. Engels made more frequent use of the term capitalism
  40. Tourism and construction recently assuming greater importance. In 2006,the, exploitation ,of a newly discovered crude oil field near the town of Spanish Lookout has
  41. View that the landed interests should use their power to protect the poor from, exploitation ,by middle-class businessmen. During the twenty years between the Corn Laws and
  42. In a register technique The" jump to register" technique allows for reliable, exploitation ,of stack buffer overflows without the need for extra room for a Nosed and
  43. The severity of the vulnerability increases considerably. This is because, exploitation ,will work reliably enough to automate an attack with a virtual guarantee of
  44. The National Basketball League, was formed in 1898 to protect players from, exploitation ,and to promote a less rough game. This league only lasted five years. Dr. James
  45. Northward by almost one-third and acquired valuable nitrate deposits,the, exploitation ,of which led to an era of national affluence. In the 1870s,the church
  46. Of an exploitation attempt. These manipulations can mitigate the threat of, exploitation , but may not make it impossible. Manipulations could include conversion to
  47. JPEGs is an example of the danger a heap overflow can present. Barriers to, exploitation ,Manipulation of the buffer, which occurs before it is read or executed, may
  48. Were actually free of the need to work) rested less than it would have on the, exploitation ,of their less well-off fellow citizens. Working for wages was clearly regarded
  49. On rivers and lack of rail connections are serious hindrances to commercial, exploitation , Most timber is shipped down the Ubangi and Zaire rivers and then on the Congo
  50. Memory),is very different from exploitation on the call stack. Stack-based, exploitation ,A technically inclined and malicious user may exploit stack-based buffer

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