Examples of the the word, formally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( formally ), is the 5278 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The form of a practical method of physical discovery (which he did not name or, formally ,describe). Use in specific fields Chemistry The field of chemistry uses
  2. From the top" and going" down to the bottom ", an idea that is described more, formally ,by flow of control. So far, this discussion of the formalization of an
  3. Agreed to study the proposed change. The new definition is expected to be, formally ,proposed at the 25th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) in
  4. Reals, sometimes it means" all reals but a set of Lebesgue measure zero" (, formally , almost everywhere). In this sense almost all reals are not a member of the
  5. 2006,Uzbekistan became a full participant in the CST and its membership was, formally ,ratified by its parliament on 28 March 2008. Furthermore, the CST is an
  6. Around the world. * August 20, 1991,Estonia regains its independence, formally ,leaving the Soviet Union which had annexed it back in World War II. * August 21
  7. Set of axioms is any collection of formally stated assertions from which other, formally ,stated assertions follow by the application of certain well-defined rules. In
  8. Earth by potential impact. Generally, to allocate in law means" to speak out, formally , " In the field of apologetics, allocution is generally done in defense of a
  9. Acts),primarily through activity based in St. Status, before the French, formally ,entered the war. The British considered this trade to include contraband
  10. They felt a programming language should satisfy. Many existing languages were, formally ,reviewed, but the team concluded in 1977 that no existing language met the
  11. He briefly became a communist, or more precisely, a fellow traveler (he never, formally ,joined the Communist Party). As a distinguished writer sympathizing with the
  12. Finitely many" ( formally , a cofinite set) or" all but a countable set" (, formally , a cocountable set); see almost. A simple example is that almost all prime
  13. A month after Rutherford's paper appeared, Antonius van den Broke first, formally ,suggested that the central charge and number of electrons in an atom was
  14. Britain is also establishing an Australian counterpart in Adelaide which will, formally ,open in 2009. Research In addition to the universities, there are a number of
  15. Power. It took several years to determine the exact framework by which a, formally ,republican state could be led by a sole ruler; the result became known as the
  16. Practice. Following the passing of the 1604 Canons, all Anglican clergy had to, formally ,subscribe to the Articles. Today, however,the articles are no longer binding
  17. Perspective): Communist forces gain control of Saigon. The Vietnam War, formally ,ends with the unconditional surrender of South Vietnamese president Dong Van
  18. The parishes in the newly independent country found it necessary to break, formally ,from a church whose Supreme Governor was (and remains) the British monarch.
  19. Of efforts by international and governmental bodies to define antisemitism, formally , The U. S. Department of State defines antisemitism in its 2005 Report on
  20. Standards and opposed alcohol, dancing,and slavery. As an adult, Thomas never, formally ,joined a church. Thomas enjoyed considerable status in Kentucky — where he sat
  21. Candidate for accession to the European Union since January 2003,and it, formally ,applied for EU membership on 28 April 2009. Albania has the distinction of
  22. 11:25.39,and being the first woman to set a Pikes Peak record. In 1986,Audi, formally ,left international rally racing following an accident in Portugal involving
  23. Executive and the legislature. Executive branch The power of the executive is, formally ,vested The governor and the lieutenant governor are elected on the same ticket
  24. When he first moved to New Salem; by 1835,they were in a relationship but not, formally ,engaged. She died, however,on August 25,most likely of typhoid fever. In the
  25. And Squealer adapt Old Major's ideas into an actual philosophy, which they, formally ,name Animalism. Soon after, Napoleon and Squealer indulge in the vices of
  26. Poison, former MLB player currently a free agent The Articles of Confederation, formally ,the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, was an agreement among the
  27. Where the same body act as both local government and school board are, formally ,referred to as" counties" in Alberta. As Canada's head of state, Queen
  28. Believed by some to be the trophy of the Ashes series, but it has never been, formally ,adopted as such and Bligh always considered it to be a personal gift. Replicas
  29. Minister of Defense of ADR was Dr. Horror bey Sultan. When the Ministry was, formally ,established Gen. Smedley Mehmandarov became the minister, and then Lt-Gen.
  30. Orthodox Church requested that he to be excommunicated. As such Markov was, formally ,excommunicated from the Church. Angst is an English, German,Danish, Norwegian
  31. Victorious over French and Bavarian troops. *1792 – King Louis XVI of France is, formally ,arrested by the National Tribunal, and declared an enemy of the people. *1806 –
  32. Of Algeria (Al Jumhuriyah all Maharajah ad Dimuqratiyah ash Shariah),also, formally ,referred to as the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria, is a country in
  33. Alleged date, time,and place of offense; and, # The accused person is asked, formally ,how he or she pleads. Video arraignment Guilty and not-guilty pleas If the
  34. Apply, except as follows. *The past tense singular endings written, formally ,as -TU -ta -ti are pronounced -t -t -ti. But masculine is pronounced in full.
  35. twenty-four rituals which they recorded in the 'holy' or partially holy book, formally ,entitled Opus Lutetium. Around eight months later Newburgh had a nervous
  36. Have traveled from South America. * 1947 – The Bombay Municipal Corporation, formally ,takes over the Bombay Electric Supply and Transport (BEST). *1955 – Tokyo
  37. With the United States in 1782,and was the second country (after France) to, formally ,recognize the United States. Southern theater During the first three years of
  38. Then we say that" P (n) holds for almost all positive integers n" (, formally , asymptotically almost surely) and write: (\ formally \nifty n) P (n). For
  39. Drafted by the Continental Congress in 1776-77,went into use in 1777 and was, formally ,ratified by all 13 states in 1781. The Articles gave legitimacy to the
  40. Almost all" is sometimes used synonymously with" all but finitely many" (, formally , a cofinite set) or" all but a countable set" ( formally , a cocountable set
  41. Tetrapod groups, undoubtedly were“ amphibians” in biology, that are, formally ,placed in Amphibian in Linnaeus taxonomy, but not in cladistic taxonomy. All
  42. Development. In the modern understanding, a set of axioms is any collection of, formally ,stated assertions from which other formally stated assertions follow by the
  43. The proceeding or appearing to do so, juror misconduct, etc. The failure to, formally ,object at the time, to what one views as improper action in the lower court
  44. Social theorist since Foucault and Lévi-Strauss is Pierre Bourdieu, who trained, formally ,in philosophy and sociology and eventually held the Chair of Sociology at the
  45. Church can trace its roots back to the 3rd and 4th centuries. The country, formally ,adopted the Christian faith in 301 A. D. Over 90 % of Armenians belong to the
  46. The axiom of choice was often used implicitly, although it had not yet been, formally ,stated. For example, after having established that the set X contains only
  47. Since the very beginning of the war. So too had the Dutch Republic, which was, formally ,brought into the war at the end of 1780. Punish the Americans In London King
  48. As a seven-bit teleprinter code promoted by Bell data services. Work on ASCII, formally ,began on October 6,1960,with the first meeting of the American Standards
  49. Austrians, Russians,and Prussians at the Battle of Dresden. *1828 – Uruguay is, formally ,proclaimed independent at preliminary peace talks brokered by Great Britain
  50. Of their reign alongside their regnal years. Long unused, this practice was not, formally ,abolished until Novel XCIV of the law code of Leo VI did so in 888. Another

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