Examples of the the word, tutor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tutor ), is the 4816 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That continued for many years. Not long thereafter, the poet Vasily Zhukov sky, tutor ,to Alexander II, met Friedrich in 1821 and found in him a kindred spirit. For
  2. The newly opened St Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1725. Later on, he was a, tutor ,to the later Tsar Peter II in 1728. In 1742, he entered the Russian Ministry of
  3. Possible. For instance, in 51,Agrippina ordered the execution of Britannic us ’, tutor ,Sirius because he had confronted her and was outraged by Claudius’ adoption
  4. From it all the advantages that I might have done. " The second was an Oxford, tutor ,from whom Babbage learned enough of the Classics to be accepted to Cambridge.
  5. Barry's mother dismisses the Reverend, partly because they no longer need a, tutor ,and partly for fear that his influence is making Lady Lyndon worse. Plunging
  6. Of Sciences. In August 1833 Cauchy left Turin for Prague, to become the science, tutor ,of the thirteen-year-old Duke of Bordeaux Henri d'Artist (1820–1883),the
  7. In 1766,Henry Scott's younger brother died in Paris, and Smith's tour as a, tutor ,ended shortly thereafter. There he befriended Henry Moves, a young blind man
  8. Hermits' death, Aristotle was invited by Philip II of Macedon to become the, tutor ,to his son Alexander the Great in 343 BC. Aristotle was appointed as the head
  9. Solace in religion, assisted by the Reverend Samuel Runt (Murray Melvin), tutor , first to Lord Bullingdon and then to Bryan. However,Barry's mother dismisses
  10. Octavia and Agrippina arranged to have Seneca the Younger return from exile to, tutor ,the future emperor. Claudius chose to adopt Nero because of his Julian and
  11. Before he learned Swedish. When Linnaeus was seven, Nils decided to hire a, tutor ,for him. The parents picked Johan Te lander, a son of a local yeoman. Linnaeus
  12. Pagan temple at Alexandria (389),fled to Constantinople, where he became the, tutor ,of the ecclesiastical historian Socrates. But it seems more probable than the
  13. That Mister Cauchy started his career in the sewers of Paris. His role as, tutor ,lasted until the Duke became eighteen years old, in September 1838. Cauchy did
  14. Tyrants under the Roman Empire * Alliance Mencius, ancient Greek physician, tutor ,of Galen * Tiberius Plautus Silva nus Alliance, adopted nephew of Plastic
  15. The church, she deliberately excluded the grandson of Botanists and his loyal, tutor , met with Alexios and Isaac and fled for the forum of Constantine. She refused
  16. A. Bogatyryov, creator of the opera In Poles ye Virgin Forest, served as the ", tutor ," of Belarusian composers. The National Academic Theatre of Ballet, in Minsk
  17. Harvard. " At university level in BRE, each module is taught by a lecturer or, tutor ,; professor is the job-title of a senior academic. In AME each class is
  18. The Department of Justice as an officer and by Prince Rudolf's family as his, tutor , Through his work in Vienna, he was given leave of absence for half the year in
  19. Income. It has sometimes been theorized that Marlowe was the" Morley" who was, tutor ,to Arabella Stuart in 1589. This possibility was first raised in a TLS letter by
  20. In Britain. In 1943, he married Evelyn Edith Graves (born 1915),a nurse, tutor ,at Middlesex Hospital, with whom he was to have two children. Demobilized as a
  21. Process of tandem running. The follower obtains knowledge through its leading, tutor , Both leader and follower are acutely sensitive to the progress of their
  22. Moral Science Tripos studying philosophy, but with approval from his personal, tutor ,he switched to English literature, which was not then a part of the curriculum
  23. Timelines- later prefect of the guard under Nero (Did) Seneca -Nero’s, tutor ,(Did. TAC) Claudius -her uncle before their marriage (TAC. Suet. Did
  24. To Linnaeus, he should bring Kohlberg to the Dutch Republic and continue to, tutor ,him there for an annual salary. At that time, the Dutch Republic was one of the
  25. His studies to part-time. To earn money, he also took odd jobs: as private, tutor , car parts clerk and assistant at the Meteorological Institute. He completed
  26. 1204,Andrew took over the government of the kingdom as his nephew's, tutor ,and he also seized the money his brother had deposited on behalf of the child
  27. A scholarship to the University of Cambridge (Trinity College) in 1902. His, tutor ,at Cambridge was the distinguished mathematician R. A. Herman and in 1904
  28. He uses a version of the founding of Rome identical to that of Livy, his, tutor , in adolescence. The detail of his speech borders on the pedantic, a common mark
  29. A position for Bran well with her employers: he was to take over from her as, tutor ,to the Robinson's' son, Edmund,the only boy in the family, who was growing too
  30. His family took some notice of his scholarly interests. In 7,Livy was hired to, tutor ,him in history, with the assistance of Suspicious Flatus. He spent a lot of his
  31. The period with an MA and not otherwise occupied. If Marlowe was Arbella's, tutor , (and some biographers think that the" Morley" in question may have been a
  32. Associate, Allan Bennett, to live with him, and Bennett became his personal, tutor , teaching him more about ceremonial magic and the ritual usage of drugs.
  33. With his first class numbering 30 students. While he was working as a private, tutor , one of his most famous pupils was Helen Keller, who came to him as a young
  34. Offer from Charles Townshend—who had been introduced to Smith by David Hume—to, tutor ,his stepson, Henry Scott, the young Duke of Unclench. Smith then resigned from
  35. In June, Linnaeus moved from Celsius' house to Rudbeck's to become the, tutor ,of the three youngest of his 24 children. His friendship with Celsius did not
  36. mother's worst persecutor. From the ages of 6 to 9,Alexei was educated by his, tutor ,Vyazemsky, but after the removal of his mother by Peter the Great to the Sunday
  37. He committed suicide on their wedding day. 4. Sirius Britannic us ’, tutor ,executed for plotting against Nero 5. Calpurnia banished (TAC. )
  38. With Seneca the Younger. Seneca was later called back from exile to be a, tutor ,to Nero. When Agrippina returned from exile, Messalina realized that
  39. In contrast with" private" education,i.e. to be educated privately with a, tutor , Speakers in both the United States and the United Kingdom use several
  40. In time, the letters I and J were more-or-less interchangeable). Walter Quin, tutor ,to the future Charles I, worked hard on multilingual anagrams on the name of
  41. i.e. John Dub, died in hoc Anna. * 1536. Thomas O'hugging,i.e. the, tutor ,of the men of Erin and Alba in poetry, died this year. The chieftains of Lower
  42. Of the 1st century * Alexander of Coliseum,2nd century Greek grammarian and, tutor ,of Marcus Aurelius * Alexander Numerous, or Alexander son of Numerous,2nd
  43. Egypt and Sudan. As a boy he visited the United Kingdom, and he had a British, tutor ,for some time in Cairo. He then went to school in Lausanne, and from there
  44. Education When Alexander was thirteen years old, Philip began to search for a, tutor , Many people were passed over including Socrates and Speusippus, the latter of
  45. Enemy. Ptolemy, advised by his regent, the eunuch Nothings, and his rhetoric, tutor ,Herodotus of Chaos, did not take into account that Caesar was granting amnesty
  46. Notes and Queries, John Baker has added that only Marlowe could be Arbella's, tutor ,due to the absence of any other known" Morley" from the period with an MA and
  47. Tavern he studied privately with William T. Kirkpatrick, his father's old, tutor ,and former headmaster of Urban College. As a teenager, he was wonder struck by
  48. Was an atheist and consented to his wife's affair with their children's, tutor , the biologist Douglas Spalding. Both were early advocates of birth control at
  49. Also called John Akin (1713–1780),was a Unitarian scholar and theological, tutor , closely associated with Warrington Academy. His sister was Lucy Akin (
  50. e. The Wednesday after Whitsuntide. * 1502. Dominant, son of Brian O'hugging, tutor ,of the schools of Erin in poetry, died in hoc Anna. * 1503. The defeat of

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