Examples of the the word, advancement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( advancement ), is the 4818 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Night without having produced some design. Whatever was likely to forward his, advancement ,in sculpture he studied with ardor. On archaeological pursuits he bestowed
  2. Operator at a salary of $4.00 per week. At age 18,the youth began a rapid, advancement ,through the company, becoming the superintendent of the Pittsburgh Division.
  3. Kaddishes scale classifies civilizations based on their level of technological, advancement , specifically measured by the amount of energy a civilization is able to
  4. Of (as in start) tends to be raised. As with Canadian raising, the relative, advancement ,of the raised nucleus is a regional indicator. A striking feature of Atlantic
  5. Due to the use of these biological weapons, and the apparent lack of medical, advancement ,necessary to defend surrounding regions from them, widespread epidemics such as
  6. For hide, horns and meat by the local peoples and loss of habitat due to the, advancement ,of settlement. Currently, hunting is the more serious factor in most areas.
  7. To sow the seeds of conflict in order to promote technological and cultural, advancement , The gradual discovery of the scheme and the rebellion against it, serve as the
  8. Misery. Because of 'the penal laws ', Catholics had no hope of social, advancement ,while they remained in their native land. Some, like William Brown (admiral)
  9. And conservatism. For centuries, opportunity for economic and social, advancement ,in China could be provided by high performance on Imperial examinations. The
  10. The capital for purposes of public interest and social and educational, advancement , He was a powerful supporter of the movement for spelling reform as a means of
  11. Protocol resources; develops consensus-based policies; and facilitates the, advancement ,of the Internet through information and educational outreach. These services
  12. Restricted to apply only to societies that have attained a particular level of, advancement , especially the founding of cities, with the word" city" defined in various
  13. Gnomon in Greece. He created a map of the world that contributed greatly to the, advancement ,of geography. He was also involved in the politics of Miles and was sent as a
  14. Field of study that gained a significant attention during 20th century with the, advancement ,in technology. It can be broadly defined as practical application of control
  15. Spiritual development in the physical world becomes a basis for judgment and, advancement ,in the spiritual world. Heaven and Hell are taught to be spiritual states of
  16. Surface is expanded symmetrically about its advancement axis, with the, advancement ,rate set by some nominal volume attributed to each event, representative of the
  17. Enormous sums in this manner to win the popular favor with a view to official, advancement , Under the empire In 44 BC Julius Caesar added two plebeian exiles, called
  18. Anatole France, clearly seems to me to be hostile to any intellectual or moral, advancement , I loathe it, for it is made up of mediocrity, hate,and dull conceit. It is
  19. Reactants and products in a chemical reaction, which was a crucial step in the, advancement ,of chemistry. He showed that, although matter can change its state in a
  20. The decline in Braille usage, including school budget constraints, technology, advancement , and different philosophical views over how blind children should be educated.
  21. Named Heyday. As said by the officer in the story," In this age of Realign, advancement , who knows what goes on in the mind of those responsible for these mechanical
  22. This play must also be charged with an error. This rule also clarified that, advancement ,of another base (s) beyond the one being stolen is not credited as a stolen
  23. Of History" ) is founded in Madrid. *1775 – American Revolution: The British, advancement ,by sea begins; Paul Revere and other riders warn the countryside of the troop
  24. Large-scale DNA sequencing. Bioinformatics now entails the creation and, advancement ,of databases, algorithms,computational and statistical techniques and theory
  25. Of him, the said Charles Stuart, have been, and are carried on for the, advancement ,and upholding of a personal interest of will, power,and pretended prerogative
  26. Placed three-dimensional space. Typically, the sweep takes the simple form of an, advancement ,of the surface, such that the surface is expanded symmetrically about
  27. Father, Increase Mather. “ Intercession had been made by Cotton Mather for the, advancement ,of William Stoughton, a man of cold affections, proud,self-willed and covetous
  28. Ease of use, features and expandability the Apple II was a major technological, advancement ,over its predecessor, the Apple I, a limited-production bare circuit board
  29. For forms of global integration that better provide democratic representation, advancement ,of human rights, fair trade and sustainable development and therefore feel the
  30. Scientists are now that the attempted proof is neither correct nor a significant, advancement ,in our understanding of the problem. Logical characterizations The P NP problem
  31. Form or another and will remain so even in a far-future rich with technological, advancement , Many of Earth's contemporary religions are shown to still be in existence
  32. With Russian language proficiency required in many aspects of life and for, advancement ,in the Soviet system. Recent events On November 26, 1990 the Supreme Council of
  33. With the reading public, the continued production of useful literature, and the, advancement ,and spread of education. To encourage" learned men to compose and write useful
  34. Of cities, with the word" city" defined in various ways. The level of, advancement ,of a civilization is often measured by its progress in agriculture
  35. Consequently, we introduce an explicit variable to represent the degree of, advancement ,of a process, a progress variable ξ for the extent of reaction (Pristine &
  36. Legacies to family members – would go to create a foundation dedicated to the ", advancement ,of the visual arts ". Warhol had so many possessions that it took Sotheby's
  37. The Scientific Revolution; science and technology began a cycle of mutual, advancement , The Scientific Renaissance was the early phase of the Scientific Revolution.
  38. But overwork and poverty took their toll (Grand did not receive the career, advancement ,that he had been promised),and his wife Jeanne left him. He tried but failed
  39. Relations, social contacts, work options, economic independence, educational, advancement , and cultural enrichment. " Therefore, under Title II no person with a
  40. The surface, such that the surface is expanded symmetrically about its, advancement ,axis, with the advancement rate set by some nominal volume attributed to each
  41. Control education. From here onwards there are several sub-branches. Recent, advancement ,Originally, control engineering was all about continuous systems. Development
  42. The nationalization of U. S. interests in Chile's major copper mines,the, advancement ,of workers' rights, implementation of land reform, reorganization of the
  43. Of advances in more environmentally friendly technologies, including insulation, advancement , geothermal cooling, and the En wave deep lake system in Toronto that cools a
  44. Entertainment of the public through the production, presentation,exhibition, advancement ,or preservation of art, music,theater, dance,zoology, botany,natural history
  45. Although the earl was amply compensated he despaired of any possibility of, advancement ,under Richard. Lancastrian Henry Tudor was unfamiliar with the arts of war and
  46. Same play, and that an error is charged to the fielder who permitted the extra, advancement , There was clarification that a runner is credited with a steal if the attempt
  47. Battle by feudal and social obligation, and also by the prospect of profit and, advancement , Those who performed well were likely to increase their landholdings and
  48. In real-time as it is possible for CGI films and animation. With the rapid, advancement ,of real-time rendering quality, artists began to use game engines to render
  49. With a disability. This applies to job application procedures, hiring, advancement , and discharge of employees, workers ' compensation, job training, and other
  50. In 1903 for" recognition of the extraordinary services ... rendered to the, advancement ,of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation ". As defined by

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