Examples of the the word, trickle , in a Sentence Context
The word ( trickle ), is the 12595 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Effect of radio on record sales reduced the output of jug band music to a, trickle , The last sides by Cannon and The Memphis Jug Band were from 1930 and 1934
- Gulf War, which began in August 1990,brought transatlantic air traffic to a, trickle , and on October 23, 1990,Pan Am sold its profitable London Heathrow routes
- Helped build Mexico into an industrial and mining power, but the wealth did not, trickle ,down to the masses who remained in abject poverty. Much of the nation's
- Began blockading New England ports, reducing American foreign trade to a, trickle , but hurting British interests in the West Indies and Canada that had depended on
- River flows through the entire length of the township. Most of the year it is a, trickle ,but can be heavy at times. In the past it would occasionally overflow its banks
- Passengers travelled through the airport, though that number dwindled to a, trickle ,in the 1990s. Following renewed growth in 2000,the number of passengers
- Excessive. Now protected, the beaver have transformed Alhambra Creek from a, trickle ,into multiple dams and beaver ponds, which in turn, led to the return of
- The praise showered on the Round Lake environment by them helped bring a slow, trickle ,of nonagricultural residential growth to the village. With post–World War II
- To compel Waterbury to release more water into the river, which slowed to a, trickle ,during summer months, impeding important ecological functions
- Cabin essence "," Cool, Cool Water ", and " Surf's Up"—continued to, trickle ,out. Many were assembled by Carl Wilson over the next few years and included on
- Economy worsened in the 1990s,the flood of new OVA titles diminished to a, trickle , Production of OVAs continued, but in smaller numbers. Much anime TV series ran
- Court when the ball is very close to the side wall. Has the same effect as the, trickle ,boast but is more deceptive because of its difficulty. * Skid boast: The ball
- Black-owned business ventures, were allowed to fade into oblivion. First a, trickle ,and then a flood of players signed with Major League Baseball teams. Most
- To this category of irrigation methods. Drip irrigation, also known as, trickle ,irrigation, functions as its name suggests. In this system water falls drop by
- Fans or other mechanical systems. It can be achieved with operable windows or, trickle ,vents when the spaces to ventilate are small and the architecture permits. In
- Bailing out after the Philadelphia and Jacksonville free-ticket scandals,a, trickle ,that became a flood after two teams moved in the middle of the season and two
- River runs westward through the city of Phoenix; the riverbed is often dry or a, trickle ,due to large irrigation diversions, except after the area's infrequent
- Failed to equitably share the wealth and the benefits of growth have failed to, trickle ,down to improve economic conditions for the broader population, especially with
- In the aftermath of the Second World War, immigration from Ireland slowed to a, trickle , In addition, native born Irish-Argentines assimilated into the local community
- For use in cleaning. Water used for drinking and cooking was allowed to, trickle ,through alternate layers of sand and charcoal to remove the impurities.
- Of the water coming over the American Falls froze, though there was still a, trickle ,and the falls ran at the other two sites. In 1941 the Niagara Falls Bridge
- Upcountry trade. The Depression of 1929 dried profits from the Americas to a, trickle , and India became 'the one bright spot' in an otherwise dismal picture. Bombay
- Would be widened and paved. During the dry season the water level drops to a, trickle ,; hence its nickname, the East Dry River. ) Port of Spain was now able to
- Prevent rivers from overflowing during the spring and summer while drying to a, trickle ,in the autumn and winter. As a result, many large dams, including Shasta Dam
- Worth A Dam" ) formed. The beaver have transformed Alhambra Creek from a, trickle ,into multiple dams and beaver ponds, which in turn, led to the return of
- Stopped in Oregon; emigrants trailing up from California, etc. All provided a, trickle ,of emigrants, but they were soon overwhelmed in numbers by the emigrants coming
- Rather late in that time period. Over 11,000 cars were built, slowing to a, trickle ,of but a few dozen a year towards the end as Tatars began to seem more and more
- Freedoms attributed to the Germans in other areas. The settlement started as a, trickle ,shortly after 1800. A surge occurred after the first Polish rebellion of 1831
- Played at Carnegie Hall, when Johnny Barfield recorded" Boogie Boogie. " The, trickle ,of what was initially called hillbilly boogie, or one boogie (later to be
- Investment climate has caused foreign investment inflows to dwindle to a, trickle , It is believed that Uzbekistan has the lowest level of FDI per capita in the
- 9 countries abolish, but it was the fall of Communism in 1989 which turned the, trickle ,into a torrent - no fewer than 34 countries abolished in the 1990’s, the
- His body. There are 2 individuals in the middle of the piece who only seem to, trickle ,water, while all the others produce a waterfall of water (Sal 2008). Viola
- Domestically, Reagan attempted to bring in a package of privatization and, trickle ,down economics to stimulate the economy. Canada's Brian Mulroney ran on a
- In March 1848,ice blockage caused the falls to stop; no water (or at best a, trickle ,) fell for as much as 40 hours. Waterwheels stopped, mills and factories simply
- The wider context of crusading. Even before the Crusades, there was a steady, trickle ,of soldiers arriving from elsewhere in Europe to participate in the Reconquista
- States in 1848 was followed by the discovery of gold in the Sierra Nevada,the, trickle ,of immigrants from the eastern states became frequent. As many of the original
- Easier to install cards. Apple's computers also supplied an always-on +5 V ", trickle ," power supply for tasks such as watching the phone line while the computer was
- Information about programs prior to that time are still classified, and a small, trickle ,of information is available on subsequent missions. A few up-to-date
- New organizations and promising, but untested, weapons were just beginning to, trickle ,into operational units. Despite the Axis failure to achieve Barbarossa's
- Trees are not at all delicate about the water quality and thrive on the merest, trickle ,of water, whatever the quality. In India, it is very common to see need trees
- 101 bypassed Causality entirely, in-town traffic was quickly reduced to a, trickle , Car ferry service ended in March 1941 (passenger ferry service, however
- Fibre (Easy) in 2010. The lower cost of bandwidth has already started to, trickle ,down to lower consumer prices in some service segments, while others have
- Its main flow has ended at Stoke Newington reservoirs, though a slow ornamental, trickle ,flows past the West Reservoir to go underground for a stretch on Green Lanes
- Perhaps due to its darker, more abrasive sound. However, word of mouth kept the, trickle ,of sales going, and eventually the record achieved cult status. On hiatus (
- During the time of the original trilogy (1977–1983) but slowed to a, trickle ,afterwards. In 1992,however, Timothy Zahn's Thrown trilogy debuted, sparking
- And Swiss groups took their name from Men no Simon's who led the Dutch group. A, trickle ,of Dutch Mennonites began the migration to America in 1683,followed by a much
- As to the music. After years of amateur tape recordings made at filings,a, trickle ,of studio-produced albums and tapes began to arrive in the 1970s. These
- Closed. The national fertility rate fell and immigration was reduced to a, trickle , The value of South Australia's exports nearly halved. Drought and poor
- Land. The village's principle watercourse is Mill Creek, an oft-insubstantial, trickle ,which, nevertheless,was significant in the town's industrial development. A
- Operation, the outflow of fresh water into the Pacific has been reduced to a, trickle ,leaving the fish confused as to where to go, resulting in many generations
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