Examples of the the word, confidently , in a Sentence Context
The word ( confidently ), is the 12614 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Events. These occurred in and respectively. The earliest known macro fossil, confidently ,identified as an angiosperm, Archaefructus liaoningensis, is dated to about 125
- Based on information derived from the interrogations of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, confidently ,asserts that it was, in fact, the Capitol Building that was targeted.
- And reliable enough to detect the presence of X (when X is present) one can, confidently ,exclude the possibility that X may be both undetected and present. This allows
- And shoal rocks. Of 300 named places outside China, more than 80 % can be, confidently ,located. There are also fifty observations of stellar altitude. Size of the
- Training. General Paul Hawkins, the commander of U. S. forces in South Vietnam, confidently ,predicted victory by Christmas 1963. The CIA was less optimistic, however
- Spheres of knowledge in relation to each other and to life, enabling them to, confidently ,draw from different fields when addressing practical problems. Also in 1909
- 1828),one of the inventors of the" historic race" of Gauls, could, confidently , equate them with the Cornish (" LES Cornouailles" ). Archaeology The Demonic
- With an additional 3.68-meter base. The statue shows Deng striding forward, confidently , In addition, in many coastal areas and on the island province of Hainan, Deng
- 2007,against MAL Michael's new team, the Essendon Bombers, the Lions began, confidently ,but eventually succumbed to their biggest loss in season 2007 by a margin of 64
- Chief area for improvement appears to be the prediction of strands; residues, confidently ,predicted as strand are likely to be so, but the methods are apt to overlook
- Gratitude (David does not even mention his own royal status); the second part, confidently ,directs others to Yahweh. In contrast, Psalm 18 is not related to a specific
- He is invisible, but is in fact visible - creating an awkward situation when he, confidently ,disrobes in front of everyone. * Memoirs of an Invisible Man, a 1992 modernized
- To them. Max grins and explains he's" gotten past" his allergic reaction and, confidently ,finishes it with no problems. He's tracked down at a hotel room the next
- A season, something that would not be done again in the Majors until 1956. Ball, confidently ,predicted that there would be a World Series in Sportsman's Park by 1926. In
- For animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be, confidently ,asserted that he, who is cruel to living creatures, cannot be a good man.
- freestanding discipline of applied mathematics. Statistical methods were used, confidently , In the contemporary period, Karl Popper and Alcott Parsons influenced the
- Had to be sacrificed at the Congress of Berlin. Bismarck failed to do what was, confidently ,expected of him by the Russian Tsar. In return for the Russian support, which
- That there is no distinction between those truths which are universally and, confidently ,believed and those which are necessarily true. Confirmation holism and
- And Karl Made saw a period of stability in Europe while Stalin and Zingier, confidently ,predicted an" acceleration" of revolution in Western Europe in 1924. On the
- Jacksonville developer and political kingmaker Tom Jetway. In 1991 this group, confidently ,announced that it would call its team the Jacksonville Jaguars. After some
- Then he but not a born actress) out of her timidity and safeness. He dares too, confidently ,... but she hardly dares at all and is terrified of overreaching her technique
- Occitan sonnet The sole confirmed surviving sonnet in the Occitan language is, confidently ,dated to 1284,and is conserved only in troubadour manuscript P, an Italian
- Its most influential framer was James Madison. In Federalist No. 46,he, confidently ,contrasted the federal government of the United States to the European kingdoms
- Not. The pronunciation of Chaucer's poetry can now be reconstructed fairly, confidently ,through detailed philological research; the following gives an IPA
- Assault on Vienna in 1703,but in the Courts of Versailles and Madrid ministers, confidently ,anticipated the city's fall. The Imperial ambassador in London, Count
- Structure, in all but the simplest (homology modeling) cases. For example,a, confidently ,predicted pattern of six secondary structure elements βαββαβ is the signature
- New side, the Western Bulldogs, in Round 11,the Lions yet again began, confidently , kicking the first two goals of the game before being overrun. The Lions failed
- For it was here you started to go down the island, in summer. For years, it was, confidently ,counted on that this spot, and the railroad of which it was the terminus, were
- Was one. " In November 1955,Philby gave a press conference in which – calmly, confidently , and without the stammer he had struggled with since childhood – he reiterated
- Class. With 379 seats compared to the Conservatives' 132,the Liberals could, confidently ,expect to pass their legislative program through the Commons. At the same
- Like in these prior examples of unification, the TOE would probably allow us to, confidently ,define the domain of validity and residual error of low-energy approximations
- Like Ptolemy's Sue vi Seminoles, were among the Sue bi at the time. Bede, confidently ,states that the Anglia, before coming to Great Britain, dwelt in a land called
- On generic tyrannosaurid teeth, so the two Horseshoe Canyon skulls could not be, confidently ,referred to that species. The Horseshoe Canyon skulls also differed markedly
- On Browne's religion Medici: 'I have much ado to believe what he speaker, confidently ,; that he is more beholding to Morpheus for learned and rational as well as
- That year, shortly before our encounter. Two Taliban combatants from Kandahar, confidently ,responded that worshiping anything outside of Islam was unacceptable and that
- Dance was to flourish, for dancers to have some basic movements they could, confidently ,perform with any partner they might meet. Here the huge Arthur Murray
- Irrealism—not antirealism or unrealism, but realism—is all that I would, confidently ,predict is likely to characterize the prose fiction of the 1970s," this did
- Said he was trying to re-establish a connection with the then 17-year-old,and, confidently ,predicted," Julian and I will have a relationship in the future. " After his
- To the command in Ireland, an invasion of that country by the French was, confidently ,anticipated by the British government. He used his utmost efforts to restore
- Persons born in Ireland, north and south, resident in Australia in 2001 may be, confidently ,extrapolated at around 75,000. According to the Irish Department of Foreign
- Days after the resurrection in which he states:" Brothers, I can tell you, confidently ,that the patriarch David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day.
- It is claimed that your race is doomed to economic inferiority, you may, confidently ,look to the home of your ancestors and say, that you have set out to recover
- From northern Italy. In the courts of Versailles and Madrid,Vienna's fall was, confidently ,anticipated, an event which would almost certainly have led to the collapse of
- Scholars were able to read other Ancient Egyptian inscriptions and literature, confidently , Major advances in the decoding were: recognition that the stone offered three
- Been identified as" Arthurian" since the 12th century, but archaeology can, confidently ,reveal names only through inscriptions found in secure contexts. The so-called
- Computer or operating system he or she happened to be using. Industry observers, confidently ,forecast the dawn of a new era of connected computing. The underlying operating
- Trained to teach people with visual impairments how to travel safely, confidently , and independently in the home and the community. These professionals can also
- Have been known to tolerate these jackals: one report describes how a jackal, confidently ,walked in and out between three tigers walking together a few feet away from
- German Philosophy (1886),three years after Marx's death, Engels claimed, confidently ,that" In the meantime, the Marxist world outlook has found representatives far
- Its fidelity. Many of the verses are paraphrased, and some of them cannot be, confidently ,traced to any one of Khayyam's quatrains at all. Some critics informally refer
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