Examples of the the word, prehistoric , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Islands are flooded by sea (about 8,000 years ago). As with most of Europe, prehistoric ,Britain and Ireland were covered with forest and swamp. Clearing began around
  2. On the Mycenae graves three years later, light poured from all sides on the, prehistoric ,period of Greece. It was recognized that the character of both the fabric and
  3. Of" Czechia" ). History Prehistory Archaeologists have found evidence of, prehistoric ,human settlements in the area, dating back to the Neolithic era. In the
  4. Indeed, it has been a top feature in several films and documentaries about, prehistoric ,life. Allosaurus was a large bipedal predator. Its skull was large and equipped
  5. Stones, natural gas, and petroleum among other things. History Excavations of, prehistoric ,sites by Louis Degree and others suggest that humans were living in what is now
  6. Still debate it. This has led some to associate this catastrophe with, prehistoric ,flood myths. History The Black Sea was a busy waterway on the crossroads of the
  7. Books to films. Its name has become a byword for any and all supposed advanced, prehistoric ,lost civilizations. Plato's account Plato's dialogues Times and Critics
  8. Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, was the first alloy discovered, during the, prehistoric ,period now known as the Bronze Age; it was harder than pure copper and
  9. Of Indian astronomy, condemned " the scholars who perpetrate wild theories of, prehistoric ,science and call themselves archaeoastronomy. " More recently Gallagher, Pyle
  10. Has eclipsed all others in the Aegean by the wealth of its remains of all the, prehistoric ,ages — Crete; and so much so that, for the present, we must regard it as the
  11. Reports, arthritis was frequently referred to as the most common ailment of, prehistoric ,peoples. It was noted in skeletal remains of Native Americans found in
  12. Culture. " Most scholars who deal with rock paintings or objects recovered from, prehistoric ,contexts that cannot be explained in utilitarian terms and are thus categorized
  13. And antiquity The area known as Croatia today was inhabited throughout the, prehistoric ,period. Fossils of Neanderthals dating to the middle Paleolithic period have
  14. The Red River Delta regions of Vietnam and Southern China. These relate to the, prehistoric ,Dong Son Culture of Vietnam. In Ban Chiang, Thailand,(Southeast Asia) bronze
  15. Of Bigfoot, as there is no evidence supporting the survival of such a large, prehistoric ,ape-like creature. The evidence that does exist points more towards a hoax or
  16. Toxicity Ethanol in alcoholic beverages has been consumed by humans since, prehistoric ,times for a variety of hygienic, dietary,medicinal, religious,and
  17. Perhaps had stemmed from an acquaintance with prehistoric bones or even living, prehistoric ,animals themselves ... When confronted with the remains of some now
  18. In the title of Sue vi Angle. The province of Schleswig has proved rich in, prehistoric ,antiquities that date apparently from the 4th and 5th centuries A. D. A broad
  19. Europe. History Prehistory The Bipolar area is very rich in monuments from the, prehistoric ,period. Two important ones are Völuspá Tuba, and Bar Tuba near the village
  20. Just inside the gate, that scholars recognized the advanced stage of art which, prehistoric ,dwellers in the Mycenaean citadel had attained. There had been, however,a good
  21. On the rock of Turns, Schliemann made a contribution to our knowledge of, prehistoric ,domestic life which was amplified two years later by Christos Tsountas's
  22. The Old World. It is based primarily on statistics and is particularly apt for, prehistoric ,sites where the social evidence is relatively scant compared to the historic
  23. Capable of snatching humans. Birds have been featured in culture and art since, prehistoric ,times, when they were represented in early cave paintings. Birds were later
  24. For a long period of sleep similar to hibernation. Bears have been hunted since, prehistoric ,times for their meat and fur. To this day, they play a prominent role in the
  25. The construction of dwellings. However, many other aspects of the culture of, prehistoric ,peoples are not tangible. Their beliefs and behavior are difficult to decipher
  26. Concluded in 1895,also failed to prove that site to have been important in the, prehistoric ,time, though,as was to be expected from its neighborhood to Mycenae itself
  27. The area around Aberdeen has been settled since at least 8,000 years ago, when, prehistoric , villages lie around the mouths of the rivers Dee and Don. Aberdeen received
  28. Mycenae and Turns are the two principal sites on which evidence of a, prehistoric ,civilization was remarked long ago by the classical Greeks. Discovery The
  29. This as a common feature in most of the fishing and hunting-tribes. The, prehistoric ,Finns, along with most Siberian peoples, considered the bear as the spirit of
  30. Such as the Ra could have sailed with the Canary Current across the Atlantic in, prehistoric ,times. *In 1975,Fans Orleans crossed the Atlantic in 82 days, starting from
  31. Surveys of British megalithic sites. Them wished to examine whether, prehistoric ,peoples used high-accuracy astronomy. He believed that by using horizon
  32. That Aboriginal legends" perhaps had stemmed from an acquaintance with, prehistoric ,bones or even living prehistoric animals themselves ... When confronted with
  33. From ca. 1600 BC, with a history as a tribe that may have gone back to the, prehistoric ,Hellenic immigration in the late 3rd millennium BC. However, by the Archaic and
  34. 7th c. ) The area known as Croatia today has been inhabited throughout the, prehistoric ,period, since the Stone Age. In the middle Paleolithic, Neanderthals lived in
  35. Rapids in eastern Washington, were also major fishing and trading sites. In, prehistoric ,times the Columbia's salmon and steel head runs numbered an estimated annual
  36. The southand Highland and Moray to the west. History Aberdeen shire has a rich, prehistoric ,and historic heritage. It is the locus of many Neolithic and
  37. Of the mid 7th century AD, when it was dissolved as an entity. Early history In, prehistoric ,times the region was home to a Neanderthal culture such as has been found at
  38. To define material culture similarities and differences that may identify, prehistoric ,sociocultural units, equivalent to modern societies or peoples. The names and
  39. The most promising areas in deepwater archaeology are the quest for submerged, prehistoric ,settlements in the continental shelf and for ancient shipwrecks in the anoxic
  40. And its inhabitants as. History The history of Albania emerged from the, prehistoric ,stage from the 4th century BC, with early records of Elyria in Greco-Roman
  41. Ορυκτερόπους (orykterópous) meaning" digging footed" and, although other, prehistoric ,species and genera of Tubulidentata are known. Naming and taxonomy It is
  42. Baltic provenance, which most likely indicate where the Balls lived in, prehistoric ,times. This information is summarized and synthesized by Maria Gimbals in The
  43. Palestine and Phoenician settlements in the western Mediterranean from the, prehistoric ,period until the beginning of Islam in the 7th century. The collection includes
  44. A large saturnine moth species * Atlas Turtle (Colossochelys atlas),a, prehistoric ,giant tortoise, formerly in the genus Tested Physics * ATLAS experiment, a
  45. Nor the degree of their civilization could be determined while so few actual, prehistoric ,remains were known in the Mediterranean lands. Nor did the Aegean objects which
  46. In Stockholm, Sweden. Representations and descriptions of aurochs appear in, prehistoric ,cave paintings, in Julius Caesar's The Gallic War, and as the national symbol
  47. Rivers in eastern Washington. In 1996,the skeletal remains of a 9,000-year-old, prehistoric , man (dubbed Kennewick Man) were found near Kennewick, Washington. The
  48. Of over 300 further cairns, and more stone circles and stone rows. And many, prehistoric ,stone barrows and circles lie scattered across the moor. In a program shown
  49. East Arab world Black African and Near Eastern peoples have interacted since, prehistoric ,times. Some historians estimate that as many as 14 million black slaves were
  50. Tribes, bear-related names are attested. Myth and legend There is evidence of, prehistoric ,bear worship. Anthropologists such as Joseph Campbell have regarded this as a

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