Examples of the the word, jeopardy , in a Sentence Context
The word ( jeopardy ), is the 12611 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Jeopardy in the case of an acquittal. However, it is not considered double, jeopardy ,if the prosecution appeals an acquittal. The rule applies to the whole "
- Days when not only his regular mode of life but also his very existence was in, jeopardy , he had still tried to stick to his usual schedule. He felt that by so doing he
- Purposes. " Separate sovereigns The" separate sovereigns" exception to double, jeopardy ,arises from the dual nature of the American Federal-State system, one in which
- An acquittal: *If the earlier trial is proven to be a fraud or scam, double, jeopardy , will not prohibit a new trial. In the case of Harry Alemán an appeals court
- And a conspiracy to commit that offense are not the same offense for double, jeopardy ,purposes. " Separate sovereigns The" separate sovereigns" exception to double
- Similar to the provisions of Canadian law) – this is not counted as double, jeopardy ,but as a continuation of the same trial. This is allowed by the European
- In small pockets in Southern Alberta, putting Alberta's rat-free status in, jeopardy , History The first people in Alberta were Paleo-Indians who arrived in Alberta
- Again because his bribe prevented his first trial from actually putting him in, jeopardy , *Prosecutors may appeal when a trial judge sets aside a jury verdict for
- Person ever executed by Federal authorities in the Dakota Territory. Double, jeopardy ,also does not apply if the defendant was never tried from the start. Charges
- When the first witness is sworn. Exceptions Non-final judgments As double, jeopardy ,applies only to charges that were the subject of an earlier final judgment
- Appeals that there is" new and compelling evidence. " United States The double, jeopardy ,rule arises from the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the
- State or prosecution generally has no appeal as of right. And due to the double, jeopardy ,principle, in the United States the state or prosecution may never appeal a
- Morris Emma introduced legislation to scrap substantial parts of the double, jeopardy ,law in that state. Retrials of serious cases with a minimum sentence of 20
- For example, a second trial held after a mistrial does not violate the double, jeopardy ,clause because a mistrial ends a trial prematurely without a judgment of guilty
- Case law, the clause is constructed to also protect against double, jeopardy ,in the case of an acquittal. However, it is not considered double jeopardy if
- South Wales, the federal government is pushing hard for ‘ reform’ of double, jeopardy ,throughout Australia. In those member states, national rules governing double
- Not accorded the same constitutional finality as jury verdicts under the double, jeopardy ,clause, and giving this right of appeal also did not put the defendant at risk
- An opinion. There are three essential protections included in the double, jeopardy ,principle, which are: *retrial after a conviction, unless the conviction has
- From proceeding. In many countries the guarantee against being" twice put in, jeopardy ," is a constitutional right; these include India, Mexico,and the United States
- American military or naval courts-martial are subject to the same law of double, jeopardy , since the Uniform Code of Military Justice has incorporated all of the
- Also did not put the defendant at risk of a succession of prosecutions. Double, jeopardy ,is also not implicated for separate offenses or in separate jurisdictions
- That teaches if a person was once saved, his or her salvation can never be in, jeopardy , even if the person completely apostatizes. The Alan Parsons Project was a
- Company, the common use of the name as a generic term has put the trademark in, jeopardy , Flying discs are thrown and caught for free-form recreation and as part of
- System under Federal jurisdiction. Concerning different legal standards Double, jeopardy ,also does not apply if the later charge is civil rather than criminal in nature
- Reinstated. The most famous American court case invoking the claim of double, jeopardy ,is probably the second murder trial in 1876 of Jack McCall, killer of Wild Bill
- Throughout Australia. In those member states, national rules governing double, jeopardy ,may or may not comply with the provision cited above. In many Europeans
- A trial on the same charges in the circuit court does not violate double, jeopardy ,principles, ... subject only to the limitation that conviction in the district
- To the federal government, the U. S. Supreme Court has ruled that the double, jeopardy ,clause applies to the states as well through incorporation by the Fourteenth
- 18 entrants for every race. A stand-off over this issue left the 1972 race in, jeopardy ,until the ACM gave in and agreed that 26 cars could participate – the same
- Rights as trial by a jury of one's peers, protection from double, jeopardy , and the right to confront one's accusers. " The Human Rights Watch argues
- Already been finally acquitted or convicted of a particular offense (Double, jeopardy ,). Despite having signed the protocol more than twenty years ago, Belgium
- Sanction of one year of imprisonment. India A partial protection against double, jeopardy ,is a Fundamental Right guaranteed under Article 20 (3) of the Constitution of
- Code (Strafprozessordnung - STP) provides some exceptions to the double, jeopardy ,rule: In the case of an order of summary punishment (Strafbefehl),which can
- Once the jury and alternates are impaneled and sworn in. In a non-jury trial, jeopardy ,attaches once the first evidence is put on which occurs when the first witness
- The murder of Stephen Lawrence, the MacPherson Report suggested that double, jeopardy ,should be abrogated where" fresh and viable" new evidence came to light, and
- Justice Act 2003,introduced by then Home Secretary David Blanket. The double, jeopardy ,provisions of the Act came into force in April 2005,but are applicable to
- Been an acquittal or a conviction. United Kingdom England and Wales Double, jeopardy ,has been permitted in England and Wales since the Criminal Justice Act 2003.
- Law for the Federal Republic of Germany provides protection against double, jeopardy ,: Based on pre-constitutional case law, the clause is constructed to also
- To life imprisonment to serve a minimum of 13 years. Scotland The double, jeopardy ,rule still applies in Scotland, although the Scottish government on October 7
- In the process of reforming its laws which will see the principle of double, jeopardy ,abolished for serious indictable offenses. On 18 October 2007,Queensland
- In a collateral proceeding (such as habeas corpus),does not violate double, jeopardy ,because the judgment in the first trial has been invalidated. In all of these
- Committed, or of which he has been acquitted, nor shall he be placed in double, jeopardy , However, in practice, if someone is acquitted in a lower District Court, then
- Law. Australia In contrast to other common law nations, Australian double, jeopardy ,law has been held to extend to the prevention of prosecution for perjury
- Reads:" no person shall be subject for the same offense to be twice put in, jeopardy ,of life or limb ". This clause is intended to limit abuse by the government in
- Serious indictable offenses. On 18 October 2007,Queensland modified its double, jeopardy ,laws to allow a retrial where fresh and compelling evidence becomes available
- 2006,the NSW Parliament passed legislation abolishing the rule against double, jeopardy ,in cases where: *someone acquitted of a" life sentence offense" ( murder
- Conceptual umbrella is the concept of collateral estoppel. As applied to double, jeopardy , the court will use collateral estoppel as its basis for forming an opinion.
- Sufficiently experienced in cave environments),who may themselves be put in, jeopardy ,in effecting the rescue. This said, caving is not necessarily a high-risk sport
- Relinquished a number of enumerated powers to the Federal government. Double, jeopardy ,attaches only to prosecutions for the same criminal act by the same sovereign
- Its fans have been the subject of spoof films, including Fear of Girls. Double, jeopardy ,is a procedural defense that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the
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