Examples of the the word, subvert , in a Sentence Context

The word ( subvert ), is the 12604 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Heart of the Great Game lay the willingness of Britain and Russia to subdue, subvert , or subjugate the small independent states that lay between Russia and British
  2. Works: Outlaws of the Marsh and Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Mao sought to, subvert ,the alliance of imperialism and feudalism in China. He thought the KMT to be
  3. After Stalin took political control of most of Eastern Europe and began to, subvert ,other governments in the Balkans,Attlee's and Bevin's worst fears of Soviet
  4. Still be regarded as an insecure network technology, because it is easy to, subvert ,switched Ethernet systems by means such as ARP spoofing and MAC flooding. The
  5. Structure, albeit an unjust one, while the Left stands for the attempt to, subvert ,that economic structure, even though the subversion thereof would entail the
  6. Japanese sympathizers would hand the Americans a powerful propaganda weapon to, subvert ,the" fighting spirit" of Japan in radio broadcasts. At the end of June 1944
  7. Wahhabi networks began moving missionaries into the country in an effort to, subvert ,the capitalist north. Although it is unlikely bin Laden or Saudi al-Qaeda were
  8. Into a dark alley and gets killed in every horror movie ". When wanted" to, subvert ,that idea and create someone who was a hero ". The idea was first visited
  9. To achieve racial balance. Nixon opposed busing personally but did not, subvert ,court orders requiring its use. In addition to desegregating public schools
  10. Jay Treaty intensely in 1794–95 because he felt it would allow the British to, subvert ,American republicanism. The treaty had produced ten years of peace and highly
  11. Within the same classroom during the day. Individual students may attempt to, subvert ,the system of uniforms by wearing their uniforms incorrectly or by adding
  12. A collusive partnership between business and government that uses coercion to, subvert ,the free market. " Capitalism," as anarcho-capitalists employ the term, is not
  13. Illuminating/justifying and glorifying acts of God and reject heresies which, subvert ,the saving work of God in Christ. Orthodox and Lutherans, however,have
  14. To create a politically powerful caste of rich aristocrats who threatened to, subvert ,democracy. In general the Democrats enacted their policies at the national
  15. From the United States and used to commit acts of international terrorism, to, subvert , restrictions imposed by other nations on their residents, and to organized
  16. Regulations and demonstrate their futility. ) The US government had tried to, subvert ,cryptography (e.g. by requiring Skip Jack and key-escrow). It was also not
  17. Secure the Church a prominent place in society as long as it did not attempt to, subvert ,the authority of the regime. Under the constitution of 1950 the Roman Catholic
  18. Malware, running as over-privileged code, can use this privilege to, subvert ,the system. Almost all currently popular operating systems, and also many
  19. For any act of his office, unless he has committed high treason or attempted to, subvert ,the Constitution. The Italian penal law makes it a criminal offense to give the
  20. Commit the government to expenditure over a number of years and thus would, subvert ," the principle of annual account, annual proposition, annual approval by the
  21. The remaining 15 % of COINTELPRO resources were expended to marginalize and, subvert ," white hate groups," including the Ku Klux Klan and the National States '
  22. Egyptian official said that Iran is running agents inside Egypt in an effort to, subvert ,the Egyptian regime. He also stated that if Iran will reach a nuclear weapon
  23. And Parliament, and that all officers should swear an oath that they would not, subvert ,the sitting of Parliament by force. These direct affronts to military prestige
  24. Becomes less effective also since no one (most likely) will be able to, subvert ,the entire chain of retailers. Random padding of messages, random delays before
  25. Relations and full armed confrontation. At times, each side has attempted to, subvert ,the other, and has supported and provided refuge to the other's internal
  26. Of Rights 1689 which stated the late King James the Second ... did endeavor to, subvert ,and extirpate ... the laws and liberties of this kingdom ... by raising and
  27. Often used for science fiction and Battlefield 1942 for war, but some artists, subvert ,their chosen game's setting or completely detach their work from it. In 1999
  28. Exposed epithelium. During cystitis, uropathogenic Escherichia coli (SPEC), subvert , innate defenses by invading superficial umbrella cells and rapidly increasing
  29. This to be the default boot device. This meant that a corrupt floppy disk could, subvert ,the computer during booting, and the same applies to CDs. Although that is now
  30. Precaution of instructing a servant, Hushai, to infiltrate Absalom's court and, subvert ,it. Hussein convinced Absalom to ignore Ahithophel's advice to attack his
  31. Though some works published in that medium, such as" The Cold Equations ", subvert ,the supposed expectations of the common narrative formula of that time. The
  32. Arena, disbelieving Augustus’s testimony and resentful of his attempt to, subvert ,the trial by using his anchorites, rudely demanded to know why Augustus had
  33. Second step, the certificate of a potential communicant. An attacker who could, subvert ,the certificate authority into issuing a certificate for a bogus public key
  34. Common, and has been seen as invoking memories of geography lessons in order to, subvert ,the decorum taught in the schoolroom; Legman finds that the exchange of
  35. Left in the pulpit which threatened God and his ambassadors and endeavoring to, subvert ,church order. The civil court condemned him to death and, with Calvin's
  36. Share of the market that concentrating on either could enable a cracker to, subvert ,many systems, but any total monoculture is a problem. Instead
  37. It listed twelve of James's policies by which James designed to" endeavor to, subvert ,and extirpate the protestant religion, and the laws and liberties of this
  38. So drastically divorced from its original context, and in such a manner as to, subvert ,its original spatial intention. Gerry is sometimes associated with what is
  39. Digits" or" change it monthly ", the greater the degree to which users will, subvert ,the system. In The Memorability and Security of Passwords, Jeff Ya net al.
  40. However, for signs advertising security not to give clues as to how to, subvert ,that security, for example in the case where a home burglar might be more
  41. Further detail on the referendum process in order to make it harder to stall or, subvert , This second draft, commonly known as Baker II, was accepted by the Rosario
  42. Agent provocateur in Victorian society, his art, like his paradoxes, seeking to, subvert ,as well as sparkle. His own estimation of himself was of one who" stood in
  43. Responsible for training others like her. The character of Buffy was created to, subvert ,the stereotypical female horror film victim; When wanted to create a strong
  44. Adoptive parents in a study of how adopters' attitudes uphold, accommodate,or, subvert ,prevailing ideologies of kinship in the United States. *Pert man, A. (2000).
  45. With labeling, there is no theoretically viable means for a clever hacker to, subvert ,the labeling scheme, since the operating system per se does not provide
  46. Or government) to destroy the democratic character of a nation-state and, subvert ,the social/political liberty previously exercised by its citizens: #Invoke a
  47. Diverse evil Councillors Judges and Ministers employed by him did endeavor to, subvert ,and extirpate the Protestant Religion and the Laws and Liberties of this
  48. Dump was dissolved on the pretext of the discovery of an SD conspiracy to, subvert ,the army. Under new electoral laws, the SD presence in the Third Dump (1907–12
  49. Babinski have suggested that Romania, with other surrealist methods, can ", subvert ,the enslaving 'message' of advertising and to free images from repressive
  50. To patriarchal authority and the transgressive and dangerous attempts to, subvert ,and escape such restriction. Charlotte's Jane Eyre and Emily's Cathy are both

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