Examples of the the word, assorted , in a Sentence Context
The word ( assorted ), is the 12600 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- When we ascend with the main characters into an ironic vaudeville dreamscape of, assorted ,neuroses - the most intoxicating articulation of the musical's 'Loveland '
- Meant for 10-13 year olds. The first issue was a Comic Relief special featuring, assorted ,celebrity guests. Plug was a comic based on the eponymous character from
- Is the United States began to cross imported English Thoroughbred horses with, assorted ," native" horses such as the Chickasaw horse, which was a breed developed by
- Upon society through pesticides, nutrient runoff, excessive water usage, and, assorted , other problems. A 2000 assessment of agriculture in the UK determined total
- This nomenclature eventually was adopted by all Armed Forces ", and ", assorted ,modifications of the Armed Forces nomenclature were introduced into many
- Own investigations in the Harvard archives. The story they revealed is one of, assorted ,rivalries: between British and American diplomats in China, between Harvard's
- The remainder of The Seven Crystal Balls, as well as other comic strips and, assorted ,articles. It became highly successful, with circulation surpassing 100,000
- Empire. The Congress was a personal triumph for Francis, where he hosted the, assorted ,dignitaries in comfort, though Francis undermined his allies Tsar Alexander and
- The mare is about to foal, including webcams, closed-circuit television, or, assorted , types of devices that alert a handler via a remote alarm when a mare lies down
- A volleyball (the eponymous" Calvin ball" ), a croquet set, a badminton set, assorted ,flags, bags,signs, a hobbyhorse, and enigmatic and never-pictured "
- Summer of 2010 with a new lineup including Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann (, assorted ,percussion),Keller Williams (guitar, vocals ), Sikiru Depot (talking drum
- Liver never leaves the liver); lack of insulin causes glucose production from, assorted ,substrates in the liver and elsewhere. *Decreased autophagy - decreased level
- The most common agricultural activity is cattle farming (34.6 %),followed by, assorted ,grains (19.0 %) and oil seed (7.9 %). Around 12 % of Canadian farmland is
- Knees and hocks, only skin, hair,bone, tendons,ligaments, cartilage,and the, assorted ,specialized tissues that make up the hoof. Hooves The critical importance of
- Writing hundreds of poems and getting dozens published in Weird Tales and, assorted ,poetry journals (including the Daniel Baker Collegian, of which Smith was the
- In July 2007) which is a large shop full of clothes, Neohome items and other, assorted ,items for Neo pets; many of these items are animated and very popular. The price
- S RSTS / RT-11 / VMS / TOPS-10 / TWENTY,MIT's ITS / CSS, Control Data's, assorted ,NOS variants,Harris's Vulcan, Bell Labs' Unix, and so on. In microcomputers
- Increases, which can create small eyelet holes in the resulting fabric, with, assorted , decreases is key to creating knitted lace, a very open fabric resembling lace.
- De Niro, each of whom left the premises, leaving Belushi in the company of, assorted ,others, including Catherine Evelyn Smith. His death was investigated by
- Fox News website features the latest coverage, including columns from FNC's, assorted ,television, radio,and online personalities. Video clips are also available on
- Solomon, and Theodore, and the 4th-century Christian author Jerome. There are, assorted ,notices of his activities in the writings of his contemporaries Athanasius
- Roast, featuring a roasted joint, usually beef, lamb or chicken, served with, assorted ,boiled vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and gravy. Sausages are commonly eaten
- But other oils may be used as well. The various oils dry differently, creating, assorted , effects. Traditionally, artists mixed their own paints from raw pigments that
- To a long history of less than adequate protection of others' information by, assorted ,organizations, public and private, even when the information is held only under
- The weekly sabbath and the festival cycle. ** Yore De'ah:" Teach Knowledge ", assorted ,ritual prohibitions, dietary laws and regulations concerning menstrual impurity
- The quantity of undigested matter in the feces. *The coprophagia may be due to, assorted ,health problems, including: *The dogs might be hungry, such as when eating
- Been written offering tips for surviving alien invasions, robot uprisings, and, assorted , cinema-inspired apocalypses. Freeware (from" free" and" software" ) is
- Administrators are often obliged to spend time reviewing and reconfiguring, assorted ,software. Some distributions go to considerable lengths to specifically adjust
- Hailing from the Adventure universe). In addition, each series has spawned, assorted ,feature films. Digimon still shows popularity, as new card series, video games
- The products of companies like BSR. Commonly found in all-in-one stereos from, assorted ,far-east brands, they used a thin plastic table set in a plastic plinth, no
- Group proceeds inside. Over the course of the next few hours, the marine hears, assorted ,garbled radio messages, gunfire,and screams, followed by silence:" Seems your
- Loans when required. The trading companies deal in imports and exports of an, assorted ,range of commodities throughout the world. Each major company have their own
- To complex polysaccharides (starch). Fats are triglycerides, made of, assorted ,fatty acid monomers bound to glycerol backbone. Some fatty acids, but not all
- Discovered colonies of giant tube worms, clams,crustaceans, mussels,and other, assorted ,creatures clustered around undersea volcanic features known as black smokers.
- The supposed steel made in the countryside was iron, as it had been made from, assorted ,scrap metal in home-made furnaces with no reliable source of fuel such as coal.
- First shot, then being chased through the second shot by the butcher's boy and, assorted ,dogs, and finally being caught by the dogs in the third shot. Several British
- 1971 the FBI has processed over a thousand" serious suspects ", along with, assorted ,publicity seekers, crackpots,and deathbed confessors. Most—but not all—have
- Of the Visigoths, adopted and consolidated the Codex Theodosius together with, assorted ,earlier Roman laws. Systems that appeared somewhat later include the Dictum
- Retinue of waters (ministers),legal experts, commanders,royal eunuchs, and, assorted , hangers-on at his beck and call. With an overnight stop at the island town of
- Follow: encounters with bears, angry neighbors, irate shopkeepers, and, assorted , collisions. The story was inspired by Tolkien's own vehicular mishaps with his
- Permitted march by members of the AFL-CIO, and other unauthorized marches by, assorted ,affinity groups who converged around the Convention Center. The protesters and
- An ambitious plan in developing their next project. The band, their families, assorted ,associates and technicians moved to the Netherlands for the summer of 1972
- Companies Rote (to take care of sanitation, waste management and, assorted ,services) and the Port of Rotterdam Authority (to maintain the Port of
- Of the Rocky Mountains. He drove with his wife around the region, visiting, assorted , buildings and surveying the natural environs. He was impressed by the United
- The resultant tunnel provides space to carry Phoenix or Sparrow missiles, assorted ,bombs, or the TARPS reconnaissance pod, and increases fuel capacity and room
- Dragons Miniatures Game (2003) is sold as sets of plastic, randomly, assorted , pre-painted miniatures, and can be used as either part of a standard dungeon
- Around the eastern Mediterranean were sacked within a span of a few decades by, assorted ,raiders. The Achaean kingdoms disappeared, and the Hittite empire was destroyed
- The myriad demons, djinn, demigods,or simply tribal gods and other, assorted ,deities which represented the polytheistic Culture of Pre-Islamic Arabia. We
- 1814) and the celebrated Hokusai Manga books (1814–1834) containing, assorted ,drawings from the sketchbooks of the famous Unicode artist Hokusai. Rakuten
- The Castle of Torquilstone with Robin's own men, including the friar and, assorted ,Saxon yeomen whom they had managed to raise due to the hatred of Front-de-Boeuf
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