Examples of the the word, equator , in a Sentence Context

The word ( equator ), is the 12605 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gradient of UVB light increases geographically closer to the Earth's, equator , It is possible, though currently researched, that this effect may occur as a
  2. Any location in terms of angles subtended at the center of the Earth, using the, equator ,and (usually) the Greenwich meridian as references. In astronomy, a given
  3. And humidity. Biodiversity generally increases away from the poles towards the, equator ,and increases with humidity. Biome Classification Schemes Biome classification
  4. Since the star's declination is significantly south of the celestial, equator , Companion star Antares has a hot blue companion star, Antares B, of spectral
  5. Spines lie on the intersections between five of the former, symmetric about an, equator , and eight of the latter, spaced uniformly. Each line of longitude carries
  6. Which forms the islands has drifted northwest from around 30°S,crossing the, equator ,around 370 million years ago to reach its present northern latitude. The
  7. Telling. Baker Island () is an uninhabited atoll located just north of the, equator ,in the central Pacific Ocean about southwest of Honolulu. The island lies
  8. An archipelago of islands in a shallow warm tropical sea, much closer to the, equator ,than it is now. Similar in shape to a European Magpie, with the largest
  9. The sun is vertical or soon after. It is therefore greatest of all near the, equator , where the sun is twice vertical, and less in the direction of both tropics.
  10. Season, the timing of which varies according to location north or south of the, equator , High and relatively regular levels of precipitation in the Amazon contrast
  11. Other two are Deneb and Vega. Altair rotates rapidly, with a velocity at the, equator ,of approximately 286 km/s. Other interferometric studies with multiple
  12. Surface salinity values. Although the salinity values are just north of the, equator ,(because of heavy tropical rainfall),in general the lowest values are in the
  13. And others.,2000). The trait ceased to be essential to survival at the, equator ,upon the evolution of hairless dark skin. Yet it has continued to be expressed
  14. And of it (0.89 %) is water. Albion is positioned 42.24 degrees north of the, equator ,and 84.75 degrees west of the prime meridian. Demographics As of the census of
  15. Of up to in the temperate zones. There is little seasonal variation near the, equator , although at times it can get cool enough for wearing a jacket, especially in
  16. No protective effect, and efficacy appears to fall the closer one gets to the, equator , The first large scale trial evaluating the efficacy of BCG was conducted from
  17. Lying almost entirely within the tropics, and equally to north and south of the, equator , Africa does not show excessive variations of temperature. Great heat is
  18. Located on the Central American Isthmus, surrounding the point 10° north of the, equator ,and 84° west of the prime meridian. It borders both the Caribbean Sea (to the
  19. Can be a maritime hazard from May to September, as can hurricanes north of the, equator ,(May to December). The United States' southeast coast has a long history of
  20. Definitions describe the Atlantic as extending southward to Antarctica. ) The, equator ,subdivides it into the North Atlantic Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean. Geography
  21. Angles in two measurements: one for latitude, the angle north or south of the, equator ,; and one for longitude, the angle east or west of the Prime Meridian. Using
  22. That of annual aberration, and is only 0".32 in the case of an observer at the, equator , where the rotational velocity is greatest. Secular aberration The Sun and
  23. With a periling of and an around of, at an inclination of 12° from the lunar, equator , This was then circularized at by, with an orbital period of 128.7 minutes. The
  24. With the event horizon at the poles and is noticeably wider around the, equator , The outer boundary is sometimes called the ergosurface. Objects and radiation
  25. And the Marquesas Islands. Traveling east and north they eventually crossed the, equator ,and reached the latitude at which Arcturus would appear directly overhead in
  26. Visible for mid-latitude northern observers. Below about +29° N latitude to the, equator ,(roughly Hermosillo and Chihuahua in Mexico, Galveston,Texas, and Ocala
  27. Is found off the eastern coast of Canada *Romance Trench is located near the, equator ,and reaches a depth of about. Ocean sediments are composed of: *Vertiginous
  28. Of solar energy, range from below. Maximum temperatures occur north of the, equator , and minimum values are found in the polar regions. In the middle latitudes
  29. In cartography and navigation. At sea level, one minute of angle (around the, equator ,or a meridian) equals about),approximately one nautical mile (approximately
  30. Due to its proximity and favorable location for observation near the celestial, equator , Historically, research on Barnard's Star has focused on measuring its stellar
  31. Vary with latitude; the warmest zones stretch across the Atlantic north of the, equator , The coldest zones are in high latitudes, with the coldest regions
  32. In the sky, as it is located less than 20 degrees north of the celestial, equator , The star culminates at midnight on about the 30th April, being visible during
  33. The tropics; its southernmost points are only slightly more than 10° above the, equator , Roughly square in shape, the country is bounded on the north by Thailand and
  34. Days in summer and cooler days in winter. Due to their location close to the, equator ,yet away from tropical storms and location above the temperature inversion
  35. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Colombia's proximity to the, equator ,influences its climates. The lowland areas are continuously hot. Altitude
  36. Region adjoining the Central African trough in the neighborhood of the, equator , From there, streams pour eastward into Lake Victoria, the largest African lake
  37. Side continents, roughly between latitudes 20° and 40° degrees away from the, equator , A humid continental climate is marked by variable weather patterns and a large
  38. To measure declination, or angular distance north or south of the celestial, equator , The arc second is also often used to describe parallax, due to very small
  39. The result with a similar expedition to Peru, today in Ecuador, near the, equator , The expeditions confirmed Isaac Newton's belief that the shape of the earth
  40. Herding peoples, including those speaking Bantu languages, Africa south of the, equator ,was populated by neolithic hunting and foraging peoples. Some of them were
  41. Lines of longitude going from pole to pole, and bisected by a line around the, equator , Bipyramid faces, projected as spherical triangles, represent the fundamental
  42. Calendar quickly drifts against the seasons, which don't vary much near the, equator , It does, however,stay constant with respect to other phenomena, notably tides
  43. The climate of Brazil varies considerably from the mostly tropical North (the, equator ,traverses the mouth of the Amazon) to temperate zones below the Tropic of
  44. In 1908 (published in 1910) that the continents were dragged towards the, equator ,by increased lunar gravity during the Cretaceous, thus forming the Himalayas
  45. Darker (denser) regions of chromium form a band at right angles to the, equator , A recent study suggests Alioth's 5.1-day variation may be due to a substellar
  46. The constellations around the South Pole were not observable from north of the, equator , by either Babylonians, Greeks,Chinese or Arabs. it's a constellation The
  47. Of the Cretaceous South Pole. A very gentle temperature gradient from the, equator ,to the poles meant weaker global winds, contributing to less upwelling and more
  48. An experiment on microbial survival. The splashdown point was just south of the, equator ,in the Pacific Ocean at 0 deg 43 min S,156 deg 13 min W, southeast of
  49. Tropical, semiarid,highland tropical, and subtropical. Temperatures along the, equator ,are high, averaging above, but not reaching the summer extremes of up to in the
  50. Basins so formed (the Congo basin) occupies a circular area bisected by the, equator , once probably the site of an inland sea. Running along the south of desert is

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