Examples of the the word, hopper , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hopper ), is the 12608 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To a grouping of slot machines, usually in a circle or oval formation. Coin, hopper ,is a container where the coins that are immediately available for payouts are
  2. Inverse case; during the 16th century, the word satiate (literally" little, hopper ,") could mean either grass hopper or lobster (satiate de MER). In
  3. Charger (motorized trolley) that can quickly insert it, on a fixed or movable, hopper ,that allows the container to slide into the creator. Modern creators are
  4. Was sold to the Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad. In galls also manufactured covered, hopper ,railroad cars in the early 1980s,producing around 4,000 units, primarily for
  5. Result when bees are proximate to tutu bushes (Criteria arboreal) and the vine, hopper ,insect (Scolypopa Australia). Both are found throughout New Zealand. Bees
  6. Simultaneously. There is also a general cargo dock with access to rail and a, hopper ,barge unloading dock with conveyor system. Today's modern facilities and the
  7. Unconsolidated gravel, or alluvium, is fed into machinery consisting of a, hopper ,and a shaking screen or Rommel which frees the desired minerals from the waste
  8. Unit" or" imaging drum" ) with the toner supply bin, the waste toner, hopper , and various wiper blades. When the toner supply is consumed, replacing the
  9. Are found throughout New Zealand. Bees gather honeydew produced by the vine, hopper ,insects feeding on the tutu plant. This introduces the poison Turin into honey.
  10. Food. Uthappam and Kuzhalappam are popular snacks. Vellayappam, a kind of, hopper ,is another dish which is special to the city. Temples Mosques and churches The
  11. Liquids and gases. Today, however,most coal and aggregates are moved in, hopper ,wagons that can be filled and discharged rapidly, to enable efficient handling
  12. Late 1940s. There were two leading areas where trucks unloaded the beets into a, hopper , then conveyed up a belt and filled Southern Pacific Railroad cars for the trip
  13. Cards. Reader Rocker switches: *Non-Process Run out – This rocker with the read, hopper ,empty," ragout" remaining cards from the reader mechanism. *Reader Off/Reader
  14. It is also sometimes known as hospital addiction syndrome or hospital, hopper ,syndrome. Nurses sometimes refer to them as frequent flyers, because they
  15. War. The weapon featured automatic loading through ammunition being loaded in a, hopper ,above the weapon. The weapon featured a single barrel and fired through the
  16. Slip is a document used to record the replenishments of the coin in the coin, hopper ,after it becomes depleted as a result of making payouts to players. The slip
  17. Of the 1960s allowed Money Honey to be the first slot machine with a bottomless, hopper ,and automatic payout, of up to 500 coins, without the help of an attendant. The
  18. Auger, mower,snow blower, stump grinder, tree spade, trencher,dumping, hopper , ripper, tillers,grapple, tilt,roller, snow blade, wheel saw, cement mixer
  19. More skilled surfers taking off in the 'impact zone' and is deemed a shoulder, hopper , Surfers' skills are tested by their ability to control their board in
  20. Flatcars, and a sand/aggregate customer just to the north of Very that receives, hopper ,cars, including FEC's signature Other aggregate hopper s. These are visible to
  21. DR1A Vilnius. JPG|DM rolling stock Image: Hopper cars. JPG|American-style, hopper ,car Image: TTX 724681 20050529 IL Rochelle. JPG|Articulated well cars with
  22. Greensboro or freight going to AC&W. Most of this freight is composed of grain, hopper ,cars going to local poultry feed mills. Norfolk Southern Right of Way
  23. The first pitch, then went to third on a wild pitch. DiMaggio then hit a hard, hopper ,to the mound that Paige deflected; DiMaggio beat the second baseman's throw to
  24. Links or belt) metal cartridge ammunition using a gravity feed system from a, hopper , The Gatling gun's innovation lay neither in the rotating mechanism (featured
  25. Iron sights. Loading systems in early manual machine guns were often from a, hopper ,of loose (unlinked) cartridges. Manual-operated volley guns usually had to
  26. Where the coins that are immediately available for payouts are held. The, hopper ,is a mechanical device that rotates coins into the coin tray when a player
  27. Material (of various sizes) is usually delivered to the primary crusher's, hopper ,by dump trucks, excavators or wheeled front-end loaders. A feeder device such
  28. In France and Australia in recent years. Some ultralight hot air balloons are, hopper ,balloons, while others are regular hot air balloons that carry passengers in a
  29. Cash is collected in person at a booth, or dropped into an automatic, hopper , Under the 2008 Charging Order introduced on 15 November 2008,charges between
  30. Is a pigeon in an experimental cage pecking at a button. The pecks deliver a, hopper ,of grain every 20th peck, and access to water after every 200 pecks.
  31. The Rowan Mining Camp on Altair. The toddler Rowan had been trapped in a, hopper ,(a kind of vehicle) and buried under the sludge for days. She mentally
  32. Of Main into Lake Berliner. Most of the water flows via the Constance, hopper ,into the Hearing (" Rhine Gutter" ) and Sherman. Depending on the water
  33. Defunct railway, the Knowing line, terminates at the remains of a gypsum mine, hopper ,on the Rank Plain. Other historical relics include Shears Quarters and Mo poke
  34. By the use of belt-fed ammunition (though some designs employ drum, pan or, hopper ,magazines),generally in a rifle-inspired caliber ranging between 5.56 mm NATO
  35. Railroad operations in Vermont) Rolling stock * 3100 high-capacity covered, hopper ,cars—grain and fertilizer **1553—mill gondola (primarily used in scrap metal
  36. Located in a slot machine's base where excess coins are diverted from the, hopper , Typically, a drop bucket is used for low denomination slot machines and a drop
  37. Resident and his initials, along with the date '1814 ', are on a rainwater, hopper ,at the side of the house. Another slightly smaller building known as Grove
  38. To exist. The error occurred when copper planets were left in the press, hopper ,and press machines during the changeover from copper to steel blanks. Examples
  39. Or caused a check stop. *Non-Process Run out – This rocker with the punch, hopper ,empty," ragout" remaining cards from the punch mechanism. Buttons: *Start
  40. Kerala, toddy is used in leavening (as a substitute to yeast) a local form of, hopper ,called the Nellie App am, a staple among the Assani Christians. Toddy is mixed
  41. The number of legs with common configurations being one leg (Pogo stick or ", hopper ,"),two legs (biped),four legs (quadruped),and six legs (hexagon).
  42. That change morphologically and behaviorally on crowding, to form swarms or, hopper ,bands (of immature stages). These changes, or phase polymorphism, were first
  43. Hinged on top, so that it swings outward like an awning. Hopper window A, hopper ,window is a bottom hung casement window that opens similar to a draw bridge
  44. Player with paintballs. The paintball marker must have attached a loader or ", hopper ," to keep the marker fed with paint, and will be either gravity-fed (where
  45. The toner cartridge automatically replaces the imaging drum, waste toner, hopper , and wiper blades. Some laser printers maintain a page count of the number of
  46. To reduce the risk of producing toxic honey by closely monitoring tutu, vine, hopper , and foraging conditions within 3 km of their apiary. Honey-producing countries
  47. Spindle, which is covered by a wear resistant mantle, and the enclosing concave, hopper , covered by a manganese concave or a bowl liner. As rock enters the top of the
  48. Trade had developed technologies to handle the bulk export of grain, especially, hopper , cars and grain elevators. Oil and gas exports have been possible because of
  49. Which is less than the amount due to the player. This occurs if the coin, hopper ,has been depleted as a result of making earlier payouts to players. The
  50. Or most likely having a page place) a signed copy of the bill in the ", hopper ," at the side of the Clerk's desk on the Rostrum. Other members of the House

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