Examples of the the word, puritan , in a Sentence Context
The word ( puritan ), is the 12606 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And a major power. Another significant arrival around this time was a group of, puritan ,NASA Berber rebels from Ifriqiya, who went on to erect the settlement of
- In parts of Stanford to the present. In the 19th century, Laestadianism,a, puritan ,religious movement, obtained a strong position. Skibob is even today a
- Job Norton remarked (1778) that ‘ he had to the last a great deal of the, puritan ,in him. ’ Orton's earlier guess (1771),adopted by Walter Wilson, that
- Brad laugh radical MP and member for the town * Anne Bradstreet (1612–1672) a, puritan ,poet later based in Massachusetts * Alan Butler (1710–1773) the author of
- Artists. *Tyndale church. Built in 1736,the rich wall painting survived the, puritan ,period by being painted over, thus preserving its original colors. A fine
- Disagreement among scholars whether Rehab actually was a prostitute,the, puritan ,pastor van der ZEE argues that she might be an inn-keeper. The medieval Jewish
- Again in England, but was not reinstated in his bishopric, perhaps because of, puritan ,scruples about vestments. From 1564 to 1566,he was rector of St. Magnus's
- To Feasted School, where he settled and learned under the brilliant, puritan ,Headmaster Martin Beach who ten years previously had educated John Wallis.
- Merchant who owned extensive land in Essex and had strong connections with, puritan ,gentry families there. The marriage brought Cromwell into contact with Oliver
- Of presenting a petition for the release of John Wilburn, who had become a, puritan ,martyr after his arrest for importing religious tracts from Holland. For the
- In spite of his defense of the Catholic nature of the priesthood, his, puritan , instincts frequently led him not only into harsh treatment of Roman Catholics
- Flowers in parody of his original status. All theaters were closed down by the, puritan ,government on 6 September 1642. Upon the restoration of the monarchy in 1660
- The vicar of Wotton known as the" scandalous vicar" due to his extremist, puritan ,views. On 20 October 1626,at the age of 16,Hale matriculated at the
- A" United Kingdom Day ". May Day was abolished, and its celebration banned by, puritan ,parliaments during the Interregnum, but reinstated with the restoration of
- I DE' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (b. 1541) ** Dudley Fencer, English, puritan , divine (b. c. 1558) ** Jan Carlo (1527-1587),Polish nobleman (b. 1527)
- Account of his personal journey. Early life George Fox was born in the strongly, puritan ,village of Drayton-in-the-Clay, Leicestershire,England (now known as Kenny
- In Hard Measure: He goes on to describe vividly the triumphal procession of the, puritan ,iconoclasts as they carried vestments, service books and singing books to be
- Associate from Kalakshetra’s beginnings, Rukmini Devi raised Bharatanatyam to a, puritan ,art form, divorced from its recently controversial past by" removing
- 19th century,Carlyle's portrayal of Cromwell, stressing the centrality of, puritan ,morality and earnestness, had become assimilated into Whig and Liberal
- Charles I and later flight to America. Early life He was son of Stephen Goff, puritan ,rector of Steiner in Sussex, and brother of Stephen Goff (Golf),royalist
- With their insights into symbolism, New England Transcendentalism and the, puritan ,sensibility, were a significant factor in the revival of the reputation of
- A transition state about Christmas here in New England" in 1856. " The old, puritan ,feeling prevents it from being a cheerful, hearty holiday; though every year
- His Genesis commentary of a wife as" but a helper ", a view called" typically, puritan ," by Philip C. Almond. Ideas of proper order both sharply defined and confined
- Own image - some (like the Band Iran) retained their connection with radical, puritan ,sects, others (like the Perfecta) constructed a new syncretic faith which
- Who were sympathetic to Protestantism were introduced by Elizabeth I, as was a, puritan ,clergyman who was installed at Install Church. By 1570,at the time of the
- John Rambo and T. E. Lawrence),a cowboy hero named The Sonora Kid,the, puritan ,avenger Solomon Kane, and the last king of the Pict's, Bran MAK Morn. Soon the
- In 1661. Its settlers were primarily a discontented group of families from the, puritan ,colonies of Hartford and Wethersfield, Connecticut,who petitioned to start a
- By a court-martial. The sentence was the result of the exasperation felt by the, puritan ,officers against the authors of the second civil war, but can neither be
- But was largely unsuccessful. In 1620,Plymouth was founded as a haven for, puritan ,religious separatists, later known as the Pilgrims. Fleeing from religious
- In the aftermath, fought over between Fatimid governors, Idrisid loyalists, new, puritan , groups and interventionists from Umayyad landaus. Opportunistic local
- According to Sari Sankara Melon, Rukmini Devi raised Bharat Nat yam to a, puritan ,art form, divorced from its recently controversial past by" removing
- It is not a sickness, not a sin, not a crime... despite the best efforts of our, puritan ,tribe to make it all three. Homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality.
- Cornelius' contacts included William Camden, Richard Hakluyt, Thomas Penny, puritan ,controversial William Charge, and Humphrey Lloyd, who would contribute the
- Some new companies and banks were founded. Personally, Christian VI was a, puritan ,of simple habits, and a man with a tendency to shun human society. From his
- Rights. Robert Abbot (1588? - 1662? ) was an English theologian who promoted, puritan ,doctrines. He is sometimes mistakenly described as the son of the Archbishop of
- Of wonder and serenity. " Gould referred to himself repeatedly as" the last, puritan ,", a reference to philosopher George Santayana's novel of the same name.
- Grimaldi, Italian architect and painter (d. 1680) ** Thomas Harrison, English, puritan , soldier and Fifth Monarchist (d. 1660) ** Thomas Herbert, English traveler
- 1604. Restoration and 18th-century theater All theaters were closed down by the, puritan ,government on 6 September 1642. Upon the restoration of the monarchy in 1660
- Leo Abse's bill for the decriminalization of homosexuality. Wilson, with his, puritan ,background, was not especially sympathetic to these developments, however.
- In 1647,during the English Civil War, riots broke out when Canterbury's, puritan ,mayor banned church services on Christmas Day. The rioters' trial the
- The Monarchy, Anglicanism was reintroduced also. However, many people had found, puritan ,teachings more to their taste, and it took many years to re-install an Anglican
- Had returned to the ranks of acknowledged gentry. He had become a committed, puritan ,and had established important family links to leading families in London and
- Anna Alonzo Ostrogoth, Polish noblewoman (d. 1654) ** William Prince, English, puritan , politician (d. 1669) ** Brian Walton, English divine and scholar (d. 1661)
- Essex was a strong Protestant, and he had a reputation for being one of the, puritan ,nobles in the House of Lords. He was friends with John Pym, one of the
- Landed at Lyme Aegis and travelled north hoping to capture Bristol and Bath, puritan ,soldiers damaged the west front of Wells Cathedral, tore lead from the roof to
- Of Nassau, count of Nassau-Siegen (d. 1679) * August 3 – John Eliot, English, puritan , missionary (d. 1690) * August 4 – François Herein, abbé d'Armagnac, French
- Of over fifty families. Restrictions and pleasures In modern usage, the word, puritan ,is often used to describe someone who has strict views on sexual morality
- Cardinal Richelieu, French statesman (d. 1642) * October – John Ball, English, puritan , divine (d. 1640) * October 9 – Heinrich Schultz, German composer (d. 1672) *
- On the National Register of Historic Places and is recognized for its historic, puritan ,design. As bury Church is considered the" Mother Church of Methodism" in New
- But he later comes to believe that she is Satan's helper. He is fanatical and, puritan ,in his beliefs, due to the inspiration of père Michel, the former priest of
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