Examples of the the word, abdul , in a Sentence Context
The word ( abdul ), is the 12602 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Kowthalam, Adoni, Kurnool (DT. ) Andhra Pradesh. * Hazmat Khan Syed Shah, abdul , Qadri Hussain, Chisthy ALADI Function Halls Staubach is a community in the
- Science at Islamic University of Bahawalpur) . Mian, abdul , khalik, mian Bashir Ahmad. Mian Faisal in
- Khan F/O radar Gujarat Khan, Sardar her Ahmed Khan, Saradr Arab Khan, sardar, abdul , Aziz khan and radar Yousef khan. The first female Ph.D. of the area is the
- E Adam also spent vocation with sheikhs such as sheikh; s jail sheikh Heidi, abdul , qadir Chilton Allan (April 6,1786 – September 3,1858) was a United States
- Was the most famous notable of the place. Other important Sanders are radar, abdul , hameed, saradr Faisal hammed, Sardar ya sir Hammed and radar Imran GUL. The
- Of HAJJ MOHAMMAD HA NIF brother of baby Mohammad Seurat (LATE). Subsidiary, abdul , aziz, CH ZAFAR PANAMA jabber, ch Islam jabber, raja Franglais, ch sheer
- Spent the vocation of summer there the big names of sheikhs are the sheikh, abdul , ghani the Kane Parker the famous name the quiet e Adam also spent vocation
- Aliyul Baker karambit, Calicut, Kerala * Shaikh ashiq-u-rrasool indoor, abdul , qadr mus liar all Madrid, Malappuram * Mutual Adriana shaikh speed sirajudheen
- Mohammed bin Rasheed * 1901 March Alaric Battle: 1200 Grammars lost 400 under, abdul , aziz altar al-Rashid defeat an invasion of Hayes against the Emir of Kuwait
- Gates,1. Babe Danger,2. Babe Sacha Warmest,3. Babe Bodega,4. Babe, abdul , Jabar SHA,5. Babe sale SHA. The city is surrounded by the villages of tribes
- Download * http://the-deen.co.uk/audio/ abdul -basit-abdus-samad/ Abdul basis, abdul , samad Immaculate Heart High School is a Catholic, all-girl,college preparatory
- University (DU) as senior Lecturer in 1949 with m Osman fans, AKMF Hub, abdul , karim and Hate Ali as his colleagues in the department. He became a Reader in
- Sarende supermen moon were must ditto Duke lathe (poetry of Shaheed, abdul , raheem airport)written by Abdul macaque nor from Sarah Gilmore Sharif NOTE=
- Living and minds The district has also faced many popular politicians late main, abdul , sattar Malika, mir Mohammad basis, mumtaz Adam villain, tahir Bahia Cheema and
- Genus of butterflies in the family Lycaenidae. Species (alphabetical) Amides, abdul , Amides aetherialis, Jamides elect, Jamides Aleuts, Jamides aspects, Jamides
- Career never lost election from 1985 till 2002. Always had won election. Main, abdul , sattar was a very close friend of former prime minister main away Sharif and
- Were running efficiently and smoothly. The names of Lt Col SMH Bukhara, Maj Gen, abdul , Hannan, Maj Fatima Sugar Ahmad, Brig Tariq Butt, Brig Waheed UZ Haman Tariq
- People have even participated in 1857 war against Britishers in show. " - (by, abdul , salam year Assani, mhow market chow, jive Sindh) Among the various
- To Mohandas and Chaos. The Land Hear town includes the suburbs of GUL Era (, abdul , kabir khan Kali) and then Russian Bad on the west; which further extends to
- Lawrence) #" My love is for real" ( strike straight up there mix) (Paula, abdul , ; Rhett Lawrence) #" My love is for real" ( e-smoove's fever 7" edit) (
- Convention was held at Fulcher in 1956 under the leadership of maulana, abdul , hamid khan Hasan. Gabbana has a glorious history of anti-British movement.
- Pradesh Kerala state president: SA put hiya valley general secretary: app, abdul , vahab fresh Shire brook is a town in the Bolster district of north-east
- Despair SHA, Natesan Road (near Chennai City Center) * Hazmat Malibu lama, abdul , ali Beirut Bloom Ayyubid an sari Lucknow RA - triplicate (wallah mosque
- Is where the Basal Saunas appeared covered in ashes. Dilkusha In 1866,Away, abdul , ghani purchased the land near the lake of Monowheel from E F Smith and made
- Mushtaq ditto Duke lathe (poetry of Shaheed Abdul Raheem airport)written by, abdul , razaque nor from Sarah Gilmore Sharif NOTE= IN SINDHI dark longer AEN Del
- Soon of his time. Many people accepted Islam on his hand. Defendant of Sheikh, abdul , Wahid (Called Tahiti) and of Sheikh Maulana Mohammad Zahid (Called Zahid)
- Having one son, md Aladdin khan. 2: Sahebzadi Fatimaunnisa Begum Sahib, w/o, abdul , baakhi khan and having one daughter, iqra Tabasco khan. 3: Sahebzadi
- Members namely Hazel and Bell. Hussein, hassan, ibrahim and the young boy, abdul , rahman, played for Al Ally Basses Lobby () goalkeeper of Amalek club, one
- Demon, conspired and using pressure of trade union, exerted pressure on Shaikh, abdul , Rahim,who became seriously ill and later died. After his death, Punjabi man
- Lawrence) #" My love is for real" ( e-smoove's fever 7" edit) (Paula, abdul , ; Rhett Lawrence) #" Didn't I Say I Love You" ( Elliot Wolff; Stacy Pairs)
- Soon of his time. Many people accepted Islam on his hand. Descendants of Sheikh, abdul , Wahid (Called Tahiti) and of Sheikh Maulana Mohammad Zahid (Called Zahid)
- Pakistan village Paula Pushtu, daulo was, daula Burman, daula sultan etc. main, abdul , qayyoum Paula Shaheed Fe sabeelillah also from village Paula Pushtu. He died in
- Tehsil Karachi. Standard khan Grandeur had two sons, Hussain khan Grandeur and, abdul , Rahim khan Grandeur. Hussain khan grandeur died issueless while Abdul Rahim
- Abdus salad download * http://the-deen.co.uk/audio/ abdul -basit-abdus-samad/, abdul ,basit Abdul salad Immaculate Heart High School is a Catholic, all-girl,college
- Is available in market. (poetry of Shaheed Abdul Raheem airport)written by, abdul , razaque nor from Gilmore Sharif achier JE total me moon sarnie supermen moon
- Angora House-Green # Baghdad House-Blue # Cordova House-Orange Headmasters Mr., abdul , azeez Principals *Mr. R. I. T. Allies (Director of Studies) 1983 - 1985
- Amnesty International reports that Shahrulnizam Hamza and Mohamed Akin, abdul , Raof were students at the University who were apprehended by Pakistani
- To join the newly floated National Swami Party under the leadership of Maulana, abdul , hamid khan Hasan, and was elected its vice president. With the promulgation
- Basis Abdul Salad * http://the-deen.co.uk/audio/ abdul -basit-abdus-samad/ Mari, abdul , basit Abdul salad download *
- Sattar Malika, mir Mohammad basis, mumtaz Adam villain, tahir Bahia Cheema and, abdul , ghafoor again also notable jazz UL had Stephan Liechtensteiner (born 16 January
- Stagger,2. Babe Sacha Warmest,3. Babe Bodega,4. Babe Sale SHA,5. Babe, abdul , Jabbar SHA. The famous personality and famous peoples of this city are as
- Abdul Raheem Growing Jo Adam is available in market. (poetry of Shaheed, abdul , raheem airport)written by Abdul macaque nor from Gilmore Sharif achier JE
- Whose tomb is in Duke. *Sakai Khan Ahmed Jan Khan Dakar, sarghari son of Sakai, abdul , wahid khan Dakar warfare of kulak Pakistan. *Malik Had Dakar (JIHAD
- I/index. Htm Petra Specialist Hospital (Batu Phat) hospital Dakar, abdul , samad Medal *http://www.pantai.com.my Pantie Hospital Sunday Petain
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