Examples of the the word, marginalize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( marginalize ), is the 12612 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Beliefs among the people, using witchcraft as scapegoat for all calamities, to, marginalize , imprison, and finally execute people, especially women, who would not submit
  2. And style, but also give voice to the silenced subjects that common taboos, marginalize , The inclusion of controversial topics such as abortion, rape,incest
  3. Their own income" ), This followed a move by mainstream Conservatives to, marginalize ,the pro-Ionescu faction. By the doctor Constantin Strati, the writer Barb
  4. But had little opportunity for a united public voice. They also wanted to, marginalize ,what they saw as the antiwar, noninterventionist views of the Old Right. In
  5. Of North-based NGOs give these disproportionate power to often informally, marginalize ,popular organizations from the South. Massive protests The movement is
  6. Magazine Time, Rakovsky also played a hand in motivating Stalin's decision to, marginalize ,Comintern leader Zingier, by complaining that the latter's foreign policy was
  7. Over media policies; this is a power they have used shamelessly to trivialize, marginalize , and distort opposition to the status quo. McChesney criticized the lack of
  8. As in 1999: polarize the election between the Conservatives and Liberals to, marginalize ,the NDP and then convince enough voters that the Conservatives had to go. With
  9. By state from 1868 to 1966. The poll tax was part of a series of laws intended to, marginalize ,black Americans from politics so far as practicable without violating the
  10. Other controversial subcultures and alternative lifestyles, outsiders sometimes, marginalize ,goths, either by intention or by accident. Goths, like any other alternative
  11. For greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that, marginalize ,public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. " FAIR refers to itself as
  12. Not only 'tolerance' ... but 'acceptance ', and ultimately seeking to, marginalize , censor, and punish those individuals who stand in the way of their multiple
  13. The NLF, became the nominal government. The North Vietnamese quickly moved to, marginalize ,non-communist members of the PRG and integrate South Vietnam into the communist
  14. Of bookstores, saying," I’m not for censorship, but I am for strategies which, marginalize ,stuff that works to objectify women and suggests women enjoy being beaten. "
  15. Working for Catholic Spain) as an American hero, yet simultaneously sought to, marginalize ,recent Catholic immigrants. In taking Columbus as their patron, they were
  16. Throughout. Spanish-language networks typically do not use generic credits or, marginalize ,the credits for network promotion; however during movies aired in prime time
  17. Aggravated by misguided economic policies, political design to impoverish or, marginalize ,certain populations, or acts of war, political economists have investigated the
  18. He influenced, the Peloponnesian Senate. The central administration tried to, marginalize ,Kolokotronis who also had under his control the fort of Nation. In November
  19. Stating that" The press has never done anything but ignore and ridicule and, marginalize ,my music—downtown music, because they don't know what to call it. " A 1999 NY
  20. Instance, a family that identifies itself as peaceful or friendly may punish or, marginalize ,aggressive or competitive behavior of a particular member. That person may
  21. Arrives at Decimal for the first time. Baku policy in this era was designed to, marginalize ,the influence of foreigners in Heroku Japan; and Keeper had to present
  22. By government officials to rig the parliamentary elections and politically, marginalize ,the Shia population. * Barkhagate – The Radio tapes controversy relates to the
  23. From its founding Marxist activist principles and having seen the gay community, marginalize ,drag queens and leather enthusiasts through the first decade of the
  24. Of Armenian. Proto-Slavic. The Roman Empire and then the Migration period, marginalize ,the Celtic languages to the British Isles. * 500–1000: Early Middle Ages. The
  25. Ampere, supported by a majority of the convention delegates, proceeded to, marginalize ,Enríquez and his closest colleagues of the cell Spartacus from the Socialist
  26. World War I. He had seen Prime Minister Robert Borden polarize the country and, marginalize ,Quebec for standing against conscription, with the effect of seriously
  27. In whichever city you need and a reputed business address which would, marginalize ,the gap created by established brand value. ##Live Virtual Receptionist – A
  28. In the third century AD. In his exposition, it is to Cyprian's argument to, marginalize ,the syncretism of pagan belief, in order to emphasize the individual variety of
  29. Between the North and the South, it tends to" favor the privileged and further, marginalize ,the already disadvantaged ". Immigration Uneven immigration patterns lead to
  30. That Unitarian Universalist's are intolerant of Christian thought and tend to, marginalize ,Christians. Notable unitarians include Bela Bartok the 20th
  31. Such as the International Campaign for Tibet have alleged that the railway will, marginalize ,Tibetans in the Tibet Autonomous Region by encouraging further Han immigration
  32. Popular following, the French political system operated to isolate and, marginalize ,them for the remainder of the regime. Following the Com inform meeting in
  33. Marriage is in the law, the next step will be to use the law to stigmatize, marginalize , and repress those who disagree with the government’s new views on marriage and
  34. Contained the overwhelming majority of those who participated. This is not to, marginalize ,those women who did engage in acts of violence but simply to illustrate that
  35. Distribution it is simpler to sample from a conditional distribution than to, marginalize ,by integrating over a joint distribution. Suppose we want to obtain \left.
  36. All of his positive contributions to the revolution. They attempted to, marginalize ,Mao by taking control of economic policy and asserting themselves politically
  37. Rights groups). The remaining 15 % of COINTELPRO resources were expended to, marginalize ,and subvert" white hate groups," including the Ku Klux Klan and the National
  38. Only needs to drop the irrelevant variables (the variables that one wants to, marginalize ,out) from the mean vector and the covariance matrix. The proof for this
  39. The Global Muslim Population. The Sunni rulers under the Umayyads sought to, marginalize ,the Shia minority and later the Abbasid's turned on their Shia allies and
  40. He has been especially concerned about the efforts of the neoconservatives to, marginalize ,an older Right. He has also voiced doubts about the possibility of maintaining
  41. To the $40 PC-DOS. Kendall would later accuse IBM of setting the prices to, marginalize ,him, but the accounts of Microsoft, IBM,and other DRI executives indicate that
  42. Of which fell by about 20 %. The 1959 recession, however,allowed Frontier to, marginalize ,Attogray in favor of Rogelio Criteria, and the former eventually resigned.
  43. Turkish nationalism in the new Turkish Republic which obviously threatened to, marginalize ,them. Jakob Bungler, head of a missionary hospital in RFA, has documented the
  44. The next election. On the other hand, once elected a president can not only, marginalize ,the influence of other parties, but can exclude rival factions in his own party
  45. Authorizing funding for al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades' activities. Attempts to, marginalize ,Persistent attempts by the Israeli government to identify another Palestinian
  46. Rather than quality of life, reinforces entrenched attitudes that, marginalize ,pain management as a priority. Other reasons may have to do with inadequate
  47. To confronting government and corporate forces that they allege seek to, marginalize ,Indigenous peoples. They have challenged the ideological foundations of US
  48. Turkish nationalism in the new Turkish Republic which obviously threatened to, marginalize ,them. Western powers (particularly the United Kingdom) fighting the Turks
  49. IBM of contriving the price difference between PC-DOS and CP/M-86 in order to, marginalize ,CP/M. Harold Evans used the memoir as a source for a chapter about Kendall in
  50. That Rather did relatively little to stop this, having already chosen to, marginalize ,the people he considered to be" B" level correspondents. For a short time

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