Examples of the the word, distil , in a Sentence Context

The word ( distil ), is the 12596 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Try it) and drug use (a“ ” taste” ” every once in a while). Their lyrics, distil ,a commitment to“ ” El Barrio” ” (the hood),happiness, and a positive
  2. Not forsake its innate purity and colorlessness. If a wise person is able to, distil ,all the colored water, it will resume its natural state. The dyestuff can only
  3. Walker opened his own grocery business. Through this business, he began to, distil ,his own vinegar, which became popular in the area because of its constituency
  4. By supporters of James Stuart, he was granted special dispensation to, distil ,whiskey without being taxed. His son (1685–1747) was also named Duncan Forbes
  5. Rush and another population boom during the Depression when many returned to, distil ,eucalyptus oil and search again for gold. There was a proposal for a 98 lot
  6. In the 17th century the mills were used to grind grain, which was then used to, distil ,alcohol; the mills became a major supplier to the alcohol trade and gin palaces
  7. And Dryads of wood. Now, too,can men of learning weave magic into objects or, distil ,it into potions, as well as wield it as a physical force, turn it to spiritual
  8. Were strict prohibition laws which prevented him from doing so, Walker did, distil ,his first barrel of whiskey in 1854,while there was instability with the
  9. Van Den Beef proposes that the stone jars initially may have been used to, distil ,the dead bodies and that the cremated remains within the stone jars represent
  10. Fruits; other is merely looked on and recognize where the smooth-gliding rays, distil ,the perpetual water (the leaves and the root); there is the lord and protector
  11. Wines to be found in the Jerez region for religious reasons, the Moors opted to, distil ,them in order to obtain“ alcohol” not only to make perfumes but also for
  12. Compete with the toddy distil lers in the town of Bombay, who are permitted to, distil ,spirits of any strength and in any quantity on payment of a fixed CESS on each
  13. Wonder writes that" the root of the Hebrew word shecheleth means to drop or, distil , and shecheleth would seem, therefore,to mean some exudation. ” The book of
  14. He formulated an invention to use the exhaust gases from the cement kiln to, distil ,oil from the oil shale. Erection of plant began in late 1923 or early 1924.
  15. And the Coffey still (for grain whiskey). Most Scotch malt whiskey distil leries, distil ,their product twice; exceptions include the Auchentoshan distil lery and
  16. The distil lery didn't open until 1810,the people of Jury were entitled to, distil ,whiskey for personal consumption, until a ban was introduced in 1781. As legend
  17. Mixed Rosenmuller says that the etymology of the word state indicates" to, distil ," and that it was a distil late from myrrh and cinnamon which was mixed
  18. PAR EXCELLENCE” Verna Phantasmal paid him a compliment that no other vocalist, distil ,the purity of a raga and endow it with rich sweetness as Anantharama
  19. Writes" the Syriac etymology of the word, namely,to run in drops, exude, distil , would lead to the idea of a resinous and odoriferous substance of the
  20. 1916 with the passing of the Ontario Temperance Act. However, residents could, distil ,and retain their own personal supply, and liquor producers could continue
  21. 90 % of the" whiskey" consumed is molasses based, although India has begun to, distil ,whiskey from malt and other grains. Kasai Distillery is set in the Himalaya
  22. Turpentine, tar,and pitch from trees such as the long leaf pine and would, distil ,it into products that could be used. Turpentine could be used as lamp oil
  23. Locals and dozens of companies (mostly in the Limassol district) currently, distil ,it. It differs from other European varieties of that its alcohol concentration
  24. Or fulfil. Dr Johnson wavered on this issue. His dictionary of 1755 lemmatizes, distil ,and instill, downhil and uphill. Dropped e British English sometimes keeps
  25. Ver-/beauty, and time ", and Willard R. Espy managed the couplet" I might, distil ,Very-/ona's silver ". A song famous for this style of rhyme was Carlo Guthrie's
  26. From food, merely looks on. 1.164.21 Where the smooth-gliding rays, cognizant, distil , the perpetual portion of water; there has the lord and steadfast protector all
  27. County Vestments, Ireland. A small pot still distil lery, The license to, distil ,dates to 1757; a copy of which can be seen in the distil lery. History The
  28. Wages, also advising that there would be no jobs, no wages if a new solution to, distil ,the oil could not be found. The employees put forward hundreds of suggestions
  29. Head was displayed in Dublin for some time afterwards. *Original license to, distil ,granted to the Old Bush mills Distillery by King James I. Births Deaths *Chair
  30. Daily in magazines, newspapers and internet sites dedicated to finance and, distil ,it into useful information that we can all profit from. " Mohawk provides a
  31. Everything - visual detritus strewn everywhere - my job is to isolate and, distil ,whatever peculiar beauty I might find lurking in the miasma. In the camera
  32. Climbers, which he sifted through with climber and author Kurt Main in order to, distil ,the contents of The White Spider. In particular detail, Harrer describes the
  33. By the Arabic version, ladana... The root of the Hebrew word means to drop or, distil , and shecheleth would seem, therefore,to mean some exudation. ” James Strong
  34. Made by macerating such additives as honey or scorpions. It is women who often, distil ,Landlady and sell it as a source of income locally, often being their second
  35. Law, mathematics,and computer science). In the UK’ll is used occasionally in, distil ,(l),instill (l),enrol (l),and enthrall (l)meet, and often in enthrall (
  36. An artisanal craft for some families who after making wine for themselves, distil ,the pomade in a little pot still. Many high-quality distil led spirits have
  37. Prohibition as well, but alcohol manufacturers in Canada were still allowed to, distil ,liquor for export. A French law forbidding the importation of foreign liquor
  38. Percentage points. In this case the wine is passed through the column once to, distil ,out the most volatile aroma compounds which are then put to one side whilst the
  39. Aphorists in the Western intellectual history. Some scholars have attempted to, distil ,a system of thought out of Lichtenberg's scattered musings. However
  40. The Arctic Ocean. Determine was not only a geographer/cartographer, who could, distil ,from many sources a realistic image of the world, but he also was a very good
  41. Called Route, in Co. Antrum, by himself or his servants, to make, drawe, and, distil , such and SOE great quantities of aquavit, usquabagh and aqua composite, as he
  42. On sustainable urban development across public and private sectors. It aims to, distil ,and develop Singapore's experience in good governance, integrated urban
  43. The" whiskey" consumed in India is molasses based, although India has begun to, distil ,whiskey from malt and other grains. Brand names of Indian molasses whiskey
  44. Fuel alcohol production and major portions of other critical technologies: to, distil ,the fuel alcohol for one V-2 launch required 30 tons of potatoes at a time when
  45. And with original contributions. The literature written about him has tried to, distil ,certain aspects of his work, which already can be considered almost a reference
  46. Medicinal uses Characteristic of the myrtle family Rutaceae, it is used to, distil ,essential oil. It is the primary species for commercial production of Tea tree
  47. Vaughan was genuinely intuitive and able to take experimental information and, distil ,it into understanding and knowledge that could be practically applied to
  48. Drawings incorporated Seurat's terrorist style. An grand had the" ability to, distil ,poetry from the most banal suburban scene ". Name "/IN"> jt3"/> In 1887 he met
  49. PAR EXCELLENCE” Verna Phantasmal paid him a compliment that no other vocalist, distil ,the purity of a raga and endow it with rich sweetness as Anantharama
  50. Of beer called the" wash ". Distillation The next step is to use a still to, distil ,the wash. Distillation is used to increase the alcohol content and to remove

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